r Administrative Assistant/ Data Entry/ Reception (N Customer Service If you are inneres/vd in a posi/ion wr/h a mu/ti ' t & et l n _c Faut gremnng Mil/on hesed saes agvncy se//îng brand francbiser mn/h the oppert unîty vo mork WL uT MiEr11A G Ril Ii p nreducîs te tire pvînt & hardmae markets mtrademc/a,/e /aesimtye > seeking a ful/-tîme Administrative Assistent / application. requrres e: O7 uctomer Se ronce representetve. You must Qualifications: Exellent phone mariner, Pari-Time Distribution Sales Representative o have vuperb fe/eptone menuenieme, excell eut gesd compu/er and orgenrzetîona ski/fs, o/reeg cocmmunication ski/tv (be/h verbel end m/i/tee) e//en/ion te de/ail, acceuu/îng hackground iv an for Ports Cruising Guides and are eh/v /l precent informe/ion in a cleer, eveef. Duties: 0e/e entry of cuv/omvr erdere, Revpouishîfîtivo include: Gv/d catlîng nem or non-sevocvd business mn/hie z çîrsfessrvnal and s/reîgb/ferward manner. genera administrative support, the marine commuer/y in Souhemn Ontari, work mn/h and eecevd sales LD Secceestul candide/e must e/se he profîicîvut in targets, rvspond te telephone sales inqoîres, addreso Client concerne in O.MS Office and ether softwere applicatins. Please e-mail resume ta: a /îme/y and profevenona mariner, work direct/y mn/h dealers te kvvp Dutres mnIl inciade administrative support /ire mikep@weedmancanada.com guides current and ru stock. emner, asering pbones, erder terocessîng, /i/easr j- c/mi Da/a fin/ny C/enk wi iii sibi'ýr n i Si/ e eeîoeOerh/e S/so îgeG av xvi I,>~~~~~ hepnOnhpooînedmr /iify th/i ssmece fo naaicevic iiaDe iio ence an ase. se/id castemer service background stroeg în/vrpvrsonai z Please tax your resume ta ski//e, excellent tîme management ced erganîzatron ski/fs, sv/f Starter 0 The Paint Channel Corp at (416) 628-1537. mn/h the chili/y te muli-/aok, e//enion te de/ail. computer skif/s, hîgh ener- _____________________ 1 F/T Receptionistl Admin j gy ced positive ettitude, ecellent erganîze/îoua ekîls muet have a oa/îd Administrative Assistant - Part Time Ycu enjcy wcrkîng in a emnaîl companty envîrvement compfe/îng administrative recpcncîbltiec. Your Microcoft coftware ski/ta cnd internet searcir ekilte are well deoefoped. As an independent wcrker you are comfortcbte receiving instructions and ccmpfeting thre tackc wl/h litte additionat information. When tîme permite, ynu are cum/ortabte makîeg vutbvund celle te vrganîza/icnc and trade shows /v enquire about vppcrtanitiec for oun companry. Ycc are net reqcired tv celI our services, mere/y develnp prospects for the compvny /v contact after yvur initial inquiry. Verbal and mn//ten ckîllv are one nf your admîred capabrlîtiev. A cvmpetî/îoe wage wîll ire prou.ded for thiv position that may sen/ nrom four ta toc liiov yen meek Tapply for this Milton based business, L o please e-mail your resume ta andrewwall@sandler.com Thank you for your interest. J To boo .orcre opru Neecfed for a Busy Construction Company in Milton. lApplicant muet have ecellent telephone manner, mn//ten and verbal Englivir vkillv. computer kvewledge (Wvrd. Excel), be highly crgavîzed and efficient witir the abili/y te, multi- teck. Experence with A/P and Gary Jvnav Svftware Systeme iv an ascet. Generalfy, duties fer fhie position inclvde telephane receptive. greeting clien/v, mail and courier revpvnvîbîiî/îee, filing, full cycle A/P asing Gary Jonas Software, and maîn/aînîng inventories. Please e-mail resume: into@cipgroup.com IOptom et ric Assistant req uired f or maternity laefer lab manager. Spectacle lenv eoging experience requtred oodcommunication killvl and1ajention tocetail necessar.Pljjov repl/ in mrîtîng via lac Io0905-702-1600 or by mail to Or. Carolineveéke & Associa/ev 99 Sinclair Avenue. e310 Georgetown ON L7G 5Gti Whct me offer Great income potential, mnileagu. bave Salary, newaro ng opportuntîev for dvvelopmien/ and adoancement. If you moula kv te pursue a remardîng career wîth an innovative leader in the media indus- /ny res npportanîty may be the right oe for you, lnterevted candidates are avked te tormard a revume yod avaîlahîlîty t0 Alecandria Anchor aanchvr@ metrvlandwevt.com or fax 905-842-4810. Me/îo/aîid West Media Gnou/i is ari e/uai // iuorai/y co7iploypr We /haiik a/i apicai/s for f/nciî iii/es ioeu iver 00/' se/cc/ca1 applicao/s ci// be cori/acted No p4une ca/Is or ageoicies /i/easi Alexandria Anchor, Distribution