Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 2009, p. 1

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MlosCommunity Newspaper 905c 878670 CNA NaidCanadas Topý CommuWt.s Ni ti paper www. im iton ca nadcianchamion. cor .iww1a&efbrokom S POR T S EC duo golden at OFSAA '7 A RE AL F CATI See what's on the market inside C O M M Ut N 1 T Y A new project to warm Up to, Menitor to shut down Milton car parts plant PROUD MOMENTS: Aboya, 10- year-ofd Jenna Sonoski is presented the Memorial Cross in memory of her father, Capt. Colin Sonoski, a pilot wîith killed in 2002 when his search and res- cue helicopter crashed wvhife returning from a rescue mission in northern Labrador. Presenting the medaf is Major Gen. t3lynne Hines wîth the Canadian Forces, Brother Lîam, 7, and mom Sharon also received the honour durinq the presentation, which was helut ai Milton's Royal Catiadin Legiori, Branch '-- 136. At right, Major Gen. Marcel Duval, also with the Canadian Forces, presents the Scroîf and Bar to Colins father, Frank, a pilot in the Second Worfd War and a legion member. GRAHAM PAINt / CANADIAN CHAMPION By Tint Foran CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF \Tîlîoîî into a1 Iilafi plis ci Ini ibu autîo paîi, manifauiuring suctor w iI 'bhut closs for good, afîur 55 carý ii oplaiion. Mucriioi Suspeni)on «s)uul . o lbas announuced t bai i plans To c îupeîrmanetun 15 tbu ýTuc lus Aves'nue plant h:5 tiu uii of 2000.ý pctiiiig f65 peopl oui of e.ork. [burcla,î s nnotuncunni by Murito is the sucondl major bloe' i rcuni clays te, Mions, auto paris scitor, e.bîcb un)plos up To a fifîb ol tbu towi)s rusiclunis anut aucocinis foi 35 pui- cunt of tic prix atusu loir jobs. I bu local stimping plant of SKD Aniit) îsut\, an insolsen uninpanuiT cuni IN, uncr cruclitor protection, e.ill likuls c losu f01olloe ing Illu sailu of ils assus atccot-Cl ing To tbu union icicuiîgt bu apprîxi- mate 200 hourIsý ciiiployuus ai tbu compa- tus s Miltion opuration. Muriior aincf SI) aic ie.o of Miltins top 10 unipioy crs, umiplos îng closu To b~50 l)uci pic in 2007, accorciing ici be. n- data. [bui top iwo uinployurs rumaii) Magna- ownud platnts Karrnax ancl Modatck, w.hîcli toguthur uînplovud 1,700 jobs in 2007. Suai manufautcîur Johnson C onirols also bias a plant i Milton, provîdîng 200 jobs i 2007, and thebru arc numuerous othur sm-aller auto paris suppliurs. Howevur, fis the Murîtor ownucl plant ibai fîrsi set up shop in Milton, bauk wbun it xvas a sniall îown and not C anadas fastesi gri)wing uon)rniii The fac ilii'c vohiub makus coil springs for vubîules, sî'arîud lîfu in 1954 as Ontario Steul Producis anut ai one limne provideut unpioyinuti for about 500 People. "Dishuiuf" ssas thu ruaciion of long-trne GRAHAM PAINE CANADIAN CHAMPON The Mentlor closure vvill put 165 people out of wvork by the end of the year. Ptposc at Soulier upon licaring the I gre.\ up in Milton and 1 ruminhur ibis place bcing bouit. said bue 60 s car-olut san- I bouit Milton, addud a sut-UT) opera- toi- \. ho clic not e.anî To givu bis naine. Fic u0-yuar-oic1 naive Milionian said Ist fathur andt uncles haut prux'iouslx e.orkucl ai thu parts plant. "ls, like a famnily hisiors' herc. Il's- a big bIoýe, To vurv'body,. That farnily connction also exists for 28 s car Milton Mayor Gord Krantz, whose wifue. orkud for Ontario Steel in the latc 1950s andt cariy '60s. linm vcry sorro to buar it," Krantz said Friay of the plants uiosing. lis bcun a fab- rie of ibis uonnniuiiy" Muritor spokusperson Lin Cummins said the ducision To close the Mion plant was iacle to reuîcu ovurail uapaciiy andt cost. [bu fauiliiy, e.bicb supplicut thu Big 3 Amertuan uar cortpanies as wIl as Honda -see PLANT on page 10 Ail Jewellery Boxes & Travel Cases ... O W a4,W *n Stock OnIy 218 ain t. E DowtownMilton Mm-e.9:3Oam4-600pm TImr.-Fri. 9.3Oam*0O 05 87 p2 9 Satau*y tOOam-4095p75-99 .à

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