Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Mar 2009, p. 29

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SORTS Hockey's suIent min< Despite the growing acceptance of Deaf players, stili veryfew in competîtive ranks 1P lanning on attendîng a Nortb IHalton Twisters BB peewees game ibis spring? If so, you may wani to commit these simple hand gestnres to mcm- ory First, pass two opîen Itaînis over cach other - tic stgn foi turcc i hen, puît the index and iniîddle liii- gers togeiluer front x our rîglît baud and place ihettu lîeween tbe îtiiîb anid index litigecr ol s oi lict stirtedcc ope i tkc aî gtit which itîdîcates a 'goal. Briîîanx Mallacli's teatnmnatcs bave liecoiie awfully lanuiiliar xx îh that tion-verbal praîse. hax îng lasherl it well over 100 tim-es in the past two years. StilI, tbe 12-yeaî-old Miltonian - the natural scorer of bier Deaf hockey family - somte- limes wisbes sbe eould hear the cheers she frequentîx creates. "Yeab, I guess so," ihe young centre said wiîb a smile. lis aIl right tbougb. I can sec the checring exen if I canit hear it." Wbile acceptance and support of Deaf athîctes in inainstreain eom- petîtive sports like bockey lias come a long way tîver the y'cars, the nom- bers don't always recct that. Britiany's one tif jrtst two Deaf players in the Twisters organization right now (the other lîeing front Georgetown), vvhile 14 year-old brother Branîdon is the lone plavei in Miltoti Mînor llockevs îcîî sys- iemn - toiling with the AA batîtaîns. And ibis in a comtisuniiy wiilî a prominent Deal sebool anîd a sizable Deaf population. \skcd xx l its, like to be a Deaf tliaci ýoînîîîtttg on a licafing iCdl gs boîli Mallar Il s duthls thiasoto ( pause - xvhich ran no doubt he looked upon in a positive lIghî. Alter aill the lact that ihey don't oftcn gixc e iis iitocb thougbi sug- gests tbeysv xc enouniered more bridges than barriers. 'My tearomnaies biax e larnied sorte signs and conmmunication witb miy coacl is nîît a problmn,- said Brandon, \vho as a centrelit winger was tbird in ieami scorîing ibis season. "Mostîx' he (coachi) ges- turcs wiîb me anîd wheî ihe needs îîî say more, when I'm taking too ntany penalties or someîhing, belIl Write it down for me, - I don't lel it ix a challenge to lie Deal' and pliay bockex\,, added Brîttany, wbo lasi year eajitained the Twîsters' B atoins, fitiîslîîtg witlb a sslopping C)4 goals, and ix tiovx a regular scorer xx tI tlis seaxios fiee- xves. 1 base lîeî iiix'îlxed xvtl teain sports sitire 1 scas l'oti antd bave leartied to maniage xv'liatc\ver frustrationis 1 bave early oîî. teamimates and coaches bave beeti very suippuirtive." *see ATTITUDE on page 32 Regîster for Girls Hockey! Fui, Fair PIay, and Great SkI Déevelopment! Join over 450 Girls (ages 510o17 yrs) Playung in Milton and Georgetown 2009 - 2010 SEASON North Hait Register Onine (atter March 2Sth): Girls Hock - Go to: www.twistersgirlshockey.com 1V z GRAHAM PAINE / CAttADIAN CHAMPION ALI IN THE FAMILY Tim Mallach bas kepi busy in recent years as an assistant coach with his children's -Brittany and Brandon - hockey teams. Smith helps GoId Ice finish 4th at worlds Tie Goir Iice _untiors have certaîinlv 1icked the besi 1îitissible tuies iii reliver îheîî îîersîîîai- lie-i îerlîritiaiîres ts ,eason. .\id(rl lis I x rioid Moilitiat \'îctr tna Smnitl, fic Brani1îtoii laseri sytirrtizcd skai îrîg teattu set tic\,, rtil) iettclitarks iii hoîîh itsL shoîrt andtri-c e (lonîg) protgrants last xxeel Neuchatel, sxx tzcr-laid x tvit scrte ci h anid 107.07 tsicsci.Vic i liese roiuthiier iii gise theiîi a Iîri thliplar e Sr finisht tint tii 20 Icatis on the wtt id r Iattioîîîsiî stage, xx bere iliex M le ess tuaitîxoatn--ii points oit itl airiing a itedal. Takitig gold and bronze wx re I iilatîds lititastir antd Muskîeers, xhile lclktxxv ( atauiati iîtxserhonse Nexxîre a Btirlîîîgnîîî Kitrlietter clib xx-hi bet tînt on ey Register In Persan: *March 28th - Milton Sports Centre: 12 pm - 2 pm (Milton) *April 5th - MoId Master Sportsplex: 1 pm - 4 pm (Georgetown) e-mail: înfo@twistersgirlshockey.com or caîl (905) 817-8798 (olir Ire lrtr gxuid ai flic rerent itatixîtais i ()shaxsa -caime iixax- \x îiî sils er. Qitt rctnsistet drlrîîg ithr txxitdax tîteet, graint. "I bad a gi-cat titie aute fli \orinîs, iî xxas att astesotii exîterîctr e," sain Stiih i an e-mtail h îîît Ruine. xvbecrc sic' s spenitrig \lau cl Btreak toria xx iii a lrir'îri tiiteain. -i ixas a itile disa1î- rmith pîtiittiig ritting su clise tut a iteral, ui [îîrrh is siiti attiziiig îr îuttiîsltnîeîîî And Io basve txx'r ( atariat teattlnîl iiiiIi flie toxp lise xxîs sîîîtiîg lui TI' itstai ier tue serticd ci seas r îîîtpeîtionithiis sear fiii flie local skatet. xxo bit blled (Gold Ire etigiticer a siver --ieclai perfrmoance ai tue Pragne t. rp. COIJERED UNDER PHYSIOTHERAPY BENEFITS My Back Us qb Hurting Me Sp ïneMEDzp DC IPE .Ç ,i t i

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