r'Concealed knife seized from man walking down ra r- Police focated a large knife on a Lman after receiving reports of 2sumeune wafking clown the road rit acting drunk. Police arrived ai Derry Road, 0 wwwoarenapro.com YOUTH-BOYS/GIRLS 7R 1TO 17 YRS. OLD z 1T 4& 5&6YR.DLD o %%i 1%T NSRC1OA YEAR~ NTUTOA I AD905-451-9275 j OU\--- EAR/ MENS EA TEAMS/INDIVIDUAL 905-840-7370 SUMMER HOCKEY BEGINS near Lighib Lîne, March 7 ai about 9:40 p.m. in response to severaf caif s. A man was focatcd and arresi- cd. Wbîfe be was bcîng searufcci, a knife was founcl, stock down thb Your local leader in Home Securnty 905-878-4634 hack of his pants. A 46-year ofd Sixtb Lint man bias becn charged witb possession of' a wcapon, carrying a concalcd w ap n and lx ng intoxicatcd ni a Taur valued custaoeu We aPOIOgrzu féx Ifter daedrh0- Me hO612 l leo Tanaspoer e3 DVD) Please note that tho no two dissa advern ed SKU 2161357 FUTURE SHOP CORRECTION NOTICE Apple Mao8ook MB467 - upgrodeaod box.i 10Il221/20. Un page 7 of te Maroix 13 ilyx, tho prxduct showos inniorno aurr of $00-00 par month Finxo ng amount uiould show S7.08 par moth for ail sores except ZQuanod $145.83 par morfia for sores in Queot W-WY .adadx. . da - PoliceBloUter public pfac. Icen charged witb trafficking Ani f8-ytar ofd Miflton voinan fias bucit cbargtcf witb cfrcg traf- f fuki ng. P~olice saicf a stbu lu wiifî foui- Oc cufpants suas stofiflcd and invsti- gaiucf bý off ic cis ai birout îcc aîndf Ane Boulevarcd ai abocut 9.4ý p. n. ~Saturfa\ý seizuc i rio thte elii(cs was a quailîit ilof ss'faisfts cfc Io bc inarijciauna. cashî and di cg parapfitr- nafia. Ont of i fi octupiants V', arrusicci C îairgtcf ssifîi irafficking a coin- îroffucf substance anci possession of drugs for the pcirfosc of trafficking is a Mill Stret woînan. [Nxpensive vehicle stolen A vcitl \vortb $47,000 w\as sOien fromn a Bougbion C ruscni drivussay ove'rnigbi -I tcsdlaN Fic 200Q, wbitîu four-door ,,\cura vras siofun b1w unknovs n sus pts. fis u lcicu plate is 11f\C0 Ilýs u nosîfi iflic car \ as locf{us Racist graffiti 1ound Pof icu arc Iosiat galict racosi giaffiti ssýas clîscoscruci at fîîsfîofî fZeifiiig seconduai-\ Schfoof o>1 Main Street. Poficu saicf thi-ut portables ss cru sfiray paintuci ss if racisi ancf aunti Seiunitic \vords sonictinit os urnigbî March f1. REGO Th-ego Proposed Widening Derry Road (Regional Road 7) f rom Tremaine Road (Regional Road 22) to Bronte Street/First Line, Town of Milton Project File: PR-22608 The P lanning and Public Works Committee for the Regional Municipality of Halton proposes at ils meeting on Wednesday. April 15, 2009 at 9:30 arn. to recommend 10 Regional Council aI ils meeting of Wednesday, April 22, 2009 at 9:30 a.rn. 10 pass a by-law for the widening of Derry Road from 210o 4 fanes from Tremaine Road to Bronte Street/First Line. Construction drawings showing the works may be reviewed at the Public Works & Engineering Services Department, Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakviffe. For further information, or 10 arrange an appointment 10 review the construction drawings, please contact Mr. Joseph Choi, P. Eng., Manager, Design Services, ext. 7610. Toli Free: 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866) Ernail: Joseph.Choi@halton.ca Mitch Zarnojc, P. Eng., Commissioner of Public Works and Engineering Services P BI NO E Proposed Construction James Snow Parkway (Regional Road 4) f rom 50 m west of the 16 Mile Creek West Tributary to 50 m west of proposed subdivision streets "B00 and »"0 Town of Milton Project File: PR-2387B The Planning and Public Works Committee for the Regional Municipality of Halton proposes at ils meeting on Wednesday. April 15, 2009 at 9:30 a.m. 10 recommend 10 Regionaf Councif at ils meeting of Wednesday, April 22, 2009 at 9:30 arn. to pass a by-faw for the construction of the James Snow Parkway from 50 mn west of the 16 Mile Creek West Tributary to 50 m west of proposed subdivision streets " B" and "C". Construction drawings showing the works may be reviewed at the Public Works & Engineering Services Department, Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakviffe. For further information, or to arrange an appointment to review the construction drawings, please contact Mr. Joseph Choi, P. Eng., Manager, Design Services, ext. 7610. Toil Free: 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866) Ernail: Joseph.Choi@halton.ca Mitch Zarnojc, P. Eng., Commissioner of Public Works and Engineering Services Sa S .1 IE S S; SII * . -O =1193t] S