Manager Premier Publications and Shows & Formula MWedia Croup Phi: 905-842-6591 ext. 247, Fx: 905-842-4810 aanchor@metrolandwest.com Hiring Experienced lmj eilSalesI3tp a Rtl alIeHelp Advertising PO E ZO EFT S CU ISalespersonl j recruiting for SPreferably ci/h list COMMISSION BASED SALES PERSON Sedresume ta: I P asecnactCath/Gaiag r a edior234 Ioa, alllghryowerzone c a hotmail.comn Orc l957217 Ntielemans LEiinteriors iv ioohnng for a mature respenenie persen wl/h retani eperence. Knemivdge et floort covering prefenabie. Muet have a flair for decoranng and ne miiîg te mork pent-tîme venings & Satvrdvyv. Apply in persan with resume ta: IL 340 Main St., Milton Medaa, Dental Sma/ retîrumeer home ne ac/ovily svekîng an RNIRPN Licensed Health Care Provider for 3 eeys/mvek and t mvvkvsd/month. The succeseful applîcant muet pessese a love for1 seniors, a Ila spirit, ecellent communications vkr//v ced/bhe ahi/i/y te mali-/avk Please fax resumes ta Maude Flanders ai 905.333.0468 Ho/a oeteestaurat HiddentLake Golf Club t1137 #1t Sîde Read NOHRING FoodlBeverage Ai Positions FfIT -Pff OPEN HOUSE SAT March 21 lOam - 4pm_ EUROPEAN HOUSE cear Meicl Den/al, c p r a ' a.y * ~ . e", / muer as rO a' c'are Fr,,rr anc o0a/ Or mia i -z 262 Divex ev GearQeiro c1 G 4G3 nS -510r/5 éénnac--jtiùiuiCa iy9562--4 cl-%sfo-lÊh-1ntc>i cos563-1 Jason and Mouissa Whetham (nee Soucie) and big sister Madison are pteaevd to anuvunce the arrivai vf Aaron Lucas. Bore February 14, 2009 et 4:55am, meighing 8 ire 5oz. Welcomed by Nanna Janet & Acet Sarah, Gramma Shelley, Grandpa Gord, Uncle Seau, Great Gramme Denise, Oreat Grandpa Victor, Oeedee & Gravdpa Conrad. Thanke te Or. Wifkinson & the nuroses et Milton District Hospital. Birthday [ii n kick, nd she an umpTI icause shes50, 50lpars old!I Happy 5Oth Karen From famlly & friends T 0 bok .u itdyanuiein Stag & Doe Stag & Doe Chrîs Hunt Il katie Mcide Sat. March 21, 2009 - Spm Thompson Memorial Arena Milton Tickets are $10. & $15. at the door[ VorPieRaffles, Food, Cames BorPie,500 Announcement crîd gots wlt wive c voucher tenl F-Èorthcoming Marrna vee are pîal ou arrevance rie lorthcomîug mer/rage et Patricia Pearce, daugir/er of G/en and Fran Pearce of Mil/vu. ta Jason Maggiolo, son etoec evn nd Ferdîsando Maggîoo of Ge/phý Thre meddîng mil take place Mey 2, 2009 in Acten, ON Gervais Ronald F. ("Park") 3 yearv ago, Mcrch 20, 2000 He bcd a nature yvu couid not ne/p. Looîrg And a hvar/ thet mec purer than Goid AndcI thoue mho keew him b ioved bim Hie memory miii neyer grec cotd. Tire epecia yearv miii not returo Whvn v wvrv ai together But mitr tho love mithîn our Peonts You wîii be mîtb us forever. Sadl missed by Orace, Oarlene, Oiane Oebbie & families. /îî /aVnn inniai/il Tom Telter // on/y fahnes a /i/t/n 5/ian i Tu ci/e bac in/ne/ ce miss ciii 8ut it vî// /ake tire neuf of oti I /ves To foîyet tire day ce /us/y0" Love Patty & Tammy Public Notice INVITATION TO BlD Conracted drîverv neeoed for rural route deiî ery of papers flyvos and other prodocte ta, ad- dresses in Jerveyvile. Alirerton, Gopetown. Aecavter, Oundas & Stoney Oreek. Oelîoery oe be compieted Friday by bem. EMA IL VOIR BIB TO: hpan7icucci@tbespec.com Liiccs//i foi i'i CO/Yei0iC fo iiicnycir/u Garage sale WVHAT cIeans out your closets, basement or garage? A GARAGE SALE Ad in the Milton Champion! Friday edînion reaches 23,000 homes en Mil/on ana pour cosu is as 1tow as *$25,vo + gsn. (tne rms & conditions applyf For info. anrd ne place pour ad en the Friday edînron, tuse cct/ the Ctassified Depe. an 905-632-4440, Mon n 8:30 a.m. te 5:30 p.m. DEADLINE for Friday edînion is Wedînsday at5 p.m If youe Garage Cale is rained out yeu wvoe'r gel soaked if pou bup our Raie Fr orection for an additonat $5.1 Notifp ove office and wvell re-rue the sanie ad, winh a date change, atneo charge within the next 2 wveek period. Noue: Your ad aise appears on-lie ant hatnsearch.com F Announcement Place your Engagement Announcement or Anversary Celebration here. Cal 19 05. 8 781.2341 cwMLwN GENERAL trerng r-eiied ru svrr/, v asemear Paira g lüs ý l Free Fsiiares HARDWOOD FLOORING carvaîva r/4 Cuid ra E ereeeîed frva s 2.9 -_i 9056433313 n86vi/- HOME RENOVmOIONS .-u ouid yau ile a quai i ed Hme ver uer ofiU ceci lai p ', i. ec, iv SPEcIALIZING INFri aug Diail & napinre Na anb an aer' 17 yeci, exil Besenîierîv, ed1oa v ifg, Fins Cerern Cai $15 MATH/ o b ok your n Memoriam-