Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Mar 2009, p. 32

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.Attitude toward Deaf players muchî dffcrcnt today; a!c ci afrom HOCKEY'S on page 29 then. Even witb Matthew and another Deaf preter for training and games, but we wiii bc tbe former Fiyers captain, Brandon combines M Those comments represent a stark con- player, Chad Broussard, being on the same puttng i a requcst for one for the banquet a strong two-way game witb an in-your-facc Strast to what father Tim experienced growing îeam most years, it was stili pretty bard," said and we exeîapstv epne"style tbat some may not expeci from a Dcal up in Scarborough. Browneil, a iongtime supporter of boîb Deaf 0f course tbis isn'i to suggesî being Deaf player. His 1970s piaying days were riddled with programs. doesn'î bave its cballenges in tbe world of Said Tim, "lie stands up for bimself, ail Uobstacles, as Deaf players weren't exactiy Intent on making integration smootber sports - especiaiiy one as fast as hockey. rtgbt. Botb bc and Brittany want 10 prove z embraced with open armns. for bis kîcîs, Tim bas spent tbe past few years Brandon bas nieyer bac! a problemi kecping tbemselves and i've aiways cncouraged tbat- 02 "Attitude was tbe biggest barrier i biad serving as ai assistant coach, first witib up witthie garnss pacc, altboogbi bis speed Given tbe growing trend of trasb taik io Swhen i was younger. Back then integration Brandons teamns and 00W wîibl Bnittanys can serve as a detrimrent as mnucb as an asset. hockey, being Deaf may bave one advantage. was not a common concept, anc i took a loît Twvisters. Lxpiaincd Winierhawks bead coacîs Alan "I canft bear the otber teamn razz me,' said Vof effort to belpohr pntermns Langiey, "Pieture ot lîke ibis. Brandons s skatiBrdso bfkeisstrpaysotsyr lpobr pntbi icsu Lots of support adn h i hssse lysprser oto, a Deaf' player," bc recaiied. "Botb my par- e uc opitot huh htb ing biard ttp tise Iit wing. [lis lînemnate is l0 round - wtb sciccer and tbrce iin-tbree Sents are Deaf and werc strong supporters of He qtikbpieoi,îcug ia efet ts bis rigii atsd fou ctbbn i. bee epîgbmbs bîubiesrn Sanytbing i wanted to be a part osf, bcît otîser- basn't beentshie uîniy comtmuntication 1iînkCtbcidhm oce cpn hmbs houhtesrn wise there was no heip for mc back iben. i espîecialiy since nsovitsg te Milton - svbc fwîfrad idos eescia r e o!stsmr"ico cs10prcn !m to prseereon m ow an brek dwn e sees Dca! aibiete acceptaisce as sîgnifi- îng îoward Brandcon as be bas tise puck. If bie attention on my play and ot wbat tbe isibe had te esvr nm w n ra oncîuîd bear bis teamimaies caiiing bîm bc icaîsi is sayîng to tie. I the barriers for myseif"- c.antiy higier iban in tlisir native Lconduon - wotîid know aîsd be able te fake icît and An istricate pari of a powerbciusc Twisters Echoing tbose comments is anotber local a couple o! years ago te avoici tbe icngiby inake a drcop îsass ici bis rigbt for a better take tisais now einie tbe playolîs, hockey dad - Norm Browncii, wbose son comnsctte te E.C. Drurv Scbo<si for tbe Deaf. oiotbi a tesciiring chance. Britiany bas aspirations osf making tbe jump Matthew piayed AA rep for a few years in the "The Twistcrs gois f hi wyt "Wbaî iappens soss is 13rancliiss in an Ici AA hockey in the nexi cear or tNise late '80s and eariy '90s befcsre a successfui eîstre tisai fcndîng is in place te prosicie isisiateci sseorc. Ail iss s scai lcucs s abecad of soitnething ibai seemns sNitiii'reaci runi svib the provincial and national Deaf inierpreters foir Brittany's training and cai Iitsiiosii n c'i bas abocut a bal! ,i second tii -lriitanys a vcry lisard ssvsrking girl. in programs. escîsîs. Brancdon is cemnfortabie witb bis i'iidecidc' ss'lai te ciii se se tries te skitc irlvl amazed ai boss slsc reacis on tbe ice cii "Deaf piayers werc preti> isoiated back toc! ccsacb se, be btsn't rccîcîesîed ai itser- îbrcîcgl evc'rvîîîse. ciii sîcies aîsd ail the ss bhisties,- said coacb Williams backstops Otters to division titie bouefcsrcilPl(ok, apedcly Ryats V\ilîiaîsss dits t Icci likc ss,ýaitioig te icainisiics s- liii iic.icidcI1 lois liiiiiîî le te a îsisDîi u si'~isc I)c'ai 5ilc c osc sîsol soîlci ,'iu te i)cc pcpic. boisi the Phiiiip Conference trcspby Daîse Hicrvai - the sppiirtoity ici stage a îseed ici sttv ce siieiceis' cccseci- î be aware i îs sas's thucs stîli iuiett ci ds ss bc arcîs i Faiiing behind 3-0 in the opening frame buge corneback and lurevail 5-3. wbaîs gciiîg dis aroctnd îieîss ai ail tusses - njoyîng orgatiized aibieties lîke tîseir bear- Saturday, it iooked as tbougb the Huntsville Williamss Oosv sports a c)2.7 save per cent- is cîrcer te ascic es cyi bng trois off-sicies ici iiig cecrtiserparts. Otters wouid need at leasi one msore game ici age aoc! i1 i 3 recosrcd in iosceascîn plas conuuîîîcg Ici skate afiie tIse \ss î iess -Oltens i sec bearîîsg pareînîs wbe sectîs ici close out the Orangeviiie Crushers. Aise f9, Ilocrsat bas ses cî gisais ansd uic1 i 1hcsesfise plaseci ss îîb Brandonit fcîr a isavc resers aîîcsîs abiout pîuttitig ibeir Dca! Their 19-year-oid goaiie bad other icleas. assisîs in the îuiascffs. whls iie stll i! sIti wlsîle i)eaf, lis gainse chlsîd toto sports. i leel tisai if'a cbîid ,Nishes In the iaîesî chapter of a rock-solid piayisff Huintsville wii take lit Ruccciîk dclesîs t exactis sasve tise soumse icîrîec ici trc coct fcîr a spocrt, ss beiber ils recreaticît- r-un, Williams stoned Orangevilie tbroctgh Cîoference chamipiont Kingston us tise Ic'agce cicîs Reseisslig a vucîg Bîibbv Cl arke ai et colcîîîeîîî e\, shocclci bc enccsuragcdi the fast two periods of game five, gtving bis sensiifinais. ansu cîliet îîîsî as aggressive aoc! leariess as ici cdo se, regarciiess ef tisir bcaring status.", VWi 4ae /1'e4 Sew£te eWde WH¶ 10ES Hl.. E www.parkwayautotrade.com M PROUDLY SERVIMO HALTON FOR OVER 20 YEARS [ - 'D I I HG- 4li Look in Wednesday's and Friday's paper each week for this featured page. 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