Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Mar 2009, p. 4

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Dr. David Johnson Dr. Loukas Papas ] Providing Dental Care in Milton since 1993 New Patients Welcome 905-876-4701 www.southviewdental.com zMultiple MS SOCIETY Society of HALTON REGIONAL Il W Canada CHAPTER Presents MS SUPPORT GROUP ADAPTED EXERCISE WEDNESDAY, PROGRAM A k~I aiL ~Milton Leisure Centre MRftlL O-Ifl LUUI 7:00Opm CIBC Manie Avenue @ Thompson and Steeles a Milton, ON MS SOCIETY HALTON REGIONAL CHAPTER 2016 Victoria Ave, Burlingion, ON, U7R 1 R4 Fax: 905-681-1166 905-681-8770 Toll free: 1-800-211-8322 Classes starting soon Register by contacting the office Se eityl Supported by Party tomorrowv for i flO-',ar-0Id -from 100 on page 1 lor beîng flussed over anc ibas always been a source of greal comlfori for ibose aroiciber. "Sewas slndc ai li mes, but -,be aiwavs macle lime four mie wben i needed bier. 1 was s'ery well cared lor," saici soun Jeil Barroîw, Ilbe younigesi and only rcintnining cbilcl ofl toit- - wbo'.s also aî Milicmnian. Aciceci tefi s ,itc loy ce, "Sbe always bias a srnile anîd neyer lois au bad word iii sas abiout aiilyorie., iTbe y'ears ceriainil' biavenit rîîbhed tbe Mancbester natsve ofIlber iienoîries. (aiadys stlI s'is'idly recalîs - at tbe tender age of nune - wilnessing tbe Zep)plini raids durîng tbe hirsi Wiîrld War wiib bier Scoitisbi faiber. And on a mnucb iigbîer note, recoiiec- lions ofiIlber earls encounlters ssiib bcsband- to-be William cone seamlessly iii mmnd. "Ob not ai ail," sbie said, wben asked il it wsas love ai fîrsi siglt. "'Ne boîb worked ni tbe samie office and the girls kepit îelling mie not Iom go otî wvt ii bibcacis lie biac a dît- lerein girl cs crs nigbit. I buse initial tesersai/ns .Niould cseinaiil- Is' gise ss as lii a loiîsiig ciorisbîp) ant i ar- iatgi \\ 1lit,~ ut/i clu/it /5, ttitg iti' ' i lit i andîc laici, tis tut-cl stinc iîibc lchs-~ (lacis s, ,blai-cd bis ls c tii cLanciîîg, andi ic cotîtilc citlcl clii a pircils licait cîg. 1i tîais licc iii tic kýiticci ii,lilmni-' iisses idbscar tîlci s picriîaîis imesit ikniîss ailnlg tainils c fco'str lici- cîilinais c'c cionseis -nti ii iiiiiicci ii ',icl-,itci lcrgad hosi aîa:ii hras stI.sac c 1 started cooking ,wiben 1 was 14. Ms' inother was a very good cook as wett," said tbe birthday, girl, who live on bier own unt tasi year, wbecn a nasty fait and broken bili torced bier to seek futt urne care. IThe Barrows' history isn' iA rosy, tbough. (<lads s int\ daughîer, Anne, driiwned i a canai when shie ssas to ur, and vvbilc gis îng hîrîb to issu more childrcin (including lef ,f) alier a lengthy gries îng period. (atads neyer bad the girt she s ery much ,vanted. And although William escalped more ihan a few close colts durîng is lime as a corp)orat i tbe Lnglisb Armly - during \vbicb bie iwiee found bimsell ssell witbin Germian ter- ritory - bie dîed of a beart attack in 1 966, cuting ibeir union far too sbort. tjaid JefU, "Moms been vâtbout bimn novt longer iban sbe was witb bîm. But Gladys dcsi spend mucb lime clwelling on bier losses. cboosing instead îo embrace bier goltden y'ears. \Vbile soineiesat bard of becaring. sbe c-iîjiîs tistening iii tbe radioî - spcîlficatis \\1740 -as ssetl as, cbaîîîng sviib famnils ancd Xienclte sitait alike. alvvass ssiib an i 1 m tit t t lt- iilc \ýt ha1 h.îi "C bu ct lo a lonig hic? i c'att' cloi base a ciec, sbce saici ssiii a lacigli lxKceping ibings simle t gcs. i o-it takc it cliv tiýii ls ni hlc tir the hosti 1ic es ei s ss lxii inans ss iti oller Glacis s ioniiiross s vitb a xii is etîm ti svili hiribctas \ssibs croin biib tic Quccn ancd ( tici oi (,cicrai iiliiiiiccld atcilac 1 i ' I unl/i t/ c l i- uS/ i ! t s/-Iilt l'uni mt i îoitiO li/tii/lit , (FOR LIFE POUR LAVIE ( înaclîae Societ C ancer canadiene Socîety du cancer June 19-20, 2009 7 p.m. te 7 a.m. Milton Fairgrounds Canadi an Cancer Sociefy Relay For Lite is a 12-hour overnig hl non -competifîve fueodrai sin g eveont Relay gives people the opportunity lu gel together viith family and frieods aod celebrate cancer suroivors. remember loved ones 10st t0 cancer, and fight back in the hope of linding a cure for this »% terrible diseuse. *Regîster a teamn or loin one! Buy a luminary *Participate in the Survivors' Victory Lap -Volunteer at the eoent Register anline at www.cancer.ca/relav or cail the Canadian Cancer Society at (905) 332-0060. - Join us.... WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 FROM 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. for our Team RaIly night at iLoblaws - 680 Main St. E in the Community Boom, Second Level. Corne outIo1 register your team, pick your campsite, and gel more information!. Eveni Sponsor Glu TV Media Spaneer Siephen*n't Sepporie Sponsor Sîpporting Media Sponsor Media Sponsor Sponsor e Supportinq Sper Supperling Sponsor M Supportinh Sponsor Trafalgar Golf & Country Club! immw ~Available-tug W e 905-878-2303 t& /ot*e44tf [fight back"41

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