Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Mar 2009, p. 18

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Saturday Mareh 21 Knox Preshyterian Chtirch (Mary Street enirance) holds uts animal St. Patrieks Luncheon [rom noon îo 2 p.m. leatcîrîng arti- sans showcasing their works and the 'Song Spinners enîerîaînîng. The cîrsi iv $5. Sunday Mareh 22 A gospel meeting takes plate Iroin 6 iii 7 pin, ai the Milton Seniors' Actixity C entre, 500 Childs l)r. F'very one is welciîie, antI no collection is îakeîî. (ail (905) 875-9960. Monday March 23 Registration [tir Toîwn of Milton somimer camps kicks tff ai 9 a.m. Use Milton Onlîne Registrations iii regîster on-line tor 6v autto- maîed touch-tone phone. Regîster In iiersiin ai the Milton Leisure Centre, 1100 Main Si. E., tir the Milton Spots Centre, 605 Santa Maria Blx'd Foîr more inforniation, see your Toiwn tif Milton Spring and Stininer Coniiuniix Services Guide, sisit x xx i toncci tir caîl (9)05) 878-7252, cxi. 2189. A healing circle [tir people wiilî îîhxsica1, ct'moinal, mntal, ori ý,pirittial paiun taLesý 1);1 e 1-in ïi lo S WP i iii ,ai SI (1ci IIi, ii R i lit' lee iv lb\ duiiiatin oii uiî Pi ixat' îîcr andu cancer couniseliing is aisi asailahi'le. Ioîegîs- ter, cail liarh ai (905) 87î 4940. Milton D)istrict iHouspital htîlds a lîreast- feedling clinic xx'ih a lactatiitn constultant froui nuion ti 4 p.nî. I or an appiptinent, cail lii Ilicks ai (905) 878- 238 3. cxi. 7610. Thfe Salx'aîîîn ,\rmx, 100 N ipissing Rd. unit 3, hîîlds iv xýoluniîeeî dro1î in lîuîîî îîîîîî to 1 p.rn. to help sort and pack food at the food bank or help prepare for other comtino ntty prograins. Call (905) 875-1022 or e-mail rob@khicommuni ty. coin. Tuesday March 24 The Milton Community Policing Committee, an organtzation that acts as a liaison between restdenîs, police and the 'loxx ,n of Milton, tneets for dtscussion andi to hielp) iinimtze crtme. I t mecets at 6 30 p.i. ai the Milton police station, 4(90 C hilds Dr. Lx ery'one's wclc orne. Calling New Parents, a frec diop-in pro- grain for parents and babtes aged six rnonîhs and y'ounger, mecis with a public healîh norse to discuss parenting and infant care. I 6e group meets ai the Ontario Farly 'lears C entre ai 410 Bronte St. fromn 1:30 io 3:30 p.i Caîl (905) 823 6000, ext. 7299. Milton Distrit t liospitaf holds a breast- feeding clinic xviilî a lactation consultant fi oi 9) 30 a.ni. îo 2 p.ni. i oî an appointinen. cal1 li 1 iicivv ai (i9Oî) 878-2383, ext. 7610. i[-le Milton Toastimasiers iieiv ai 7:30 1p i n i o li 1 I gioli 21 ( al ' t. (aIl Mai îc',ii I v (îl t , 1) S 'v i Ï"S I lle "vl iio\ s100 \ii kn d. unit 3, hlîlcs ws li(c Busy Hands, (reatis e Mincischoui iii 0mc) 30 ici Il arni. for kiti ageci nesx orn o ic cscars olci antiir arv cois or ca Vgi t r thi \hic' 1 xeehx icmc viit kxx Ix kicoinn ciiix.cui It adsîi holcis ivs Scrap and Chat iiomn 7:30 to 9:30) p i lii stiahiikts(ail 90î) 875i 1022) or c'-mil SEESAVE S WE AR1E ERE MAIN SI GOtTIN STTION te

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