F77', Located at BRIGHT & SPACIDUS HOME IN GLEN 88 ABBY -Grand foyer entrance, mn tir 8 0Main St. E., Iaundry & den, sep dis rm, liv r, kitcheni at the Scotia Bank, w/w/n to deco, tamt rm w/fp, master w/5pc ensuite, wtti closet & sitting area. 0n a we are here ta answer huge lot, fenced yard & interlock waikway. any and ail questions. Lower level w/w/o to d. 58,0 OPlHOUSE su. muaci 22. 1-3p. PNNUEse " 2.-p 56 Wiit m 725 Ainfoisa 1f08.U BEAUTIFUL HOME WITH PLENTY TO PERFECO 5108588 "ME. Osonrs a Irg living LOVELY CROFISIDE MODEL BEAUTIFULL SEMt LOCATED IN CENTRAL ENERGY STAR TOWNHOME EFat- CONJ3O APT 1 I IGM DEMANO OFFER Lrg liv rm w/p t iights, eat-in kîtch wice- room O/L the brnaktast ares. Lrg eat-in kitch c/S/ open Concept design & oery celi maistined. MILTON- Kitch w/dalo cherry cabirets. bk buar nkthwat &m i aies BIDN ouiu ic tteecmn ramic tirs & bckslash. valarnce lighting & c/o ao S tridge, stove, ceranric tirs & c o ta tulle tenced itesnooydcclms eai &crmcfn.Lvr înw.Mse ciel h wpanty & *l anbne s MUII G odEutktch Lrew msthe Se cr teniced yard wlaggregated patio. Oak otaircase yard. Spacious 2nd level crith 3 generous sized kitch feswot d e ounri&cracfr.Lvrm /hw.Mse // ndilPrd E-nkthLrgmse b / gaod aize bdrms, mbed w/4pc ensuite &5w/i closet bedroomu. The master W/ 3pc ensuite cisoaser tub tir & overlooka liv rm, sep dis rm c/pot itghts, closet & 4pc ensuite. Nec paint T/O . neutral Liv/Dis rm combo, 3 bdrms, Mbed double closets & fll ensuite bath Open concept Main fir lausdry & acceas to garage. Lrg concrete e c/i dloser computer nook in the 2nd iloor hallwuy. osto siaircasea, master cith 3pc ensuite & ygi decon & upgraded light fixtures. Largo enap w/semîi ensuite & w/i cisset. Close tu liv/dîn, ensuite lavndny heny brîght & spacovo. aggregated ponch entenids to sîde path leading into Beautituly landsaped euth store pathway-groar cioset, foyer citti cenamic tir & more, short porch, close ta achoolo, leisutO centre & soOp- nec paint & tioorîng througitout. S249.910~ or the backyard patio. $287,800 value, don'tmiss his one! $284,90 walktIoschools U7 Wping. $272.800 transit& shopping! S259,90,1 i 1' OPEN CONCEPT EXECUTIVE TOWNHOME SEMI IN MAIN ST. VILLAGE FOR ILASE GREAT HOME JUST Î% SHIORT WALA WN UNill TOWNHOME FOR grArt Huge Bright 3 ÇSTORUs IIWNHOME <-SP LhAýE C2REAF' FOR F'ST TIME A'JlERS OR bacoing osto treed ravine, ea-in kitcitw/mapie - Mais flr W/hdwd fins, eat-in kitch w/w/o TO TRUDEAU PARK close to shopping & Foyer WîCoramic FIns. 2nd Lovol Open Concept 3 stsrey tswnharne "Ashfieid" modeli NvESToRS - 3 bedroom townhome cabinets, boy wirdoc & b/to bar, lvi roc/p t de & ful tenced yd. Master w3pc transit. Separato drning noom, open concept &r Planad S/S Ea- itc W FP ratndB W reT w/upes concept t n atrbd ihudae ralon ice to baicosy upper ievei vauted ceilingo, master el &Ugae /Ap.LvWFAnW0Torosm w/m/i claset & semi ensuite,wih pdtdbalom kihn& bay wisdow O/L ravine, main bath wsoaker tub & ensuite & c/i clouet, insîde acceso t to itchor & living noom. Good sîze bedroomo, Balcony. Located Behîsd A Scool And Close 2nd bedroomn w/daouble doar ciaset, baths why rient whes yoa cas own!, sep ahocer 2rd levailiausdry. Locer lovel wc /o garage, very dlean & neutrai decor T/O, A mootot wîth ensuite bath & ci closet. Neutra To Panko & Hîghway. Juot Moue In And Enîsyli neutral decor, islde access fa go- 50/ downpayrnent PI & 1 $M >, ta prîvate patio & accesa to garage. $1.4S must see, con't last iong. $1,450 decor througbovt, coîl maînîaînied S 150 For ios $1,3W rage, esergy star home! $1,225 a nt 1 - - 1 - amrt Fre -nin Hom evla o v i ww .M nhiiTa Ho e vauain.O