Hans makes noajor stride.s orhigh ch reer afrom DRURY on page 12 ()nc of the mnost inipros'ed v. tesilers i I )iî un histot s. fIIîo\i senior amnd co-taptalin iZanbtt bans aiso t caclicd tlie top ol thie podi ui. doitng so wss til a cii.u pet iformîtît lýc tin thle 4 7 ýkg tivsin.1( mn li i ogtcs' ic itit uit tcictLii ii pionsliips, whicî c lic st t enLfcrcti ttst onc* itîcasis, point -tn the secontd round ol thc finals tgaitîst ceiicliiig O121 CI. citiiil) Shane l3alullaI of Brainptotis -fumter 17eîitîili lans would qcjtkly knot tlîîngs uî) ani take the mnatch via the iast-îuint \'vits tiebireaker - bas ing claimreti a 7- Ctroutitn round ont - tti upgraclast y'tars bronze. "My defence bas dtfinitely îrnproved and f thi n mv otus fate in nmatches lias gotten hetter as weIi,- said the co-captain, who got behtnd Babullal t0 scoîre the wîinning point aiter exectuing a firemnan anti doubles carly on. ~Tbis (capturîng goldi [tels greai. White bîpts [tir a rtîrn tî tht golti nîttit i nittt ll shiort xit ti seriîilt lttartiîcakct tt ni\sI fi tlic goit (tttgfîtt in iiii a pos i iftsitioniti t ilic settond ton antdt tit 55 s siistftcti s tutcti I)tîîtatt Moii it iiîtcl li aic ut o tii i-.t titiatiticfa 55 iititi s lo sof tht' tda\ li- i)rtî s. \liti i i t ttill ti tItou ti ((lt iiii( il t iI t alc sî inattc, tlit h i ,îîîîfîî co ii.iI iotis tuec tcoin ilss fout ilit 1i) itici t iittt foistion.t csclic tss ic c\ttiiit 'n 5 ilîrcepin f tîtî rosi, tisi sec, (i littî titi- den ttatit sessionii gctttîîg uic vi tit knuîtktti ot of fiiiiii [i Ie îî uitess al's Nitutlosîsale ofîfîîîeîî i)yfaii \iiti elbossv vas tiriven tutti flts t best, Unt faratterustît fot tlie tiefetisi\,tis, strong grippier, tht inove uttarli; ((tc of tue mnos excittng [intubes of tht las'. ibt(tit-brtakiîtg tbross) vsas titre reflex," saîd al stili wuntiet itut tulttt MOI-fat, ss ho cliiîd sus et last scar andtti ui bas aitoîtie stasou Iii to stccurt tuec tIiosi t oseittil titetit of ii. "I' se desttonc aiy- îfîtîîg likc Iliai ii aiîg tuait( fi C 'ig tc spattats al 4 lot 4 siowtitg Ii titi' ftial (lofi st i a iics in' PtsIoton---- iii, k up t.. i litsi Ili tuec 4 ï,i kg t a's sa'- i lit', gîtt pi st lo \.h ,t iîuct otg i i t fi artli wtultl no ti. itli asc tttt tiIctl lais tiýrs ,it tottiit u\(Itii ictias toutit tati to- taftatit Io ifi liîîî,îîîi (54-kg) -the dcl ttufitg champtf îlnot liten jîlagiiet l\isalioutfiC t iuLry' siîsituict les-, thfati ît s cks- ctriutr ut CilIAC. Wh tie si tîîîiîg flts ftrsî tsi', maîttclis, hi,., iturs cs-ttalfs tatuglit up sstili huiti Ltrur:, tiijoyt(d otie of its test ostrail per- fori antes last svttk as tIf limîe wrestitrs - tutftuiiig Rcedt Nicthfolson,. Blair Noriand, fefl f Sit lat anti i)tsoit ,vfontt 5Li ai Icasi, twio ittatt fîcs. Local duo help MAC to third straiçjht tournament gold Vtii th lîip oii iss lotal Miit ittsitc anti Mitoiaii Niait tutui a 2-i 22 gît iîtig t luiit loss MA(\ scîttaId sti c (lttls t aias piavers, tht Mounitatin Athittît Kexý,in t(iti\îs'rcd strolig play\ on 10 tfstagi' tut' Rts crstticý Rage l) t x cckcîîtis i ilt liuga sit ( tp ti Club (MAC) 14U] boys sofitybali the itît stde to aud anit tuibeauti 18, i t i i. Iroui tfîtrc, al fiaiii I faui îio i licî tit c cuit as PAII teaîî sston itu thirti ctinsttîuîs- rtîî ai te Ilawkiîs C îp tsiuf 1-i etut xi tl tlic l tail s iait ci lis th li Cttas a gîîlt itietal rtctntly iii Bar-rit. MAC s stifft'st ttest taine tii tlte Picdutiatns su as 5ýoti 2-i5i17, 2-)ii i ROo s \ Io took t lit' goiti tiietiti zig h Camplîtils-tlle's Auistini sernfittals, sslîterc iiicy rallitu A t otiiictLi f4t: andt i- i tai f 2)-20, 2 if4ý dn ic-AAM PAIMl "A'JADIA'N CHAMPION MFUL PROSPERITY. Duncan Moffat is the iii effects of hîs bronze-medal min, hav- ad lis opponents eibow drîven itt lis chest g a victury-clinching throwv OUTSTANDING HOME SHOW EXHIBITING OPPORTUNITY! NOW US THE TIME M 1LTO0N to reserve your company's rr fW exhibit space in the 4th annual LiJestyL1/4Jýfome Show You just can't beat face-to-face exposure to get more sales. TaIk durectly to thousands of qualified customers in JUST 3 DAYS! LIMITED SPACE STILL AVAILABLE sponsored by C#t)ffmpG April llth ta l9th, 2009 e MILTON MEMORIAL ARENA 77 Thompson Rd. S. - lusi south of Main Street CALL TOUA Y: Jenkins Show Productions 1-800-465-1073 (Ask about oui other shows too!) D*iabetes îsn't just about sugar. We can help you avoid simple things that put your family at high risk. Cail a Registered Dietitian for free. I EatRight Ontario 1-877-510-510-2 ~) J) ;#iI4,j ontarîo.ca/eatright frOntario Pi îd foi b)y lite lititi tviiif tii Oi iiio DON9T MISS THE CONSUMER TRAVEL MARKETING OPPORTNITY 0F TUE VER Torontds ULTIMATE MTRA OO OVE NTION[CENTR Put vouir business face to face itb THOUSANOS 0F TRAVEL C0NSUMIERS. Limited Exhibit space sti11 avallable. Call 8110wi Manager Kathorino TOURVI 905-842-6591 1-800-693-7986 wjww.lotravosbowncom