We need!t de more to make jMilton a 'green' community DEAR EDITOR: Milton has taken sorne major steps on its way to becorning a green cormounity, but is it enough? Our local Loblaw Superstore is on the rigbî track - only using reusable bags, running haîf the lights ai peak lirncs and lowering the air conditioning during the summer rnonths. Frorn what I've secn its the only grocery store in town to do these things on a consistent basis. We should bc pressuring the rest to follow suit. Why flot run solar panels and srnall wind turbines on the roofs of tbese buildings. Every kilowatt counits, rigbt? Buildings like tbese are boilt to drain power olI the grtd, so why not try to give back to the cornrunity and use less power? New borne builders i Milton, sucb as Mattanmy and Greenpark, bave now Jurnped on tbe 'green' bandwagon. Tbey're providing us wîîb bornes that are envi ronrnentally friendly and power efficient. Still, m'ore could be donc. Flow about builders provid- ing eacb subdivision witb wind turbines or solar celîs that lecd back to the power grîd. These eau be in areas sucb as water reservoirs or in 'green' spaces. Tbis could be used to belp power bousing blocks and local sebools. It will also belp bomeowners out witb skyrocketing bydro costs. lu the pasi live tu 10 ycars tbis îown bas been gîven a major facelift, îranslorrning us inici one of tbe fastesi growing commnunilies in Canada, wîîb aIl the new bousing develop- mnenîs and big businesses mnov' ing io Milton. We owe ilto1 ourselses to be a trend-setier among Canadian communities. We bave a long and beautîful future befure us. Wby not lead the cbarge for the greater good. Let's make a stronger push to go ,green.' MICHAEL EASTON MILTON Cosmetic pesticide ban welcome news DEAR EDITOR: Il was witb considerable relief ibat wc've learned that the provincial goveruiment wîll be banning mosi ehemnical pesticides for cosmelic use on gardens and lawns starîîng April 22. The ban ineludes flot only the use of these pes- ticides, but the sale of them as well. For mure details of the upeorning ban, visit: www.enie.govson.ca/cn/land/pesticides/iindex.l)php. Tbis mecans, finally, thai we, our ebildren and pets eau lise in cumnmuntes without heing expt)sed il) these dangerous and poteuîially haz- ardous mnatertals. f hese materials cau be picked up in the air, un our fcet or on our bauds and gel trapped indours. Wby use thbcm wbcn alternatives work f lsi fineO 'tartiig vis î <or bounder f riRa Rtstok,. sc inembers ol Pesticide Alternatives for Milton bave becu working lu encourage peuple i Milton lu do îhis for several years. Nuis most of our wsork is c oiilltedl I here are înany resources to learoi bios to îtke care of sour lasin and gardenl, ic udîog: 0 flalton Region:sss.atoca/alf/,ri es/hecalthv lawns..gan.len.s 6 Mvlnisîry of the I nsironnient for 0ntarioý wwwcisiec.go\'.on.c.t/ciilt[/I/psti((c,clhaliiîhî ph - [fealîh C anada:s's cs cc/fsssb s'sv/environ/lassn-pelouiscectîg.phpli SHIRLEY AND JIM STEEVES PESTICIDE ALTERNATIVES FOR MILTON Thanks to Rotary Club for hosting gala fundraiser DEAR EDITOR: 1 wanî t0 îbank the Rotary (lob of Milton for hostîng a 7nasked baIl laier tItis mnontb lu raise fonds for tbe purchase of a mueh-nceded san bere ai Community Livtng North Halton. Our ageney is îndeed fortu- nate lu base eommunity part- ners lîke the Rotary C lob lu hclp) us support the choices and per- sonal growth of îndts'îduals ss'îib a develupmenial dtsahtlity Tbrougb îhetr liard work, ibe Rotary Club of' Milton ducs maRec a dîflercuce in the lises of individuals wiîb wborn ibis ageney works, and in nîaking that dîfference tbey affect the coirnnily as a ssholc iii a s'erv positive miner. Many thiatks lu îîwc Rotairy Clob atîd hesi ssishes foi ils con- tincîd good ssorls. GREG EDMISTON, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY LIVING NORTH HALTON Mcn ard-!Cc 11,0 kýccp Là~ iý-ocj following two unrelated incidents 'Tine (?apsules' are gems of infor- mation evtracted from past issues of I'IILOf thie Champion and other publications in order to pi-ovide a window into i m Milton 's pasi. Fxplanator.y comment is sometimes pr-ovided ta place the situa- Capsules O%< tion in context. ______________ October 1912 Lega-Som tim ago J.E.Commission will rush the work of Titchrnarsb, of Agerton, laid an wîning 50 tbat we sball have the information before Police Magistrale power very soon. Shields against Leslie Bradley, Elmer a 0 Bradley and Elmer Downs whom he Farmers Bank shareholders have charges with ereating a nuisance by been notified that they will be unnecessarily blowing the wbistle of required to, pay the double liability. their traction engine in front of bis An order bas been issued by George bouse at Agerton cross roads. The Kappelle, official referee, calling evidence was taken and the case upon ail sharebolders of the wrecked adjourned for two weeks, to lasi bank to, pay the amount of aIl divi- Monday, wben the parties went to, dends wrongfully paid to îbem by the Oakville. The prosecution argued farmers Bank and 100 per cent of the tbat tbe blowing was malicious with amoont due by îbem as sharebolders intent lu disturb bim and the defence under the provision of section 125 of was tbat îî ss'as necessary for tie safe- the Bank Act lhe order wtll bc stb- îy of hors(, schies bo blo\ss ai cross- hoî ti contesîcd hi' rtau' of the îngs. The defendants were bound shareholders, especîally iu Halton, over 10 keep the peace and ordered several of wbom are men of but mod- to pay the costs, $15, wbicb tbey did. erate means, wbo will be ruined if On the information of Elmer Bradley eornpelled tu pay double the arnouni tbe complainani in tbe above case of the face value of the stock for was the defendant in anoîher, wbieh they subseribed. The general charged wiîb îbreaîening to shoot a defence is that the organîzers of the shoigun in front of a vebiele contain- coneeru neyer eornplîed wîîb the ing a load of young people, one nigbit Bank Act, and the certificate was nul last somrmer. fle 100, was bound over legally issued. j.W 1-liott, K.C. of lu keep the peace. Milton and Win. Laidlaw, K.C. of a a l oronto, are counsel for the share- The Hydro-Elecîric hylaw was holders. earried in Milton on Monday by a . majority uf 185, only four electors T.D. Humes- old storebouse, nexi marking tbeir ballots againsi il. tu bis flour and feed store. bas bad a Plainly tbe electors realîzed that a dilapidaîed appearance for vcars, but deleat fur tbe bylaw wuuld inean il will look dîlferent benceforîh. The puîting an end lu the progress ibat building has been raised several feet the îuwn bas been making latterly. and a neat front is being put on il. Il Wiîhouî power Miltons advanîages is beîng fitîed for a moving pieture of situation, water supply, fire protc- ibeatre and will be a popular place of lion, railway connections and ship- amusement. ping facilities would nul make ber T/is tnatiia/ is asscmbled on bchalJ the mnanufacturing centre whieh it is o/the, Milton Hitcîical Society byjih boped she will become. It is Dils who cun be ,cac/îed thr-ough t/w announeed that the Hydro-Elecîric socictî' at (905) 875-4156.