Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Mar 2009, p. 1

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Auto lasoeWs J Wndshield Re'pas rs 781 MAMN ST s & 2munity Newspaper Since 1860 Ml~ILTON 8-7-785' (CNA Named Canada's Top Community Nes paper w .miltorocanadianchampion.comn ,905-878-8101 TOP 3510 010Y ROYAL LEPAGE S POR T S Hockey's silent minority N E W S Spring-like weather Sbrings out thieves A & E Band to battie in competition f à70 ,,o, ulcto oL 5 o rd Mac 20, 100 years old Gladys Barrow cel ebrates milestone birthday at Allendale By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Ask Giadys Barrow about the size of her family and you shouldn't expeet a quick response. But don't ehalk that up to a faiiing memo- ry. After ail, 14 grandchiidren, more than two dozen great-grandcbiidren and four great- great grandchildren - the youngeso of whom is about il - is a lot for anyone to keep track of. ,,Oh dear, there's a loi of them," the eider- ly woman told the Champion Wednesday morning [rom ber room at Aliendale long- term care faciiity -Tbey ail eall me Nana." As Miltonians welcome the start of spning this weekend, four generations o[ Barrows - both here and in Gladys' native Engiand - wiii have a much bigger reason to celebrate. Today Nana turns 100. Not surprising to those who know ber weli, Gladys is takîng obe miiesione in stride. 1i haven't really given it that much ohought, to be honest," she said. "1 think my children are more excited about it tban me." That seems quite characteristic of the recent Allendale arrivai, who was neyer one esee PARTY on page 4 GRAHAM PAINE/ I ENADIAN CHAMPION CELEBRATING A MILESTONE: Allendale resident Giadys Barrow is 100 years old today, and sle's taking it ait in stride. Mar. 28 vigil to honour crash victims By Stephanie Hounseli CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF On March 30, 1984, 13-year-oid Kelly Simions lufe changed forever when she became the sole survivor of a car/train crash that killed six of hcr friends. it was a tragecly that shook Miiton t0 ils core, leaving families, fniends and even strangers gries'ing oser what was the worst accident of ils kind in the towns history Nearing its 25th anniversary Simon stili inourns and couldn't forget the events of that night if she tried. "Il is a huge part of my past," she said simply On Saturday, Mar. 28, a vigil will take place ai 8 p.rn. ai Rotary Park off Mill Street to remnember the six teens who died: Chris Reddlen, Kim Burns, [raci Snow, Bruno Gazzoia, Sean Zardo and joanne Vaar. Simon is part of the group that organized the event, and said the vigil, whicb shouid last about an hour, is about remnembering and sharing. People who knew the teens personal- iy or who simply want to honour thern are ins'itedi. Candies and bright yellow ribbons imprinied with "03/30/84" wîll be dis- tributcd. "I rcalls is a big part of our pasi and I ohink io alfected so rnany people on so inans, w5ays,' Simon said [rom hcî honoc in Braccbridge, cxplaining Miolton s,îs rnuch sniallcr and togbocr- Ssee TOWN on page 12 1

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