Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 2009, p. 7

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Date Dateline is a -fi-ce listing îivailable lij ltcail corttit iv gtoîîps 10 assist fit prtstnitg Ilseit coiitg evetls. iZttlv chart able or nun-profit cons- mtuîity grotîps mav use titis service. We guatatitce oute issue of Publieiîy (of Ilte ccciii altlîsîgls muore insetlions are possible J space pernts. Datelfîte notices sltoild bc e-mai led lu ediî(îîia@-m ilIîtn- canacfiaîschampion.urnt. Thte final deadline is nuon Monclay for Wednesdays ediîiotr and 5 p.m. Ttiesdaiy for Friday's cci- lion. Dateline items won'î be aecepted by îeleplsune. Thursday March 12 The Deck drop-in centre, 200 Main St. E. (rear entrance), invites students I rcîî Grades 6 t(i 9 îî stop by betwe7en 3.30 and 5 pin. to play a game of pooî or jusi bang oui. Higb sebool stu- dents are welcome between 7 and 10 pin. For more information, - visit www.tbedeckmilton.com. Moms Supporiing Moms in Milton - a support group Icîr inoibers wbcs arc sîrig- gling .wiîb posiparîcin depression anel/or anxiety - meets at Halton Kîcîs West Miltons Hub ai Our Lady of Victory Scbocjl, 540 Commercial St., from 7 Io 8:30 pin. For more insformna- lion, caîl janet Sivernis ai (905) 825-6000, ext. 2927. Miltotn District Hospital bolds a une-on-one hreast- feeding clinic wiîb a centi- fied lactation consultanti [rom 6 tu 9 p.in. To inake an appoînîment, call Jîll Hicks ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. A Gospel meeting takes place from 8 lu 9 p.m. at tbe Milton Seniors' Activiiy Centre, 500 Cbîlds Dr. Everyone's welconse and no collections arc taken. For moscre injformtioni c aIl c)O t 875-9960. Tbe Destination Campbeflville Coînmuniiv Associaticjn (DC CA) bolds ils annual gencral meeting at 7:30 p.ns ai Mcohawk Racetrack, 9)430 Guelpb IUtie, ni Canspbcllvillc w'iib gcîesî speakcr Riecbard Messer- Fvervotscs %velcoine to attend ibis Irec meeting. Tbe Million Seniors' Activity C'entre, 500 C bîlds Di- ,bolcîs line dancing from 10 to 11:30 a.m., contraet bridge frin 1:30 to 3:30 p. i andcl us Tbursday Afiernoon Movie front IL30 to 3 pusii featuritsg Ilic E.xpress. -Fbic cosi for cacb activity is $2 for inietnbers and $4 for non -ininii )s. Bid euchre ikcs place froin 1:30 to 4 p.mn ai a ccsî ojf $2.50 for metnbers ancd $4.50 for non-miemrbers. And ils book club meets froitn Il ans. 10 noon. Fcjr nmore information, caîl (905) 875 1681. Friday March 13 Tbe Salvation Army, 100 Nupissing Rd. cnii 3, otn tcs ilis liec Alpha course front 7:30 îo 9:30 p.ns Il explores tbe meanîng of flfe iii a relaxcd, friendly seîîîng, tackling questionîs including Is ibere a Gcîd?' and "Wf\, am 1 bcrc?" For locaiun insformations, caîl (L)05) 875- 1022 jor c mail Ilis free Jr. Youth (Jroup for stucrints iii Grades 5 10 7 takes place, wiib a varicis of aclîs tics. Fo(r a scbeclcîle of evenis, vs it \wvs'.khicoini- munitycons ojr c-mail also bolcîs ils volunteer drop-in fron 10 a.cm to 1 p.mn. 1(1 belp- soit ancd pack foocd at tbe food bank (jr belp) prepaîrc for otber conninirfi' prograins. For tmocre infor- ination, call tbe abox e ncim- ber cr e-mail rob«@kbicoin- inun ity.co rn. The Deck cfrop-in centre, 200 Main St. F. (rear enirance), invites stuclenîs froim Gracies 6 to 9 t0 stcop by bctwcen 3.30 ancd 6 pirn. to play a gaine of po o ju bang (j(j Il gI sc b1jl si ci dcis ait c huca c1c j(c1ci 7 and Il p.n I-tr mo(re infojrmtniocn, visit twhbcd ec kinii1 jon. c om. Milton District Holîspital biîlcs a dîcîp-n breastleed- ing group wttb a certtficd lactlatiton consultant fi om 10 10 11l 30 a.in. ai our Lady ojf Vtilîry S-cbool, 540 (Cjnmercial St. sAitb infor- mnation sbared ancd babies \wcigbcd. I cr woîmen and babies (snly. Foi mote infor- mation, call fll Hicks ai (905) 878-2383, cxi. 7610. Tbe Million Seniors' Aclîs îîv Centre, 500 C bîlds Dr. bolds tai ehi froi 9 to 11 ý30 a.m. bingo f rom 9:30 a.in. to noon ancd contc bridge froin 10 a.i to noon. ThIe cosi for eacb ex cnt is $2 fo~r nsieînbcrs ancd $4 for ncon- nsm s fbic C anacf an I icali ug ",O(ici\ lîsî a brec hearing screening elînie 0 fromn 10 a.în. o 2 p.in . luchre takes place from 1:30 0 to 4 p.în. for $2.50 for mcm- bers and $4.50 for nion- (D miembers. Friday [vening Movie takes place from 7 to 10 pin. fcaturmng Thse BoY in dit, Striped Pajanias for $2. And bid cuchre is bcld front D- 730 to 10 p.m. ai the~ ( amrphellville Lions Hall for $2.50. For information, eall S' (905) 875-1681. The Milton and District Horticultural Society pres- enîs Carson Artbur of tbe TV sbows Rooci Io Gtovv talkîng about sustaînable landscap- îng in an cnviro-friendlv maniner. [he meeting takes place at 7:30 p.m. ai Milton Bible C burcb. New members a rc ssclcome. Vîsît \\ \\ \ lal1îttî.t 11uac / , i!i ol1on bort. Geerl Rpirs SERVIC El On yoffeed o 2 wod ad loadb In 4oug, 'aid Bolahi DON'T BE LEETIN OUT IN TH1E RAI ,EN KEVIN BIACKLOCK BoucLoir 'aea Cushion ntr antern le OdF~lf service 10% Discount on Parts and Labour Service Hours. Monday ta Friday. 8am-5pm, [7/ Tuesday Bam-8pm * Saturday gam-2pm ____ Rur ihAl ._ IVRLh-T~.o » 0587U2393 HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON Brake Service MOT Safety Inspection Steering & Suspension] Coniputer Diagnostics

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