Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 2009, p. 21

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T '1B.A dW 0-7824 Em0:: ,asfed@atr.co , a 05628 camer onnorunies m imvnlt â aieahle,, e e saalesaheip sales heip &agents E agents M &agenvs CAREER OPPORTUNIT Advertising Representative Tht Cambridge Times bas an excelten t opportunity for an indivîduai ox- ptritnced in print advertisîng sales or sîmîlar/related commission suies capacity. Tht candidate me seek miii demenstrate exceptienat abitities inu... Prespecting and ctesing customers mith advertîsing sales opportu- nities, cold-calling nem or non-serviced businesses in Cambridge and re- lated areas, creative thinking style and an ability te preblem-sotne, self- starter mith loads et initiative mho needs minimal direction, high en1ergy and a positive attitude, eacellent verbal and mnitten skitts, literate in com- puter skiils inciuding Microseft Word, Excel, driven fer success, excellent organizational skills. This is a carter _position. You miii be asked te consistenthy produce im- preved results. Tht earning potential is far better than average. Remnu- neration includes: Base salary, car aliomance, commissions, intermediate established account Iist, bonus oppertunities, benetits package & pension plan. Post Stcondary Education an asset but net a pre-requisite. lntereatied candidates are asked to forward their resumnea to byMac .209 Ted Anderson, Regional Advertislng Manager Cambuidge Times, Forever Young, City Parent and Specialty Publications, 475 Thompson Drive Cambridge, Ontario 1111T 2K7 tanderson@cambridgetimes.ca s p8Ve Take this opportunity to guide back into the workforce within your own-community! <uip tcx 25 wc>rdls> <P-Ivata Party QroIy) we Liamn 0. Lsjkiniftrwvc>rk ev5 dl,ç 2yrs. exp. as an Accounit Exective ~ ' courses taken Business Adrninisnration LLuikîrrurvvc.rk(au)qmaîilc.r- [Birth Jason and Mouissa Whetham <nee Soucie) and big sister Madison are pteased te anvunce the arrivai ut Aaron Lucas. Born February t4, 2009 ut 4:55am, me g hîn g 81b v 5ez. Weicomed by Navua Janet & Aunt Surah, Gramma Shelley, Grandpa Gord, Uocle Sean, Great Gramma Denise & Grandpa Courad. Thanku tv Dr. Wilkinson & the ,nurues aht Milton District Hospital. Engagement / il an dasua Bea ve are aa dsd toéoone te ogage eff r! trir, raughter Tara Lynne to Michael Pis Taylor r rrr of Brrarr and Paiurrre Tayý ýr ,rr Trrronta Thre s&arAr n! t P IlitAr M,'~ 23 200)9 ici bruns. Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness! Obituary MOFFATT Doris tl os mith sadoosu that me aunveuce the pasuîng ot Doriu ah the Miton Diutrict Hvspital vu Satvrday, March 7, 2009, Doris Mettatt, beieved mite ut the late Deimar Mvttatt. Lovng mvther eh Steve Meffaht and hîs mite Lînda aud Mîke Mvt- fatt and partoor Kim Frost, uadly mîuued by hec daughher in lam Carole Mathatt. Ferever remembered and cherîshed by hec grandchiidren Nancy, Jenniter (Pe- ter), Ben (Robyn), Jethrey and Christiue. Predeceaued by her venu Tom and John. Famiiy and trieude visited at the McKER- StE KOCHER FUNERAL HOME t1t4 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 on Tuescda The funerat service miii hoi heid in the v. neral heme chapel ou Wednevday, March 11, 2009 ati t 1:00 am. Inter- meut te take place ut Ebenezer Uuited Chvrch Cemetery. If deuîred, memerial donations te Ebenezer Uuited Chrorch vieuid be appreciated. Letteru oh curîdu- oence mau be ieft toc the tamîlu at mas rî,rrie-kuer r BERNOU, Jean-Paul -Peacehuily ou March 4, 2009 at the Miltou Diutrict Hospital, in hîo llth year. J.P. Beru iuvîng ho baud et Nicole. Dear hather ut Patcick (Paulette), Cacoline liheuini and gcaudharher eh Kaieh. Aise suvued by hîu brother Rerie aud hru mite Palire oh