919 AV- Ay, s S - ~ ~- c' 'r~: 95 ~ : * - -4 0 z 'J INot intended te Solicit Buyers or Sellers currestiy, udrcnrtwih another LBrokerae .ç 200 Ai itt ree d M inMauxi ieiy [Oc1 roerage, ! asea f UriIVX rnro ncr s toine nme of listings sold January '08 -Jarvuar 09. *I5 lîsted and soid by listing agent except competition, *Based on units listad & soid by MinMass Realty mc. trom January -December 2008 inr Milton. Stati Ctssoc IdpnetSource. Sased un IRESB Statistics Based on 1 % vs. 5% on a 350K home Sased on soid us, ask price ditterence trom ouvrage GIA Realtor rn 08! Sold ýn s 'i"~Gl OE w oe o à 11 10 liuv uiI #1 TEA IN MITOm nmaxxL.com IS GTA~~ & ONTRI IN'8RA5'N. RKEA£ ýAY HR LE NESPPE ADSIV *GENEDICATE8 AGENT EALETESAEO MORE~PE HRAUSESON *U HTAMIN AD VICECE COLOURFUL FETRESEES&LOE!AIENLU!E .. . .- .. .I .. 4 r 519 ~ ~ Oi 900n 42 0 490489040 900 399 90 3440 Cc12 Somrvll Terr 96 ZorhLce 34Hw 4Ve»mnwy 12 aWbokÇ A rae fsd s aqait raiseOc. Matamy ai-brik SosRhurh Jat var yer SW eerg Sfunîn 'Stto Hus mdal Stsnîg rre usîer mdelby bsoaley stn n Matams Sunnng TiipmodlDb Sudia w/iihdwlot at oal ooaa trMtayGisodmdl Hwhos ilg 00sg! Snilsdsîal oibs 31 g!Wnegsa oa oe dra7 ahoe loadd &upgd 'Ln frd'modl wlardood ceamîc graita on apreîamlot 2572sqfi hme n quet resOc Lto t sighoarhod acosahome Hawhore V iag wîh Eergy coneptmai.tirw/dc...i. byMatay 5 àhihls kànitc a !rnt Loade w/asr m al hw tis u1a1 ' e so ai i :/ps15 aoyaaîyro trPckg rmu o ain cOHun ins ro eî Giff fl er 2 Hro 62 a 04.96Bu t