Straffon to sýtage Herbert tribute He bas been callcd Ainericas firsi musical superstar. And bis muEsic is commin _ 1 a stage ncar you. Victor Herberts songs are Ill of bappiness, cnergy and joy To celebrate the 150th annivcrsary osf the comn- poser's hirtb, Milton fConcert Presentations w ill host 'The G~reat Amnircan L ove Song - kcrrv StrattEEns trib- mîe to Victor Herbert.' The concert will take place nexi Friday ai 8 p.m. at St. Paul's Unitedi Churcb, 123 Main Si. L, Herhcrtîs musical carcer spanncd almosi 50 years andi gave birîh to the operetta. Later, witb the public,, changing musical tastes, he began te, locus oEn musicals. Conductor Kerry Stratton will bring bis Grand Salon, Palm Court Orchestra for tbe performance, which will feature higblights from Herberts heloved musicals. .Tickets cost $40 for adults, $35 for seniors and $30 for students and are available by calling (905) 878- 1526. For more information, vîsit www.mihtonconcerî- Wine and cheese show this weekend Looking for an eveni to saveur? Then you may way te, swing by Mississaugas International Centre this weekend, wbcrc tbe 26tb annual Toronto Wine andI Cbeese Show will be held. The tbree-day event will feature interactive and informative wine appreciation scminars by iniernation- ally and locally-recognized winc and culinary profes- sionals, including Ang and Pax of iYellow Wine Club and Toronto Star wine columnist Gurd Stimmell. The show runs today [rom noon to 10 p.m., tomor- row from noon to 9 p.m. and Sunday fromt noon to 6 p.m. Tickets cost $18 at the door. The International Centre is located at 6900 Airport Rd. at Derry Road. Free shuttle service from Kipling Station is avaîlable. f7~~1 FUTURE SHOP CORRECTION NOTICE SoyLCD iDTVi(42V4t 00110106324. Onithe Morth 13 fiyer, page 12, tis produci ls adverie wh incorrect speciicuiens Pieuse noie ihait Il shouid be RECYCLE THIS rai wiih ah 5,0icraiMye PAPER . [ oer9 à«a4 .f cm 1 LUVE YUU, MAN (14A) 9333D E CONTE EXULNENT LAPS[039 LAGUGENOP43 , Su 4 110 71 '933 MON-TPUS 7 1D'Tf LNGLAýMA E MJE F½ME P*w N3 A3[ 991SU 91230 '30 63i930 MON 9ýPEj KNOWING (ýI4A~ (ILENCE D0133399330C Ni 3913 SNf1 453 45, 6 3 C9 5 O f EL95 RACE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN ÇPG) VIOLENCE F93 SUN 12 433 64 94 923 401NT HURS 45 2 THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFI (18A) .49 LI9 333JI ENCETAE ABUS 1933343333 CONT NI39 'filSN 2350 i 31ýI MON~33 'HR T f WATCHMENFý18Aý,,F,, LIOLLENOL FRI SN 2 9 40 NON-R 193940 SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE (14A) TELENCEL.9N3J33 MAY 033393 FRSU 12 4034,64 454MNTUS6&94 QtrnlltV Uend ObIId 0o., Ages 6 Weeks - 6 Years RIGI/fle TODur no 8611 Escarpmeni Way MILTON 905-875-2255 For more information on ony of aur 17 Great Locations 0.11: 1-866-607-PEEK (7335)