Aisace, France. Predeceaued by hsi brother Heur:. Mr. Bernu o a, a recipieut oh a liretime achievemeît award tor his work wîtir Miton Hecîtage and au active meurber oh the Nassageweya Historcai Socriety. A Memuoriai Service miii taIre place ah tire Loduworth & Bcowu Fuuerai Haine, Briogtor Chapvi, 2241 New. Street (Ar Drary Lariei Brin rgrir, 1905-637-5233) Satrcay. March t4, 2009 at t1t:00 a, n lie uto tlrrwera donatians ru tihe Milton District H ospital mould e C ppie ater hy tue tarrniiy in Memoriam Isabel Hilson May 1, 1921 - March 11, 2004 A liftle tribute ornat and tender Memory is a lovely lane Where heants are ever true A lave wie otten travel down Because tl ieads to yoo. Love you forever The famil Ortwein, Ronald Dec. 6, 1935 ta Mar. 11Y 2003 In Ioving memory of an awesome Dad! God took hîm home, tl was his wili, But in our hearts me love him stili, Hiv memory iv av dean today As en thre ho ir ue povsed aruvu V -ofui i t FirA th Ar u o ii Wuleu we are ail alunre, Fer memvry iv the olt triend Thot griet cou cvii nls omu. Love Linda, Gary Gary Jr. and Shannon 0x0X0x0xoxo Card OflhankS My hamîiy and 1 would lîke ta express auri siucere appreciation tor the may actu ,ot kîudrîess durîn g this pasu whîie and ttîeu the pas îrrg ut our Dear Stella. Weý have tauud coiiort rn kîud viurAs prayeru cards Ma ues, douationu ta arr Audersau house ai otrIe Cauncer Suciety lupecial tiraucu tu lud Lewiu aud Daue: Phiffips ter teir vordu ut reaa urauce' airi spnatiurr, Bob Norton fÏ 1 411 N; 100 House fMc Sai2foo Homes 102 Opeet Housa 212 Rmareation Vehicies 103 PrIvat. Sales 215 Campers,Trailers, Sites losTomnhou Sal 225 Camping Equipment 110 Apartment/Condti for Sale 230 Sports Equipmient 112 Cottages for sala 231 Aviation 115 Pan for Sale, lanit or Wàried 232 Boats. Supplies 120 Ouf 0f Town Prparties 233 Somobiies 125 Pmoperty Outalde Canada .234 Pools and Cap 130 Houslng Slantad l235 Resorts, Camps, 135 Lots, Acreagea 236Travel 140 IvatntBsns Praparties i237 Hobbies and Crafis 145 Iriduastrial, ConarllSpae 239tCAfmen's Columo 160 Offices, Business Space i245 Births 155 Store for Sala, Plant orVltented 246 Adoptions 159 lnvaatmnt Opporlunltls 248 Birthdays ieo Business Opporituntles 249 Coming Evenîs 161- Pranchises, 250 Engagements 162 Insurance 251 Porthcoming Marriages 163 P.ofesaona Dracty 252 Marriages 164 Tax, Pinanicial 253 Anniversaries 165 Mortgages, Loiana 254 Graduations 166 Accountanta 1255 Annourieet 167 Office, Industla Equlpmntat 256 Deaths 168 Business Services, Personals 257 Obituaries 169 Computler, Internat i258ln Memoriam 170 Apartenta. Plats for Plant 259 Cards ofThanks 172 Pumlshad Aparbmnts 260 Tenders 173 islcelfaneomt Plentala '261 Legal Notices 174 Short Tenn Rlantais, 262 Public Notices 175 Apartmenta, FtsaWanted 263 Car PoolsTransportaion 180 Condomniums for Rent 265 Lost and Poand 185 Houses for Plant 267 Companions lgOTownhouses for Plant '268 Personals 191 Housing Wanted .269 Support Oroaps 192 Room for Ront or Wanted '270 Nannies, Lice In,. Out 193 Ploors and Board Avallable & Wantad 271 Mothers Helpers 194 Sharad Accommodation 272 Nursery Schools 195 Pletirament Living 273 Daycare Available 196 Hall, Lodges 274 DaycamSiWanted 200 Vacation Properties 275 Babysitting 205 RentaIs Outaiele Canada ,276 Private uitions, Schoois 208 Bed and Breakfast 277 Music, Dance, Instructions 209 Cottages for Rent 278 Rlegistration 210 Mobile Homes and Park 279'rutoring 20Lassons 282 Places of VSforship 284 Esthttca, Beatly Ser-vices 285 Haafth and Homacara 286 Senlor Services 287 MassageTherap 268 Pltnass Services 289 Paty Services 290 CaterIng 292 Weddlng Plavnar 293 Astrology 294 Psycic 295 Liaison Services 296 Amuasement Clubs 297 Bingo 298 Punaral Diractors; 299 Cametery Pilots 300 MarlIt