~*4 n~ ~22 Ontario St. S ~ I IX~878m7777 ii e.AT %l TERI LYNN*& NORM HILSON l D ~ U l*Sales' Representatives MEMBER 0F THE REMAX HALL 0F FAME tlhilson@sympatiCo.ca *ndhitson@sympaticoca OMM1' OUTSTANDING UNLMICUum 15 UM T UP! Th19 38 sgO al brik beu5 barf b Greenparti wantu uo rucal O borne. Oie urne otteru enpused agrigate tottO, large to t htoI beautlitu cetamic floor, vialfi through ru large UC/OC wtb 5005t005 brdaod tiru. Te borne otteru a oery tunoial flor plan rt beautitul gau fp ard main Blout aur- dry. Eauy accesu ru, a oel laid out eat rn totctten Large bîîgbt utîdig glasu duors iead tu a large dock it boit te but tub The bock yard i cumpletely teiced aid oulers gieat veof uthe large tutu area te rte bock, The lur leaul is piutessuonally ttutubrd ont bebr carnet. wtb a Oreat ottice ara aid ertetaument uo and ru bn oru nruom The r lever offees bardwoc utaircase, lac master wt ensuite aid t good stood bedruomu wits large o. wîwd toi raturailigtîgr nue iag doubl car grage is boite dreba uturuace flouwltlie iminesnu,sootonlwaiicaii HNer la - ani Tert Lyrn fallai. $394,900. UNVESTMENT POTENTIAL! Locale in a greal part cf tome close 10 schosls, transit, shopping Ibis bungalow fias had a major lacetift sffertng a Be/O kitchen milfi granite islanit tnt easy fond pPpreperaBion. Inadsoaf rtcb dark cabinetry, newer appliances, and beaulital ceramîic tlsnttng. The lIt- ingroortVdiningtnem nifers gor- geons dark bambos Iloottsg wdh easy acces 10 kitchen fot enletainîng, The mats tison chfers 3 large bedrosms with large wrndsws and datA bambos fIsons. halk dnwn a lent stepo and ynu cas relax sn a cnzy tamilyroom with large sltding doors 10 the backyard. The basement bas ils owo self conlaineit gpatment complele wîlh kttchen, livingrenm andt tano bedronnis. $329,900. 4HECESSION P111OF1 MARIKFIING SETS lis APAR)' FROM lut RFS1 0 bt it u ANo WW n0i ï, Morlgage Preapprovais Birfuai Tours Free Comparative Market AralCois Professionai Feulure Sireets Open Houses Cour Ber Bornie Maire Bt Cour Listing We will inoure Vout homne againsf defecfo for thfe enf ire lisfing perouf andf proolole ioooraoco on 00w resal 1. urcfnuse for 6 moof fs afloolufefy I-l t This Brenoan model chfers a gond star ta the tîrst lime home bayer or someone lonkin la dnwnuîze. The S madel offers garage accesu frnm the est te kîtchen with Baby acceus to the back yard, The main flone han a gsod tuncîlonal floor plan with liingronm/dirngronm combo. The upper levei han 3 bedroomu with a gond sîzed master witb walk in clnset. Lncated in a greal area nf ton with easy acceus tn maint bîghways and parklands. $255,900. QET AWAY FROM THE and bastie cf city living, titis 2 bedreem bungalow lecated aust nerlth cf Burlmngten in the Beautiful gated cemmunity et Antrica Glen effets ail the Luxary's et retirement living. ln-greand pool, rec centre mith Library, snem remeoval, grass cutttng, R.V. parking. This bunga- low effets estra deep lot, reem te plant trees and extend Landscaping, sunreem with paneramic viBws. NOW $179,900. Carol Brooks, will Preeide ginu weità... PERSONAL & KNOWLEDGEABLE SERVICE WI4EN BUYINO OR SELLINO A HOME IN MILTON & SURROUNWN RURAL ARIAS 905-878-7777 ;wwo.carolbrooks.ca R~MX . LOCATION LOCATION! 425 Bell Street otteru a quiet family neighborhood close lu schools. walkîno distance to dontow and backs on te parkiand This wel nrantaired tonte bau 4 coud unze bedroonru finiubed rec rooms. 2 gas tireclaces, kitchen with auundarce of ouood cabioetry. Bruce hardood fleurs, inground pool, hot tub. updateo luroace, air condîttoner and unîngles reploced 08. Beautîlul Iront perenria gardens. A niu uee' S389.000 SULMWh1 APPJUN M~ fil nwo bedroomu, eatltn kitcbtu, UC & den, $r kOO/ntu ,nul Iteat Itydro, coter Waik lu, dowitocu UVT #t - 9MU m n si 1b00 sq. O Office aiea & uturage Or 00mu locîtîdes nM t UIHSHJIF AU DOWNTON CO9WEMKI 1tsoi s don ua lowt affc cul-de-sac, tu imoaco le bon- avaîlabte immediately $13/ uqift tit May 2009 toto ies O udîmsulporiadrd blther ebît1yl old Bld uitý f Ill May 2010 , $430 OMIisq Oi trt' bdod Bouts toimal UC t isid UL upgraou idoot, terced yard Uoiu ut paring, Ceite ecrus- Calf Bull Currie af 905-878-4944 ll Bll Io vie Newufidin $M9111. for forfher information 21 j 1