0 I ~0 t CL Register today for the 'Journey to Financial Independence Forum' (March 28th, 2009). Avoîd the 'buy and hold' lie and begin re-building your broken net worth. Amsion fee now coverý4 gest expýerts fo ailrgu Derek Nelson Troy Fullwood Adam ArkeII Sang Park Nick Simone Jeff WilIis capitalmountain.com pinnacle-invesiments.com grandviewpariners.us ba rbadosbeac h rso ri. co m walIon intermai ona 1 corn journeypariners.ca Ail pre-registranis wilI be refunded ai the forum. Register by Sunday Evening (March 22nd, 2009) and receive a copy of T HARV EKER'S "Secrets of the Millionaire Mînd" Journey Partners has been able to secure two complimentary tickets to his 3-day seminar! Visit: www.the journeybegins.ca to Iearn more and to regfister. JOUR[NE EAKTN EfKS WEALTH MANAGEMENT EDUCATION -COACHING Fouiiders and hosts of- MONDAY MONEY N [GHTS~ THE B.F S.T SCHOOI, T HF C.A.P APPR(>AC H" Journey Partners International Canadian Office: 100 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T 1N5 Ph. (905) 878-6644 Fx. (905) 878-4498 www journeyl)drtners.czi