Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Mar 2009, p. 6

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ID OPIIO -Dpi\T0 2 As Canadians wr re at QFW ovtipasses 10 givr Soften accused of not being a final saluite or wave to as patriotic as our friencîs WVarrant Oflicer Dennis 0to the south. We don't heat Raymond Brown. -Flc war- our chcsts and shoot our rant off iter, a reserii s with à achievemnents to the rest of the ILincoln anti Welcland the world. Regimient anti a speciai We have a reputation, constable fo r Niagar a iikely deservedlv so, for Regional Police Service, bei ng polite to a fauit and was one of threc ( anadian werTe not known l'or wear- soldiers kilcd ni a roadside ing our hearts on our honmhing in Afghanistan ~ steeves when it cornes to carlier this mionth. recognizing the sacrifices The police-escor-tcd ou nilitary members. funeral procession ittade However, as time has its xoay o%,est aiong the shioxo ni tht fintal Fat-s i 2 \\ t< 1 îiil I r\is1 final r- for ou01 lalio licrîîcs [las, îig plart in "t. ( aillai i hecone a pr)serfl sytuhol Itfs otir biolc thiatiis of Canadian pride tn ils emnotionai tiispiay <il sup- mlenl antI wooten ol thc port olfers soie coinlori to armned forces. tht Laiiics, ol Ih llen11i No\whcrc soas this more anti ciimonîi tes o tllec cxvitient titan t Soutit laittilies of tit Il(,( \\iIt I lai1tonl fast xxCck o lîhcit tmoins riîrl. thtI nglî t e lit st rcsponlers anti s\ci- and sori t s ai t llt ants gathcrcri oxith rcsiints ( ýanaritaîsr, ai c Readers F oi your -Ce te) il © I l1 ti 1 1 Local man keeping job after big Iottery win seems rather self ish DEAR EDITOR: T[his letter is iii resprînse ttî Mifionian Kevin Perron's $ 12.5 milliton lttery watt. Dude, how can you lluw this golden opportunity lvi evrape the stresses vif the workplace and the fear tif iayof[s te, sia>- put in sonir sales joh? toît rtiuidiiî earn $12. a iii- lioun iin a hundrcd yeai s of sersv- ire at tlîat Mississariga ftood iauckagi ng ro itiians., oir iio, otiir rviitmfianles iîr tuai iat icier There aie rnaiiy people oitt there, iike mx self, whti wotiltf lvove the chanre tii haxve ur job. Persoiiafixt Vve lîeeîî oti vif- work for alrnosi a Nscr aîîr I have over ses-en vears of sales cxiieriennec. Yotr staxiig iii vorr joii i-ofs somecone flf-oc ui of ibe chancte lvi carii a ~Iaynclierîtin- agaii aiid keii afiriai witb ittîrgage îas- oients andt bills. 3îîri noss htaver îotiîg tIo woiii aoltIIi fita o au \-Ii 1N ilti gis c soittine icss, loittiiiitt thait suri the chantce ti fîuige a lis litg I magine the frictini y Iti driet \oirsefi antd t te relief of so îrkiig s onre decriinig soit one eisr- [lx hldling oiîto that ujob votI 1ii htiiger ntIICl ROB THOMPSON MILTON Councillor's comments on taxes tough to swallow DEAR EDITOR: 1 icarl tue Ictter iii the C lioîîiptoi frirîî Tuîxsn C tuicillor Coilin Best rcgarrliîg ta-s aitt saiary increases. Il isn't dîfficnîft 10 tise sialistits frrîîî dificreit areas of gtiseriimcnt ti valîdtlae increcases ai salaries, expenses and taxes. Canarlians are, ii geit eral, risertaxed. Il sceems like tlc nmore taxes we pay, the f ess services we receive, and yeî goverît- menîs sîfîl complain thal the.y need more money t0 run îhings. Its a viefous cycle of incompetence. In my opinion, it serves no purpose to compare Milton and Haiton Region with other municipali- tircs andt iegaiois. xx uni itas otr itias' tit lie gu\is crut-nd r fcicitis- [ach tîts î antd regîot us rififercît fioitî the oilmt-r. ssiti riufft-rt-nt îirolîiis andt ntetis Peoplei ciecîcrf ii office are exiier terl to iheniii" as leatders, livt as lliittliivtx'rs. As far as taxes goi, lîîiss can assessittenîs otf hiomies intrease whiie the inarkcî salues decrease. aîît stîl taxes go up? If the Cîtîzens Advisory Commitîc net ides on counicil remuneration, then hvîw dri I gel on fits councii? AGOSTINO GALIOTO MILTON 19be QJanabian (Êbampion Miton's Comrn îýy N-ewvspaper Since 1860 555 tndustrial Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Edîitorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified.905 875-3300 Circulation. 905-878-5947 vwwmiltonicanadnianchampion.corn V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver General Manager Editor in Chief Managing Editor Advertising Director Production Manager Circulation Manager Office Manager The Canadian Champion, published every Wednesday and Friday, is a division of Metroland Media Grovp ttd. Where are sports for 7-year-olds? DEAR EDITOR: Wc Iciet\ Iis ier ixc roi r Coîiittiixi -_sersvires Cuitde, anid oncer again'ai e absoirleIs sfîotked aI tte iatk vif retetiriiai pro- graitns asaulaile. Ms, sonl is seveit y-cars titi, anti asîrf rrîîî sxsNiiitiitig the vlily aifîfetit prograiti axaufafîle lvi hit is youga. Realis ? Yoiga? Tfht atlîleit t-hisses eond ai age six, aiit iîotiig is offereri agaili rîîtl age iiit Il scrus lthe Towni ofi Miltoni is rcls-ung exelinsiveis oin sîîinieei- aitii(] îrs ii spuoi llg hibs lui pi îîidc irrcal iai r las Icil lecs lvi ilie rîtifrfrit ii m n o ui iltlx thIeve prnigrilts arc rlteit tflllte exîterîsisve. Foîr cxaiîie, the C it tif Mîssissanîga offers lîaskciîlf Irr $73 comparcd tri $135 foi a siîîîi- lar programn ollercd by a privatc club iii Milton. Milton iv a wonderful place to grow up, but itfs lime the Town offered our kids affordable and accessible athletics. JANNE CAMPBELL MILTON CCAB Audited » cfla ...r Ca* A. uY silert r ii iel F\it UNITE AAT OFMILTON VYMCA Awards S AN TA PARADE

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