Baske 301 Pkîwar and OelIver 3202 Paermi Servic 303 Homses, Supplies and Boardlng 304 Producel Hay/ Saadl Grain 306 Poufory and Lveatock 306 Pumlture 307 Clothlng 309 Bargaln Centre 310 Articles for Sale 311 Bicycles 315 Artices Wantad 31GVendorsltlnted 319 Crani Sales 320 GarageVard Sale 324 Arts and Crafle 325 Auctlons 326Wamitoue Sale 330 Pirewood 331 Seasonal 335 ChrlstmasTrees and Gi 336 VVoostoves, Plmolaces 340 Antiques and Art 348 Restaurant Equlpment 350 tndustrlal Equlpmet 302 Pann Equlpment 353 Appliances 305 Computer artdlVIdeo 360 TV, Soand Snstems 365 Musical Instruments 370 Pets, Supplies, Boarding 375 Photography 3981 Swap andirade 385 ickets tor Sale 4010 Cars for Sale 405 Cars toanted 410 Trucks for Sale 41S Trucks manît 420 Vans, 4 Whrei Drive 421 Off Rond 425 Sports Cars 430 Antique Cars 435 Motorcycies 440 Auto Parts. Supplies and Plepaîrs 4.45 Auto Leasing and Rentais 446 Auto Pinancing 447 Driving Scbonls 450 Auto Care 455 Garage and Storage Space 460 Insurance Services 465 Automotive Plas 471 Heavy Dutil Eqaipment 5001 Career Training 501 Cameer Counseing and Plesames 505 Careers 507 Employment Agencîrs 509 Drivers 510 Generai Heip 511 Retail Dpportanities 512 Sommer Empicyment 514 Salon and Cps Heip 51C Skiiled andTechnical Heip 520 Compaterl IT 525 Dffice Hrip 529 Inside Sales 530 Sales Heip and Agents 532 Pletail Sales Help 535 Hospital, Mical Dental 536 Veterinary Heip 537 Holistîc Health 540 Restaurant, Hotel 541 Part-Timne Help 545Teachint Dpportunities 555 Domestic Help Available 556 House Cleaning 570 Empicymient anîrd 600 Home Impronaments 601 Animal Removal 602 Air Condkbonlng 803 Appliance Repaira 604 Carpetlng and Floorlng 805 Carpet and Upitolstary 606 Claimneys 607 Cleaning Servions 608 Computer Services 609 Demoliton 610 Design 611 Domr and Windows 612 Drapes and Uphinostary 613 Duct Cleanîng 614 Electrictens 615 Pence and Deck 816 Purs. And Upluolstery Repair 617 Heatlng 818 Heatlng and Air Condittoning 619 Home Security 920 Landscaplng 621 Lociesmitt 622 MIse. Services 623 Movlng and Storage 624 Painting and Decoraling 625 Pavlng 626 PesI Contro 627 Plumbing 628 Pools and Supplies 629 Ploflng 630 Snom Removat 631 Tree Service 632 Waste Plemovai 633 Waterprootlng 634 Eavestroughs 682 Hayrides 700 Home Improvemnents 701 Demoilition. Blesting 702 Garbage Plemova, Hauiing 704 Plurbi 705 Handyman 706 Chimney Cleanlng, Repat- 707 Electrical Services 708 Masonry and Concrete 709 Carpentry 710 Painting, Decoratîng 71a Moving and Storage 718 Carpet Cieaning 720 Drapes, Uphoistery 725 Dressmaking,Taioring 730 Fiooring. Carpeting 735 Oardening, Suppiy Landscapint 736Tree Service 737 Stump Remnova 738 Lawnmower Sales, Plepairs 740 Snors Removai 746 Courses 750 Appliance Plepairs 751 Hoase and Pet Citting 753 Party Services 760 Service Directonj 8010 Home Improvement Directory 500 Datîng Services 905 Adult Entertainment 910 Massages 930 Aquatucs 931 Arts and CraIns 532 Camps 933 Co-Edacationa 934 Conking 935 Dancing Classes 936 Daycare 937 Dog Training 938 Edacation v39 Eqarsrian 940 Oymnastics 941 Language Arts 942 Martial Arts 943 Miscelianvoas 9441 Modeing 945 Music Lessons 946 Nursery Scirools 947 Prîvate Schoois 948 Reereationai 949 Sports 950 Sumsmer Ochovi TO LAE A A CAL 9,588-3l FAX -- 90-7626 -o lasi ieI 1 Iton caa lnhmion I Adjastmenls: Every effort s made iv envoie tihe acuracy of yvur ad. P/vase checuk yvur aid on tihe fis insertion. For muiple inseutions ofthlie saine ad, credit wris e maî,de oriiv for flic rest inseion. Credrî given ior errorv inuconnectîou wron production ou ads is limptel te, tire prîied space iuvv/ved. Canceiarronv must ire made by ieieeIrone. Dor rai fax or emai rranreiaroris

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