ViN z SUPLEMNTTO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2009 Kila Magentis:, Thoroughly refreshed for 2009 By ROB BEINTEMA Metroland Media Group Flasbback abmost a decade and there 1 was, taiîing tbe goddess as we blasted tbrougb sleepy Korean villages at bigbway speed, a furious nose-to-tail ebase tbrougb two- bane towns and tbe dusî-blown, burial mound-spotted countryside. The goddess, so we called ber, a taîl,. elegani Korean PR girl, vas leacling ottun os on a sciniiigls bapless and definitely mapless route witb company sweeper cars bot in pursuit. She seemed to be in somewbat of a burry Maybe she bad dinner plans. It was a breakneek introduc- tion to the very [irst Magentis, a 2001 model 1 bebieve, but despite the white-knuckle pace, 1 wasn't worried because, for the first time in my test driving life, 1 had a get- out-of-jail-free card - a piece of paper tucked in the glove box, inscribed with senior goverumen- tai stamps and signatures tbat, rougbly translated, said sometbing like "Please excuse foreign _journal- ist ignorant of law". AIl rigbt. Lead on, goddess. Tbat was Cheju Island, off the soutb coast of Soutb Korea, sort of tbe Poconos of tbe Onient, a vaca- tion and boneymoon baven wbere non-Asians were aîmost non-exis- tent, evidenced by surprîsed exper- imental Englisb greetings and panie-strieken sales girls ducking bebind couters. Now, ail tbis bappened almosi a decade ago, wben a newly-rejuve- nated Kia was rising pboenix-like [rom tbe asbes of financial woes and acquisition by Hyundai. Or, sbould I say -rising lrom Asia", tbe louse translatioin of ibe Kia nanie. At the time, Kia, second saîvo of tbe iniport inv'asion front tbe [-anc of tbe Morning Calm, was try ing to establisb îtsell quitkly ni markets i k (Canatda bs unlcisbuiîg an alntosi s carly ott-lauglit ol es products. Tbe Kia Magentis, also known as tbe Optima, was an important step tn tbat process, a înid-sîze four-door sedan destined to foîlosv tîp on tbe smaîî car success of tbts reîatively-ncw-to- Canada brand. bye drîven a bot of cars sînce tben but for sorte reason I badn't set btitt in a Kia Magentis since the launicb of that original. Probably becatîse ibis ts a tar easiby overlookcd, a regular four- tboor sedlan, ont of' a myriad of tîdsieonîpttor ,îla s biîig coînparcd tb ( auto and A\ttorti Tbis was the irst produt of the new platform-sbaring program by Kia and tivundai and the proto- Magentis ssas ha',cd on tbe then- third genieration Soniata with sorte lelîovcr design influence lrom tbc Kia Credos. At the lime, there was a lot ol t best tbiumpîlng about -new mil- lcnnial tet bnology- and design decrtiptions boasting "bold", "brul liant" and 'sopbhisticated" ele- nîcit, but ,îdrn so olih ibat wasn't ail just braggadotto * Fvenl the first N4agentis models included DOHC powerplants, LEFT: The Kia Magentis, thoroughly refreshed for 2009 inside and out wîth midsize roominess, a long list of well-fin- ished appointments and amenities and a choice of two more powerful engines TOP RIGHT A quality-built interior, standard heated seats and a long lisI of included standard equipment will please even the entry-level model buyer. BO1TOM RIGHT The 2009 Magentis' base engine (as tested>, a brand new Theta Il 2.4-litre DOHC four-cylinder alI-alu- minum engine makes 175 hp at 6000 rpm and 169 lb/ft of torque at 4000 rpm. sopbîsticated suspensions, Euro- style gas-lîlled sboeks, a sport A/T autornatict ranny and a passenger airbag de-activation sensor. Since then, thîs second genera- tion Magentis bias evols'ed signifi- tantly, the latest rex ised version tins eîled about a vear ago at tbe Newv York International Auto Show. The 2009 refreshcd Magenis, bolder tlespit tbe press bypc, bas been sbarpened somewbat on tbe outside wtb a larger grille, bigger available foglamps and narrowser beadlamps up front. Tbe look is almost Saab-esque. Tbe tail lamps, bracketing a sbarp edged trunk, bave also been narrowed to ecbo the frontal design. Tbe interior is generie "any car", a bland blend of careful mîd-size anonymîty but it is well put togetber wîtb every- îbîng placed just wbere you'd expeet it. Tbe Magentis cornes witb a thoice of two all-aluminurr o~w- erplanîs, a 2.4-litre fottr-cylinder base engine (as tested) tor an opîtonal 2.7-litre V6. ITtc brand new Ibeta Il 2.4-litre DOl 1 Clour-cy liideî crngine miakes 175 hp ai 6000 rprn and 169 lb/lt of torqtieat 4000 rptn. I bat s up lromn last cear's 162 bpl and 163 lb/ft. i is gocxl enottgb to get yott going, with plenty of pep and a fuel econorny rating of 9.4/6.2lJl00kirn (city,/bwv). esee QUITE on page A22 2009 MAZDA6 0.9 t 60 & P;rae $22f695 purchase tînancin'l manths 357 Queen St. Acton Phone 519-853-0200 Toli free 866-620-3248 ZOOM-ZOOM. FOREVER. GýV 6 -ýd*