TPae nAd, .1 587 .w24*Ea:ýlýýý ý Q X05III6 e865 classil lods AD SUBMiSSION: Oy marlon in penaon an Barlingnon Penn, 5040 Marnmag, Oeit #1 lit.ngten ON L7L 7G5. DEADUNES: Monap5 Sp.m fan Wednesday pablication Wednnseiay N aim fer Friday pabicatioa. Specrai Feanare deadlînes mac valy PAYMENT Wn wiii accnpt cash. cheque, Interac, Visa. MasnerCaed, Amerncan Express. Basiness accaents map 6e opennd mvitk an approonni credit application aoaiiabin Inoas yon Sains Consuant. CHECK YOUR AD THE PiROT DAY IT APPEARS ta ensare ns accaracy. The Canadan Champion wiii non be responsîbie fon any errars appeaeing alner nhe lient day ai publication. Il an errar appears in oan adl, contact pnae Sains Consaltant mvithin 24 hoans of puablication- Frîday and Weehend publication errons mont 6e reporina belone 5:30 p.m. an the foI!oming Mondiy CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Mooday to Frîday 9:00 arn 5:00 p.m. CLASSIFIED AD INDEX: To book yo Reaistate 100- 13 5 - B usîness 140-169 an o ncm n ca *Rentais 170-196 * Leisure 200-239 *Cormuaoîty 240-299 * Merchandîise 300-385 *Automotioe 400-470 - HeIp Wanted 500-570 90 .8 8. 34 -Services 700-795 ior Circulaticon inqures, please cati 905-878-5947 I ~ ~ ~ Apa ments & C Apurtm;eots & BomFooAtce Auto Car Flots For Rent Flt orRn For Reet Rejt Waoe Avaitabte Fo Sui GEORGETOWN. 3-BED- MILTON. BEDROOM M AIN / M A e T 1 N .CARPETS/ FLOORING. 011, 100E & Filier, OISTRESS Sale - Bank Foreclosures ROOMrman flor,icose to w/separate TV mnnrichare FANTASTICrnssming thlslr drect, CT o $15 VO lmsst cars wrth ail mentie , audry ki la proram wit ECEincude 50 off Thusads f car ad), undercoating cars solo Free list of Bank owned properties. a2 parking. Fist/ast. $500/mo. Frrst/last mme Kirdermusik, languages, pets in stock. Mary Seloas $39.95, wrrdtrl re- Receive a Free Computerized printout. $1, 300/morth plus doate. 905-691 3018. dance, Jolly Phorrcs. Math, manuacturers cost. Pro placeT from $150.00. oew Pre-recorded message .V R u t 1 1t ie s a 1I T rgacrc Food, & troch tessional nexi day Installa teres fromt $40.0GO Guelph 1-888 412-9651 est 1042. 647-203 1504. MILTON CLEAN toroîshed more. 9 12 dadly, cionrai tor. 905-281 1722. Auto Sales, 35 Gordon St. OR__________ roum, T.V small lridge, lunch ard dash sports 519-829-2222. ORl MILTON 3-BDRM semi, A/C, share baih Suite Tuesdays 122. 2, 3, or GAS SNOWBLOWER GLNEE OR PRMNS 2 storey, close to 4Ot & quiet trdy work rrg Terson 5 day option. Curmont and S250, Crin $175. Charge GLENEDENCOUR APATMENS ST, 5Sappi. A/C, hirettlace, $520/mth n $ 520/deos September openings. tasle $100 King bed, Honn eLitaece iealtyt n kenag Independerfiy 122 Bronte St. S., Milton 3 patking with garage. it Non se oker onl 2898789577o n rame & seadboard $350. 