Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Mar 2009, p. 6

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CDr, ;OPINION Whffo has $1 0,000? v Its a good program and it could save more than one Z young life. That's why we're hoping theres a business or Scharitable organization ihat cao corne up wiib the addi- jtional $ 10,000 Halton Regionai Police needs 10 run a SMARTRISK program. Police want to demonstrate to 22,000 biglb sehool stu- dents in Burlington, Oakville and Milton the cernse- quences of risky behaviour. The students are introduced to, young people - ail o[ whom convey strong messages about what happens when an individual fails to take pre- cautions or use common sense. ."We're in the public safety business and we've heen exposed to, a program that we tbink bas value," said Halton police Supt. Signy Pittman. "This program works througb positive messaging." However, SMARTRISK cornes with a hefty price tag - $55,000 to be exact. Poîlicc know the proîgran ireaches its trgui audience. It was introduced lasi year to students living in tbe Halton Hilîs community One guest speaker, Sean, showed bis young audience what happened after he tried to bop over a slow moving train. He lost an arm and a leg. Sean was chosen to speak to the students living in north Haiton because there are more train tracks there than in most communities. For Milton, Oakville and Burlington, some of the presenters will focus on tbe con- sequences of impaired driving. "That's not to suggest that we bave a lot of youtb who are driving while impaired," said Pittman. 'Quite frankly, we are seeing a cross-section of our community demo- graphie arrested for impaired driving. We're hoppful that SMARTRISK will be able to provide us witb a life hero (presenter) who is a survivor of some tragedy related to drug or alcohol abuse." A Rotary club, Hydro-One and I-lton Regional Salety Counicil are among tbe supporters tbat bave already cbipped in for the program. If police raise tbe $ 10,000, the plan is for SMARTRISK to host multiple presenta- tions from Apnil 27 to May 15. We think $ 10,000 is a very small price to pay if it saves one young life. We're confident theres someone out tbere wiiiing to lend Halton police a band in tbis wortbwbile endeavour. MAKING TRACKS: Miltonians (from left) Mike and Fran Frampton and Michele and Gord Dowell enjoy some golf in Phoenix, Arizona. Take your commun;ty newvspaper on your next vacation and send your 'Champion Tracks' photos to editorial@âmiltoncanadiancham- pion.com. Be sure to include destination information and everyone's names Readers Write E-mail your lettcors w aWîtonalxa)niiitncwa cfïiclîion co wn. Please put traffic Iights up now DEAR EDITOR: On Marcb h. inincigbibours aînd I witnessed tbe aitcrmnaib of a terrible accident ai Dcrry, Road and Waîdie Avenue. Severai ofl us bave coniplaincd numerous times about tbe need for ligbss to be put in and tbe speed limit reduced, but still notbîng bas been donc. Tbis is probably tbe fiftb or sixtb accident tbat bas occurred around tbis intersection. How many more acci- dents or fatalities bave to occur until somnetbing is donc? t sgbts need to bc put up now ancî a flasbing yellow ligbt put in before tbe bend in tbe road as you approacb Waldie to indicate Iigbts approacbing. My beart gocs out to tbe woman and ber son who werc involvcd in this terrible accident. DONNA KNOWLES WALDIE AVENUE !LEb Canîata QMamnpiont Mion's Comnnur iy No spaper Since 1860 555 tndustniat Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 5El 905-878-2341 Editoriat Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905 875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 vew/w.mifltoncanadianchampion.com V.P. - Group Publisher Nesi Oliver General Manager Daîvid Hiarvev Editor in Chief J:l F ivî Managing Editor Advertising Director Production Manager Circulation Manager Office Manager Sindy Pare The Canadian Champion, pubtished every Wednesday and Fniday, is a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. Adveroîsing o accepiea on the coodîlion ihai, in the eventlof a typogapica err that parion ai the adverio îng space occupied iiy the erioneous item, iogeiher wiih a sea sonabe aiiowance for signaturse, wii not be cliargea lo, but the balance of lie adueitisemeot wiil be paid lor ai the applicable raie, Tlie pubiilier reseises the îighi 10 ciegoiiue advertisemenis oi deuiine CCAB Audited OCna Ontario Community Neasopapeis Association Canadian Community +N NeWsopapeis Association M li" uburbao Newspapero e n ai o Amnesica Editrsdesk News comfortin& but let-s not getfalse sense of securily- 1 felt a bit funny late last week about the Weeekend Champion's front page story on news that Haiton had been deemed the safest region in Canada. The story seemed strange foilowing the preceding Wednesday edition, which was fiiled with bad news, much of it related to crime. While itfs comforting to know that Halton is considered to be so safe, let's put it in per- spective, If you've been the target of a crime lateiy, how safe do you feel? The fact remnains that aimost no matter where we live, every day were exposed toi the people who would rather steai our things than eamn themn for themnseives, damnage our property instead of find something construc- tive to, do, and drink and drive instead of use an alternate form of transporta- tion. Thar's just the tip of tihe iceberg when it cornes to the crimes com- mitted on us by our feliow man on <' a daiiy basis. My point? Let's be proud to live in such a safe communiy, but let's -T not put our guard down, especial- ly in our growing town. Whiie Miiton's massive expa- n sion brings more good people to, town, it aiso brings more not-so-good peo- pie. And bigger means Milton is an even more tempting target for the bad guys. The best we can do is carry on using the best defensive strategies possible. Protecting ourselves and our property includes ensuring xwe lock ail of our doors - on our cars and our homes - ait, al - times, being aware of our sur- ~4 roundings and keeping personal information safe. t, S' We don't want t0 give the cnimtnais an extra opportunity _____tol vncttmize us law-abidîng citi- zens, do we? Karen Miceli cari le reached at editonal Càmýiltoncanadianchampion. coin. 'l'le ï'îiouu ' i ic s ai>1ot 110ri siaiii s ioi LCOME* WAGON- Jicgle Bell Fund UNITED WAY OF MILTON CANADYA OAV YM 1CA Q A THENA Te01,lcN 'GAI1, ~Awards MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE

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