DISCOYER DOWNTOWN MILTONGrwhmspa DOWNFOW _& A4ý4_MM4for itse If, says Car »f rom NO on page 1 ital expansion prograni launcl' Z à à1,7 the shorîfaîll 1994, whîth foîmx part of Halton Regional Chair Gary growth capital plan. (anala's Carr said tht decision to only pay millîton contrihuion for GO GO whaî's collecteclf in develop- cornes 1rorn the Canada Str z -ers is part of1 regional coufleil's Infrastructure f und, saîd -~~, stance that growîh shotilc pay foîr CoUlard, a spokesperson Z . eaientx 5b aeeii In an emaîl, Collard wroi ~ t'. me taxpayers pay the ouîsîanding a'nuînovrm nticn Downtown Milton prndes itself with countless assets and strengths. Visitors will find an eclectic mix af independent retaîl shops, a variety of restaurants, services and residential properties. Our well maintained streets and the current renovation to fi e - nku Irux r -ili i\îui"i r,îun+r% nr' hixAi+r%n +Kz r Victorian feel of yesteryear. Green space within aur histaric downtown core pravides the ideal space for residents and visit ors to hike, relax and enjoy our popular events and gathering. Enjoy the Farmers' Market on Main Street every Saturdlay morning beginning Saturday May i 6th until Saturday October 1 Oth. It is here in the heart of our comrnunity where yau will fird special buildings, streetscapes, local monuments and public ar-eas- our community's heritage and identity. Visit aur website for a full listing of businesses located in Downtown Milton - where parking is always FREE! The Diowntown Milton Street Festival Saturday June 6, 2009 ton F.<lval 3:OOpm to midnight Vendors register now and SAVE! Volunteers wanted! IMILON SHey Students! Volunteer for community hours! Downtown Miuton's Classic Car & Motorcycle Show 11111111Friday JuIy 17, 2009 6:OOpm to i 2:OOam Sponsorship opportunities are available ta local automativet businesses. Cai the BIA Office and get in early! Registrations fort pre '76 alassic cars and ail motorcycles are being accepted. SPACE lb tIMITtO, NO COMMERCIAL VEHICLES PEIASE. Pj Shop, Dine and Enjoy! ïw.downtownmilton.co-m 'r ced ini GOsý $38ï TRIPi ati IA lic fori te the mnates inx'oices "and 1 don't thînk thaîs fair," explaiined Carr. Councils at the other 905-area Smunicipalities have also passed stînilar resolutions to Halion, anti stopped paying in full GOs invoie- ex over approxîrnately the past twuî years, said finantial staff ai tht mnincipalîties. Actording io an allocation for- mula passetl hy tht GTSB in lune 2000, tht l0ur regîlîns. alîîng xiii Ililltllcil andc lî 11ctb lix q' 1ioscd ici joitîx îîay ont t ird toi the tosi of Go 1s capital expansion budget for projects in those mrunit- ipalities. xx'îth the provincial and lecleral govtrnmnits picking up tic other ixvxîo-thircls. Toronito ix to pick 11p 44 pet- cent ofi the cosi of- îhaî one-îhir, xvih tht 905 munîtclpaI- itecs ptcking up tht other 56 per c ent hasecl on a tonmplex f ormutla. Ilaiumns lier etage ix Il per tent xx hile I tarnilotis is tht loxxest ai 2.8 per ceiti Agreement reacecd I roui 2001 bo 2004, Toronto reluciset ii (î10,GO arguîng it nex er agi ecd b tht G PsI fu Indîng forum-i la. -l'lie C ix' andc tht Pri xnce reachted an agreement on tht issuîe xvitlî Toromntoî rel)avitîg ils $32 mil- lion i arrears in laie 2004.Sit 2005, loronto hias paîd GO approx- intcly $20 millioîn a vear, cxxs than tht 44 îîeî cent tif the tntiipali- lies' ont third share, gcîing hx îlîîs ytcar's growth capital bucdget. Asked îo confirîîî cletails of tis arranigernent, Minisîry (il i ranisportation spokepersîî Em-na Dhaliak xvrote in au e-mîail Torontio xvîll îîît ils fuil (O Transit linan- cial obîligaionî lased cii tht l0-year gi-o(lxx îh c apital pîlati froni 2004/05 lui 201 3/14 i atlier thati tht updaîed expîansionî hudgets. She saici tht pecrcentages haven't chiangel. Dhahak refuxed to xpecîfy what thetoixtal shorfafl lias lîeeî foîr cach of tht înutiliciîialî tics sînce 2001, liu said (O's c aital expîansion lans xottlcliit sutiltr. flic Pirovince t 1ovidlct templlo- raix Iuîîclîîg ant ixvll xx'ork xxtl [ uticing lairts 10 adlcrcss atiy shorîlals," Dihaliak, xx ote. he lecleral gos'crniitent tlotstît grwhcapital expaioni hucdget. Insteacl Dhahak saîcl tht cîpper gxîv- erninent ix hel1îing to îiay for tht cight-year, $1 hillion GO TRIP cap- -I spending nearly $70 million in the 2008-09 fiscal year to support GO. [o date, the federal governimenî has provided over $127 million to sup- port improvements under GO TRIP, hie added. he 905 regtons kept currenti n their aceounts with GO for manyears until findtng that more and more property taxes were needed to pax' their shares. lu laie 2006, lie rcglin 'ou ul aid tîîiiugl ao1d starIci pax îog GO offix xxii thex collected in developuiiett charges and no more. Reeouping enst major problem At issue for ail the 905 nionici- palities is the înabhiî t raise dcx elopotient charges to recoup the fulîl cost of thetr 'hart of GO', groxx th capital programn lu 2001 the four regîons dutt- busl passed dexelopînient charge,, hxlaxxs for 0~ Transit, to co\ti theit pet ceniages ol xx at xvas theo a I 0-vear, $1 illion expansion plan. Ho\N ex er-, G(is groxvth capital hudget lias heen gîeatly expanded stnte tliat im.c hot tht mnunît ipali- ties sav they art unahîct b rex se tht developmnenî charges thevy collect for GO to niakec up tht dîllerenice. iThe Province hias ollitialîx extendl cd tieir exîsting dex'elopmnent eharges hv -laxxýs man uies, most retentIs to 2010. I lie four regions and thetwxo cties have jointlv proposed ihat tht Province allow tht miunitipalities, bo impose a region -wide GO Transît developmient charge. However, as there's no Greaier Toronto regional goveriimient that tan enaet such a hv laxx. tht Provinee would nted to amnend proxincial legisianion, including tht 1997 Development Charges Att. Ontario Prenmier Dalton \IeGuinty ruled that oui in a faîl speech, when hie told tht GTl. developers group I3ILD there xv,,ouil lie no thanîges to tht lIts Act in this tel-mIli ove ornenlllct. A soulte ai the Minîsiry oii Mtunicipal Ai - tiirs antI I ousîng saitl tht issue ol GO Transit clevelop- ment charges xxasn't ctaIt wîth as paît of tht Proxînt jal-Muicipal I istal andc Setrvice Delix ery Rex îexx compleîcd lasi year. Tini Fiuîoo iai bc ii-tihed ai