905 29 1D1 veticaca - 9T5 878-0816, Towoouse * Aurieots& MITON COUTRY yleMILTON ON Hssi ~ Seir OT TUB (Spa) Coaers For Sale E f FasFrRn aeen n ighoro tome, gsasndtfoo 20 d/edrose se r Sevies apc & e a hPtIEI'tll FREEHOLD ToiWNtpsaa fro reuifldwnonMlo dcc large yard cls to incuaie 6422()4I e SEEKING LIVE in edr wwwlecoe puysa H000E, Milon open con DOWNTOWN MILTON . Eayacs umjr hgws.GTnit dotni ai aTT iances getne m O U! upgrades 34 dm, 1.5 e2Millide Dree sopn1 admr 905 875,0201 Public Notices lh eed .5m cý 208 n osdr o ) ep yi h b delentf) Mi isea es rS 0eHyo( Tt e MLTON NEW urne Tope'r s tnarg li,ý i& cqn edrea r stTti. Iy. $266.000. Decrease in I smndry tac. 10y and prise if monigage thîoo h social noon on site. Scotra. Caii 905-514-3488 Begulan nesîdent ements Open 7 days anîriresý Derry/insmo on ares Acai rinow 416 640894ý ROCKWOOD. LARGE Oic ioniae Home on t 2 asc rat ATtIranceb inc,.e,, Moidern ans ..Tdated $1,350/month, lîrsi last $19 856 9994L STEE LE S/TRA PAL GAR 2-BEDROOM Stese saiS di u bt e g ar ag e $1,350,lmiE, Asailabin May lot. Eaei in clod ed 905875-4632ý ForI Reot awitOutd EXECUTIE. NEW 3fe chianceas garage, Mîrnon $1325 "mo trios uire Mai Iti 41f58773047 GEORGETOWN, SMALL 2 Tedroom senîr Resova Cd, $1.000/monts olas ai litres, Pirut/tast/retresc es rcouicd No smon tO Tets. 8prri ti Cati 905-846-5449ý MILTON 3-BEDROOM Townhoose, Milton, in crude s 4 sootrarîces, 3aaiabie April 1I close to Mai, 1.5 baths To aiea cati Conrad 905-876 5581 MILTON. 3-BEDROOM toanhoose, soscroa , oea Tarot/ carpets/ tions, 2 aTTirances, $1250n o, Tpo ai S u r 1tIre S 905-84801417, MILTON BRANDO e large 2 sdi tsar irous Vîlage Honme End Uit, sin gip garage OC, 5aOl t 1 bath. sl22$'mini a uiltires Asaiabie OVnil isi 64 7 202 2494, MILTON NEW Semer Cruved un 3 Tied 2,a batIl fliors, Siarlsics Steel 000 s, Master ensui te, Hunme seclrt sysiem in clmded. AVoslaT C May. $1550,,nissih o llltý, Call 905 691 3450ý MILTON NEW Townihos 2 bedrrnsm. 5 soT in ces single ganage $tz a ii uaiities Avarrabe lîimne draiciy 905A085910 RIENT MEII secrgetow sptrciess brig g 2 0drm tsarnue, connu. May lest 1tn $1î O rit Pinter ri srirokî g/ trete. 90589776001 Asowliee ws c ni eousscoc 4 'i bo kyoa Piease cari tan deta. - ast I Cre gio e cm F I bain centre BRAND NEW nasaeve delesnhamster cage anttin as bedO ng & lie 0d $3 0 9G5 5930ian POOL TABLE, Brand Nem, eIiu bsn oird Wood, i Siate, AV cessrie Cosi $ïý00 nei $a.9S0, 905 304 1,99d TREADMîLL IS eotorie, elcic i tells yoar tin-c shoos gi1i hoasekeeong, rti cle eart e cine r e al & se ýrg M ForSale ei i C5~~al 900 814 1415t lO h AIL NEW Aeds Pius -p aac r iws 10 15 thickneo wiri a,, Aa table ic T Dounle $250 Articles Waoted EXPERîENCED ECE. ,c Men or au mai ALI BESTC$SP, Moi o (,fein Kul tr s u C,,, aCe e C asý Jý l ery Goc i ui ire sie ai a a y S Kng 5 Ca e91,Dao hn homenvi orme ný Day f1 07 sdmoor s jdýo activiies CARPE 1hv se ra Ro lDutnS ro ki a Il ages we ne exeliC t t,000yad cfnw Sa Al ntqe uris ng, r, e e rol tbe Masietat 905 8M791 Wil o iiiro atr& c pcaitTpCs.Cl y a r4 MUST SELL Q1Hn Ibargaîn centre Klbangaîn centre M bargain centre M bgan centre Place your FREE ADS one of these thrieie easy ways ZLIe QLanabian Qbamnpion orjust fil! out thîs coupon 1i Mail f0: Free Ads, 555 Induotrial Drive, Milton L9T 5El1 2. Drop thîs coupon off af. The Burlnglon Posf, 8:004 nm 105:30 p.m Mon. to Fît 3. Fax this coupon ta. ý905> 632-8165 NO PHONE OROERS PLEASE *15 WORDS, 1 DAY(suNDAY), ITEMS $100 & UNDER PiaiepartyonyTAdspulsnedafisl aateoppsr