www.eadowtowneCOm - -ARINEn AMY , ,Top 11 NationaIIy agaîn i4 2Ô68 0 z WATCHrdeutc YORDEASGOWIT E BRAZEAU TrEAM 'D BrTH okoR DEM iO erLe fr avieNto oriadHrio-ulnlnRa seBad WWW.MILTONRE-ALESTATE.COM 9ý ' I ; s Nrg',EW LISÇTING f STUMIEJ 3 BOR IOWMIOUSI hockong 958880 5. onto greenspoce. Al the npgrodes yos could . l shows boautifulfy - ta zoo for yoarsaff, oeil Joseph arasqas, Virginia Boszezo Jodis Nomr K oue oiffa Pat for tour parsoafl toar. $279,900. B.A R.N O.A. Salas Rap ABSOLUMLYTflUfNNG4BU HOM[witral OLDE MILTON S .tire spgrades pru coold woot. Pris home is appron coa Dupe deailo located in Old 2700 sq Bt and has a LB/PR combinatior mvilS tard- Mîlton ocrons Irom Fa iprounds Front __________wood. a main flont famrly rssm witir gos tîreplace unit is 2 slorey, 3 bdîm 00.1 iDO K unit is1 and a ceîlîng tirat extendo to the second leui, open stîroy 2 hDri Ceai rnomu pin perto HO ffpconcept kîtchen wîtir ugh end staînlens steel appli- or entooaed famli propet Botri unîts onces. a mois 0001r lauodry, and main Ilsor den. Tire haegsfrpo s Lts fprkn oppe vel iran 4 spacous iredrooms and 3 toull nu a ielie oia akn hatiroms Impeccabfy dacaratod and maisn- faiood -i shows beaolifolfy. $459,900 I 1.03 ACRES IN 'SOUGHT rAFTER COMMUNITY 0F CARLISLE" soit tooîohouse for lease suinl Oveî t18000 1 ut h Of. . space for o grocros fomîlo, Granite countlers 0in udoýcpc u rco r)J 210 ni3ci O iO iresini si n tr kîcen i d od in tire LB/PR and alit tire KIIk0i u iînl Klin clii) .ugrcied oppîrances încloded. Across trom scirotl and uclorint gon .,ur es o union f.0010 cind1 pînpnsed pare, tuis corner soit bootis a iruge fne .00.000,10 igI nu 7e100 iOlyiolO.u ** porcir for eoîoyîog tire warm sommer eoeoîogs. Igcis0n14 Oouu InIonoln ON1.1 cl bue Tirere are 3 large bedrooms on tire upper 2un 1' V EACE and the master iras an ensorte bratir Contact Pat ,b!,sjjt3 2 ui PRIVA uTiE RSelc for fother sfofaito and t0 VieW.. ..în uieuls Soud 2EJS ISbja o~ rn e igl luirgm G00 o102ure Seouoin lub U ,,M ,tocnouse in Traditions sy Fleotirood Homes crin a 100 FoîlOsGu ine - n cwr i total ni appron tB00 on MSot lîorsired ravng space. This iu i r 210îî 00 nr rinuxlourd 3 sedrooro unit iras a lînîsired basemeot a fliulous k I t rh. m ci i ! s o io 1 l «F Ta li~~~~~~ktciren wihgronite countertds o breakfast are and p)j o bll (bn irarauood flo015 ir tire living rosm/iîorg înom Tire aipperl boul iras a master iredrnsm ertir cak-n doser E CE /A NIN ESCARPMENT SIEN yand ensoite lot plus 2 additnal goîd-nroed sed- S i,'Y X -' ruoins Great value for tus soit - ire oie ni tire tiist ta Ir 0111 sn cn u ccip 030 mis c sl01 etno trs btan ea subdivision Collit for fofaifs. rVjt, :Vi 300 3 l .10'c l 0 -GI niin î NE PNICE *.. Fn ffl b CS pnoperty lncated onst t301 QlO inc'0 010.1 ment of tire village of Campheloîlle. Home is U 3 lise ý 050 O . ic 0 oé1wi 3 iredroom birck bungalow mîtir 2 garages: I i3Ir 3ia3l nu t10l CE owo detached double, and a detacired single. 4Tire irosse ns set at the rear of tire property i ACRE -CUSTOM BUNGALOW for maximum prruacy. If irronte loskisg for a rulc.i a.cuntry retreat, ni a place for your dreom c ra quuc i/lin 7, 'lolul ei soi înd country estote, look no faflrer. Cai pat Ostu wflý,ro--ie.iu c01l000cnc arrange pour parsosaf siewiat. $499,000. îrinc es Formai i cin pInromo Mas J BOS bAfFfJ SAi UNU;' 510 xoll 31 g3oewokcýr n / . .. .. .. .. .. .. ..........on 1.5 oc. onst nortir of tire 401 in tý ,îrngshnio ubie9 o reinsio *ýPet 1Compirelîville. Lots ot opproden od ict mont windows reploced, bord- l*5 ACRES wood floors, gos fireploce. home îý 3 bedion Iomnouie cOfi spci 03lgO cerf n buns opportunifo, detoched work- fns ouonil 1000 w .0u0110 Stiosen Ocîn 4 nhop. ood o 2 todr îo-lom/nonny suite ' clui3ic0 odlu lo/Onc ' s ." . ithB sep. ertrooce and drivemuy. Coll Mals w0011 cn giedicslcsiisperoni od hàth with 9'Put for your pernonol tour $499999. gc dcluieidcOiu lý odjs o i f 40 1 u nd EX C THE COUNTRY COMPORI - 2.6 ACRES fi n on custom ra chbnao îoîsVeoi C iont Ceolnu.coJC and iCu ui lîlcasf u îoo nc ffài PorD vin a.i.1.O n d c - 00-r I>4CCIEDITED i . i Ci lon i on don, and 1 sec ID05 "HOME ST sIIF FABULOUS 4 BEDROOM HOME ? rj~j<oEI POFSSOIL 1,3 1-d I sosphi atftet Branle Moodows ar ai Monys upprades throuph DUO YOU KNOVVWsIMiIamlrommt tire sait uema IVLd1NY sîa.rn com urw M I M , . place & walk oui ta costom 000 'a ie iliýil e eu 1- OFF A UMUEMM IAMS C MMMouorlookOp Park, FînîShea lamer beset - i kiciei tl;t )týjts oa cilbtiitilreci rofl room ots oiP 99I0 r, CENTURY HOME Stone 5-bdîno w/at tho chaot at oMwiIE nps, lrp principal Ils 3 tîtop fan ban /hd b I I gatape, tennis court Creokj mwos neadows lnComparabe fg)j aal..i.s aor out normation and Phioros oni these propoertIon please sisit fiddlppx 0P It o Plicturos Milton-reafestate-O 00.1 5O5IEiOOAW POKER