Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 2009, p. 32

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Considerfngi a home that needs renovations? There are mortgages designed for fixer-uppers JUN111 - llotch Cleanf New: Roof, siding, baîbroom, ceramics, paint, windows. WOWl 2/4 bedrooms, large bac4îart, quick hwy access, close 10 ma)r shopping. Hoge 55' o 125' lot. CaUnn Garant W05-878-9100 .Wa ourn eimtar'me jusin iste o ihthue nyu si' ' iffle areselnfo iE i ,FeýO - pimet mot5,riletaeuiae tpoton sOnemm siMy Hom fissile Top rl Ullgrains fs aleis On A ia îndPo&SiitLi2fuus Fsu Parfl 9 Ceilisss, CswsMoikieg & Pis igi5 ourse KsIOi Wusaitnlr Traverrin liesh Ur&esCab. tîiMn & BsoiSel lis Daik SuiSse iSir isg Moi Sien. eail & Moons luis AI luis'v siNi lts & EsrssMlollst UppWidndpsriilesi tiieboas And Tserim fk d cile lIs uluNisfe alesi Fosrîsh6 Ssii Jas Pecharich 905-878-9100 $38,50 o n i es 14aà eins, wdO-li w J $21ne, Ne troiaIom in bedrooce, $0.0111 Step la Ravie & park, rnpe it hn tar, large pa.bie-i doirnotte tin & alun. Mtii landuttg & fanuil MMOI, el- *ttcW Wtt granite ceenleulps, taudeanits T/O, ladiy Mlottr drssri & o fiois uie w meia i eeers21bwm wit - rl brom OM oncep tlinn & Mooanta ilt replacti & walkout litde & prisole sii Wî&k t pais and Phos or mira information va living rom, l eénce bok yard, ein yai, lo eve buss ha uest umont, balth & masoa. omisjewlurcom gle garage, anllble inneiae, cd8 CMgtrt Garant 90-878-9100 Joe Taglieri 905-878-9100 Joan Hhllinga <905) 87810 So the botise you've set 5 <sit stghts on is somecthing of a dtiamond tni-the-routghl.'Ihere are lots ol great reasons 10 huy a home that doesn't show peret ils'. Mayhe s otr budget ts ighî or you just losve restuttîg older homnes. If y'ou have ant eyc for ss cil t hoscen rentioalons, and perhaps suant to exchange sontie of \tour hsomte irripros c tuent talents for homne equitît .theni a tlassît "fixer upper- or -hands nomns sprttal- can lie a terrilit way to liuild eqluits tr sour home. l-or iliose honiiehoyýers, who arc good at ti the rewirds of tmpring a icglct trd home ctn bc mti fîinais ifs ru o lii 150 ila iti d i lllis 111111 01i %M1 issu M1 (0111u i sit) 000 but >o Isui rtf t Sertis S30,000 to S,40,000 in inîmediate infirovensins. filgure the fînîsbued homie \,sil lie ss orîli ai least S425,000i a greai tisestment. But \vhere tIs the ltnnitg tonfie front 1< get staried un tht sork? ((sut1 îîes s ,\s ilerr ire inorigagei opios thlai ressartl hotothus tri \iIlsng to gel tisîs etl ni a îtseuestîîe li rssllîîg retiosattoti tosis sito flit tîssîrigage. FlIeSC pu)trt hase ibus uin îrousetîîttîts" mt- gages tisser tht puirthast îîrtte oil the bhstme. plus amî t Chus tisons thai ssot isîssili aisc th au e obtfs lic pipr\ Better stIfl iti nosrîgages are asihît'l ssi a 35-\a sat tisslllzassst No ssaîîîng lis ahîsîrd pictcgincil tuîîirssstîîilrs s\'si gel an îiiiuîedîaîe llitn the lîveahîlîîy aîîd salue osf the lîrisîerty And rigbt uîsss, s iu tan suture ibis ty pt so1 tîssrgage ait îiday 's lssw, lssw rates - and rosll tl aIl hist îote niirigage payîntt Tht lender tIkes il, ti);s ysu ru adulîng svalite, and theostgage is stttîrud agaînst au ti1îs't lirspers') Ytsu dsîîî liasve tus bu a iesv hssnîebuyur lis take aulvantage sof ibts bandy ftnantîîg osption. I sr tuarreni listiewntrs wîîh their îswn 's'aluc-add" wîsb tsit Isr home ltoJroveîoents, there is aIsv a '-relt- liante with imprîssemens- sopsisn. Wbaî arc hssmeîwners impros îng? Ofîtîs. a tisai tsf paint and a fresh new wîîod tissor tan dis ssiinders for lmproving a humues value. Kitîrun and baîhroom renuis are always luopular tof tourse. And fînîshîng baisements and addtng detks are alsîs timmon împrssvemenîs that adîl lis tht salue and the eijsy mclii sof a propers'. In sîsme tases, v'îu'll need to have a realîstît assussmenî osf what's requîrud - întltîdîng vrit ten qusiles fuir ihe rensîvaltisns y isite tonstîler- îîîg. An appraîsal may bc dîme whîcb consîders tbe sut reased value oîf tht home %viîh the rensîva- 555h- soiiillt'si Rcs lii îusî lîîs oas lbc litif sut1 arc ieuî usetlii tus uo r ilîsse tîss A qitali- liedl nîsrîgage pîanntr tan prusvîde sîsu o îîh moure detaîls on hisss these inîvsatîse mssrtgay'es v, ssrk. Smart hsisiebuvers hîave been leveraging buer hosme eqity svîh înîprîseîoenîs for years. lis, grla ihat lenders hase ruspîsnded hs ressard- îîîg thîsse hssuneusssters vvîîh sînarti hîantîng osptios. Tsi learu umure, lînd sîsurself' an Indt- pendetnt nisrîgage pîlatiner. These acrdtdîlt expierts base auîess ii siter 50 ulîfferenî lttîdiii, institutios. Ilits tati shssp lise tht besi rati, aist iliet et alss the ins to gise s\ssi an susr ti sus ofl -urt hast plus tmprss tîent- atî tl shur isn s ais tionîîs.î -Flitîr adiit is Irut i uat I. anti theet is ino olilgation.i lis a gîtait plate tsi start' MisIs i îssssi 'fji s ( i n(d )slsri(ggsi cs isisis's %% ifs Ils 5)5 fo i t sa i t si itt iif 1fs M i l tg( i i sui-si joi fn , ontisi 1l s 111 l si l (W ýj l l a l i c'555 sf/u fss's u 4 Masisîsîil \si , fi /us 1 ssss f sisi s (fi l u i sssss p li )7572))1 o? h% ensta f I s il a% ss- iit'ssss s KATHERINE BARNETI BROKER PERFORMANCE >XREALTY INC. BROKERAGE mfI HAWTKORNE VILLAGE Beaulîfol 4 bedrosm Malfamy delache wflh fsssshed basement, main flou lîmsiy room wslh hardwood fluor an gai lîreplace, liuing and dînsfo wif hardwood, main flous iaundry, musto ssiI) wîik on clusel and 4 piOCe ensuili lsllh bedroom ood 3 pioGe balth in base ment, great flous plis 2300 f3fi iucaîed os kid lrsendly crefcoif. $429,000 FINISHED BASEMENT :abslous Mattamy senti lelached os creocent, walk la sarko and schools, Lakepoinl nodel leatsrîsg califormia shullers broughoul, hardwcod floors asd ltairs,' master bedroomn fealores 4 iece ensuite. Faboloos fisshed tasemeof wilh balhroom, cold cel- ai. Ste nîrîsal tour for pics. $292,900 MAflAMY TOMMOUE Boîtos model, 1275 sq ft, excellent location close ta shopping and park, great Iloorplas with upgraded maple kitchen cupboards and s15)5- leso steel appîsances, upgraded files, spgraded stair rail and pickets, spgraded lightisg, master wfth semi ensuite, central air, garage estry ta hosse. Shows uery welI. $267,000 Nol intended lu solicsl buyers or sellers carrenty ondes conîraci vitl asiother brokeroge Die.9511-34 , ofic 905-20-200 CALL~~ FOf fRCMLMNAYMRE VLUTO.1 R FPOE XfN. Joe 1~gII.d 900471410 eqaîppeu wim e oppleances arge living/ dining rm area, kitchen w/breakfast bar, broadlom Ihroughoat. For more lnoo- mation, please contact Jo. Tagileri (005) 878-9100 Prudential 905.878.9100 www.prutcr.com.. VZ-IYJ - - Town Centre Reaity Inc. 245 Main Street, Milton, Ontario Brokerage An independently owned and operaied broker meinher of Pruderllial Real Estale Affiliales, l',

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