f n ict o ai e r oa i taianiene AYo TuCvrly8topdTdidT AD io~ ~ ~ E E E PRICE PHONE NO. PLTASE PRIN1 AtrO WioL BE SORTET 80 ITEM NAMAI ADDRESS__________ CITY___________ POSTAL CODE_______ HOME#_________ fiis numTeî must appeari n ait Bus-lngton Post ZJjr <flabian Qtbatnpion The Oakville Beaver Indusria Com . pecial REASONABLE INDUSTRI- AL anîts f or nent 1600 3200sqft artS ioad n gdocks & c rim v n. 90 - 27 79 347 or 905-275-6834ý SMALI PRIVATE offrses bentii appornîed Amy 2 5 & 40 1. t -9052 277 934 7 on 905-275-6834. Optunîties 50 YR.OLD Disriîbution Company iookrng ton crne trinrs Flenible Oson aonk monm home wwEffecive-Success.con M0rgage, $SMONEYS$ consoirdate debis montgages S10 95% No incone, Bd credît OK! Betten Option Mntgage #10969 1-U0O 282-1169 ww.ortgageontanro.con E-BDRM country cottage, 10 Min to Milton, $700/nth. Retined coopte pnefenred. 519-853-4334. 1-BEDROOM AVAîLABLE Aprîl ti Ail utiires/sable irerlde aCle, 1 parking $800/monin irsi ast No pets/snok ,n g. ýat 519-853 3096 Acton. 2-BDRM APARTMENT i Milion, nain ti ""r banga oas, $1 300/mis, onritres in ciule Avaisple Aprîl It Cati 519-853d4528. 2ND FLOOR Tacrelor and t TiedroPn aparimecis dowantoasn Georgetoasn, Quiet buiding. So sninn TO /pets. Leas reomqned Prom $675/morriS plus. 905-702 3301 ACTON / Ronseassdi ry apsrtmenns and sein niencrai strace sariaple.O n: osasa rentre masage tion an sall i tte ai ACTON 1-BEDROOM aparîmncnî $657 nients plus Sydro, tinsi 551t fiîdge/stove. AmailsOie Apr lot. No pets pneteired. 519-853-4 721. * & eenings I ICai 905-876-2491 ACTON 1-BIEDROOM aparinent. Amartable Imme drateiy. 200 Churchll Road, South. 5880/month utfitres rncioded. No petsý Cati 519-853,0087, ACTON I-BEDROOM ap nentht fiaicony. Amaiabie nmedrsteiy. 5880/montS utrirtres rnciod ed. Quiet Buidrng. No pets. 192 Chorchil Boad South. Cati 519-853- 1281 ACTION 2 apaninents. 2 bednoon artS primate pa ra, 5925/montS plos utrirtres. GEORGETOWN SObTH 3- bedroon ireehoid ban- home, $1,600/nonth plus otirtres, GETOETOWN 1 bedroon connu ai Ose Sands, $1,100/nontO plus TydrT i Eirzabeth Doeli, Sales Bnp. Johnson Asso- crates 8alton Ltd, 905-877-5165. ACTON APARTMENTS meny clean, quiet building artS taundry facrirty on site. Api.s avanabie Open 7 days & neenngs. Sane day appromai - Cati 1-519-853-4374 ww ACTION FURNISHED bahlnSutabie foi Sin gin. $525/nonth plus hy- cri. Cail 519-853-9014, please inave message. AVAILABLE 2-BEDROOM apaninents sn Georgetown. Waik to Main Street and GO Transit. Sîluencreer Osas crs. 905-873-880 amas reaisisi ca GEORGETOWN I-BED- ROOM sparinent in nnrpien artS aakomi in bsskyard. Ocaiabie May Iti No pets, Cati 905877 2651. GEORGETOWN I-BED- ROOM availal sOie sneiy. Most Lln litres iscluded, Beierences. $ 7 95 /m ontS Cati1 905-877 5536, GEORGETOWN 5 B3EO ROOM basement. Inciodes sepanste entrance, park ing. Seating/hydro. ater, basic cOie, tridge,/sice. $750/morts Ausîlabie Apr ,Msy It i Prsi No pets/smissi roail 905 873-0436 G3EORGETOWN i B3ED- ROOM ri girlt Oasemeni strariment. Parking, soun dry, appiran ces. Clcan spa clous. $750 monnir, finsi last aid netenenses. 