ÀAccusedâ'surprised' when Iearning of death: trial By Stephanie Hounseli CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Wbien Steplien Aichin was told bv police bc'd struck ancl killed a ieenagedl girl the night before, bie put bis hands olier bis face and bent forward. Su staîcci tbe notes of invesiigating ufficer Stepbien Martin, who arrested Atchin in con- nection witb the cleatb ut Lauren Cooper, 18. [he ollicers notes were read out to the court Monday by Paul Stunt, Alebins lawyer, in bis cross-examination of Martin as part ot Alcbin's trial, wbicb continued Monda> antI yesterday. Stunt prodded Martin regarding Alcbin's reaction upon bearing the news. "He was sorprised, tbats correct," Martin replied before justice Joseph Fragorneni ai Superior Court of Justice in Milton. Cooper was fatally struek [rom bebind b>' a vebicle wbile Rollerbladîng on Second t me near bier lis~gsse omie h iglit ofutiv I13. Aîcbin, of filton t tilts, bias heen cbargcd witb failing to stop ai tbe scene of an acci- dent. Martin agreed tbat Alebins vebîcle, wbicb was loeated by o[ficers in tbe early morning Juîy 14 ait Sixtb Lines Halton Country' finn, was backed into uts spot, leaving tbe damnage to, tbe front of tbe vehicle plain to see. In bis questioning, Stunt asked Martin if -judging [rom tbe radiator luid ibat appeared to bave keaked out of Aîcbins vebi- Pizza Dough)< White or Whole Wheat 079Zac cie after ibe crasb - it appecared Alcbin sped away, recklessly disobcs'ing stop sigros ni efforts to gel away [romn ibie scenc. Marini told tbe cour t tberc was niothing wo suggest tlat, and ibat ibiere bad been pooling of tbe ibuid -suggestiug the vcbiclc stoppecl - ai stop signis. I_'ýtrlicr, Martin biad iold Crown attorney' (raig tFraser ibat alter Alebin \v as arrcsted at the tn/goît club, bie xvas searcbcd. Found were miarijuana, txvo "corn euh" pipes and tw o beer caps. Martin told tiff court, -l detecîcct ie strong odor of alcobol oni bis breathb Inside ibe pick-up truck, court becaid, police later 1-ond wbat appeared tu bc drug parapbernalia including a waterproof miatcb container tbat smcilted ut mnarijuana. Also ni tbe truck were three empix Scotch boittes and îbree emipty lieer boittles. In response to Stunts cross-examîinattn, Martin told tbe court Alcbin said bc'd bad Iwo ti Iil',. sshci tilîuod o tilihon Coutri ni, but hacîn t becen driniking IIhe tbe crash occurred. Stunt asked Martin wby bis client biadn't been read bis rigbts word lur word uipon arrest, asking bimi it lie simrpîx "treclairtced its rîgbts.' Martin saîd bc didn't bave bis police notehuok - wberc tic righis are xsrit- ten - ai ibe timec and clîc tbe bces ibe cocild. The trial continues ioda>. Stephcuîiit- Houllisell tait bc i eut lied ut siliicssctii@uiiltoticaiiadianc liatîipioîi c 0111. Classic White Bread 09each I OUR NEW 2009 KIS ARE WGRLD CLASS IN *Oualit * Safetv * Style * Value 2 0 09 KIA RI 10 EDAN - émEODkj . J EX (anvenience 5-M si R: 31 m.O .' NO MONEY Don FR&tAc T ueem8 4hii n 20019 KUA SPECTRA 20019 KIA SP0RTAGE, Lx Canvenlence LX Cunivenience 2 LDH 4clat AMMA'C WAtiltsteinq fi H m ts , H..fn t ,.h l AIC 2 î4ý ue uýý t epaii n' , , baiHAMS.d Hr P, HHlm HMfWlC p widHt? 1 Hels anr het d irsSt 64223 MortelST7429 MP 1 Haly A CkI firy H1177 lgamps&mr i,,,Srs 77458 Mode 7 529 OWN IT FOR NO MONEY DOWN i OWN IT FOR NO MONEY DOWN W AliOm xe I~M nTHSld JlFeueà Teus Icleded I '-34 MP _ 834M 2009 KIA SEOrNA LX 2009 KIA RONDO LX LCAf' I- fil i UI'INAL FUATURES- i tA)E WT H OPI NA LIATRES OW TFRNO MONEY DOWN OWN IT FOR NO MONEY DOWN r Ai Femi& Taxes linlued Ail Feu G Taxes lncludied B EUEkl EIMlONTHS 8 wel DAC IM ONHS G EluLA$CE DIlS$ UP ljACN + 9 FNNCN ~~flflflî 60 months on Selected $ 0vUei Dij 2009 Midets VàIf5yrIlOO,000 km ~<p a rComprehensive & e Powertrain Warranly with Roadside Assistance Plus gel Milton Kia's VIP Free f Oil Change Program 65 Ontario St. North, MiltonThPoetSrpse7 JUSI NORTH 0F THE MILTON MALL VI TePwrt upie SANTArst~ Sjweî.Isker TOlII H~A~'I~LUCIA Marbled Smoked Meat Pork Loin Cheese 340g Frehv Sliced or Chunk i'rnh I4d1e Ul 6rad. Produr ofJU S.A. Prodiot of US.A. I½odue ofi'.A ProdilrofOiiriti Fresh Asparagus Romaine Lettuce Celery Stalks MacIntosh ~2.49 $1 29e *99 eachle9 Milton's Choice for Nitte Years Runninýg! 327 Bronte Street S PucTes l n e March WAhite Oaks Plaza EMI Flits 30m rn 905-875-0303 0~a -2