519-856-9994. GEORGETOWN I-BED- ROOM, neaiy nenomaied aTanien Womid soit ns ton e penr s o nt s i $695/montS inclusive, AvailaTie rmmedraiely. Call 905-702-9261. GEORGETOWN 2-BED- ROOM saaimeni Clean, no trets. Preler couTle. Pinot/ ast and net enences. $900/mocîi inclusive. May lot. 905-877-4194 GEORGETOWN 2-eEG- ROOM ba Semesi spart ment. $900/montS. AvarlablC ATril lotý Fîila No smok ng/Tets, Relenences. Cati 905-876-4437. GEORGETOWN. 2-BED- ROOM legar basemesi aTatirnent. $950/month in cimorme. Avsile April It P rot/ taon No stnock i ng T peltS C ari 905-866-2673. GEORGETOWN BACHE- LOR. $600/montS brus nA dro. Large T pr arking, onnanic garderng, aking traits, Great location ion eti orented trerson. 905-877-5959. GEORGETOWN, LARGE 2 bednoom basement aTartimeni artS separate entrance and lsmndry. $850/montS plus otirtres. No smoking/Tpits. Cail 416-856-1485. GEORGETOWN. NEWLY renooated 2 bedroon in toontiien AmaiaTie Apnril lot. $950/montS plus hy- diro. No pets/smoking, fînsi/last reenen ces. Cati 416-200-2143. MAYFAIR MILTON ac ceping applications ton 1 bdrm saralabie Jonc 1lut rate tf $875 Preter ns pets Fon nor si icali 905699 1398 MILTON t bedrassi biasbelor basement api. w setrate etrsnc c 6 acu 1 or tub 'amaisabe Apr i i on sooner. Preten NOS smsk ng rodrordoal. Heai. nydro, caOlc, internet, parking, snared sounri rscdcdý Launier and Bronie ares 905 878-3356 MILTON 1-B3DRM ange, brîgst bssement api. Nea y renooated, slired en trance, oisoble ton single Tenson. $800/miS ail in olsîme (cabre, Prgh spees ternet ci nr ets tir i I asi retenences neo Avasîlabe Ati Iti 905880410 clame ires sage) RURAL MILTON An PcrnisSed 1lodrîn p i n gici. 4-picc bath, satellite TV a5Cce5, [aundiA, park .ng, nos smoking/ Tels, $675/miS, FinstP iast/ net enences. 905-876-1686. MILTON tar,-L Tasement aTt. priate ec inance, large T ackyar d tînepta ce & iaundry Sartable tor 2 manîmani trieter ns smokirg trets Pirsi i/ast/net s/cnedin ceck reo. $925/mnuS, ulites ici ses 90 54d62 1988 MILTON LARGE 21fTors. aoailaSie ATnr It SI1 S/miS T arng Cati Jat 416 723-4801 MILTON, TWO Tedroom aparte nS groond tison nasseý $1150/nis loci otilities. reterer ce s 64 7 296,6746, Condsminîmium 2-BIEDROOM Corso, ATrîl Iti Brans Oea. TTer con opt. 2 fll Satinons En- sorte ia.ndny. 1 Taring Close to GO/ 401, $1,27 plos utiiities Pieler ns pts, non riok,ng 647 292 7597 MILTON - Conary Condo Village Parc, excellent amniries, close ns Town and Go transit, flexie 905-699 1064. 1860 SQ ft, 4-Tedroore Matiam yin Haailrsrne Village. $1450wu ites Osaildble inimedran e . cati Chinstfor more ilso nit aies 416 209 2586, 2-BEDROOM ISOUSE, Hen tage and Boosîrd $1.000/moni plutri ..iities. ATTiras C and anr R ef e ren c es Cal 905 455-8202, 3-BEDROOM, 3-WASH- ROOM Townnoo se wrth fi istred itasemner i ai Main and Sinclair in Mltonr Rent $1295/no Coriscs Vii ay 647-50023279, 3-BEDROOM HOUSE ttc cent. $1,200/nîrntîrlu utrîrtres 2 tredîssies, 5 atrtr ances, deck, large yartd Gas test, V C Cati 90 87 V 8267 aller 4.0CTIs BRANO NEW 3050- s ilý home suailabre ton ent $2100,m ns uTi lities. or $650 nîs loi an rodrordoal ionm Avaariabie immedatelA, Cati 416 996 4621.