CA Iuxury car that is smooth and economical from SUBARU on page A34 -The sinîiarly sizcd BMW 328Xi wiîh X-Drivc ail- *whcel-drivc lias a 3.0-icr 2 six-cylindcr enigine witb 1 5 Èilss Ibp anti costs $45,500 É(BM Wtroutila). V iTbe Aui andi BMW arc <Zmagnificcnt rtiad cars, but rwbat thcy tiont have is an Zenhancemreni tbat Subaru catis Si-Drivc. There is a rotary knob on the transmission tunnel mnarked as i ntelligen t, Sport and Sport Sbarp. Bs' twisting tbc knob, tbc rcsponisc fronil tbc cnigine and transmnissioni tani be changcti to besi soit un olibrec tiiiving nuites. Inteciligent stiiothbs oui Illc cnigine anti irripruives futcl ctonomny by as lit b as 10 pecr cent l'or biigbssva>' anti in- town tiaiiy ci oising. Sport is more for gencral ost' giving more iinear ibroîtie rcsponse and extra puncb wben pass- îng. Sport Sharp thanges tbe cngin(, mapping pltus boitis lowcî geais loînger for more p)oss cr pilos i nsianiancus Shflis. iTbc 3.OR cointcs ss tb a lise spet actiinnaiic S1ut tslili itianismiission iiissî îuinaia sbiit modite. tl s umne ofi uIl lasiest sbiling oinîts Ill tbc intiîsîry, iaking 01.2 set- onis ( liierail' tbe blink of an ce) tonirilici b> big patidie siters iciouiet 1<o Ible stcring wbici tir by tbe shilt biandit on thet ransmaissioin Car Insurance Rates Are Increasing - __Are YOU Prepared To Pay More? The average rates in Ontaria for car insurance are set ta increase in 2009, with same insurance campanies getting the appravat ta increase their rates by over 10%. Are yau prepared ta pay mare? Gîven the etronomît slowdown, how tan you ensure that you are flot overpayîng for car insurance and geiiing the iowesi raie possible for your driving profite? Haw Ta Reduce Yaur Car Insurance Casts? Firsi and foremosi, the besi and easiesi way io lower the tosi of your car insurant e ts to shop around. The raies rharged by dîfferent insurante tompanies iv insure the same driver, with the same car, for the same toverage. tan vary by hundreds and even thousands of dollars. So il pays to shop around. Take a took ai the table below. BUT, where do you siari" This is where tnsuranceHotine.tom tan help. tosuranteHoiline.tom ts an independeni raie comparîson engîne ihai gels quotes from over 30 oft the top car insurante rompanies in Canada, presents yoo wîth the towest 3, and then matches you up with a hi uker or agent ihai tan set up your polity. The servite is Fast. Sale and FREE. So if you are keen to save big on car insurance, why not Gise a trv? tunnel. tl aiso lias a "blip- ping' motde tbhii matcbes cogine specil on is'sîi rnaking foi stioiii er andi irc b ircc gcar chbauges. Iii aditionti tt Ilit' Si-Drive ltio iiber ibi a ioggle sWitt b oni t' biitioîin rigbt ii ibe stecring sslie bc htbi crigages/cisc ngaigcs Sýpirt SbAarp svîtbout tli bdiri ial i îîg biis/bii biauds iA ti ie Wîtb a long wbcclbase anti wide stantce tbe enigîiei itiansm ission anti St i)ris'e aire inaieti Io Stibartis paient- cd symnietricai iîi-'tinic ail- wbiei tirive. icvcIopcd froin ibe lessions lcaîrncd iii ibrec ouîrigbî 's\iiîli Raîiiy ( barnpiiinsbip iis, tbe Sobharti sy'sti is ai t t'c simpijle, bt sers eliet tise(ý ini 10 11 ilir ' i i u .î I i ,tm L1 dlît noiiîce il il'or t, i OR. a lintîtiet slip diflrentiai is atitiet foîr moire pret îse torqtit splittîing Betause tbe bti- enigine iay'oui ailîî%s i t ii su tissecr. tl lets ibe tiîssat to tbe rear trasc i iii straigb itrne and ibati nakcs liri a lo\w er ilserail centre ofi grasîts' and iess posi er loss in tinisversai joints. Tbe resutîl is a setdin ibai fceis sers' stbstanîtiil îîserali. In tbe ÏOR tbe boîlti tp ofi speed us tieceptîse in ibai its su sm t th at ytît cloru t get a sense ofi boss fast s\tit arc going. Enicring anti exiting a corner iii a Stîbaru ticiîn- strates the lesci ofi grîp tbe AWiS sX'sîciî lias soth bs tbe conîpe)tcntxý oii tic pth andl y'aw s> sîct (Subarti calis tl \"cbiclc i)ynanit Contîîroîi sviii tratcti ctotl, ABS aiîd clietirtiî biaise forte distiribtutiton. Iii Spuort Shîarpiîtnde. ABOVE: Gone are the days when Subaru interiors meant gray on gray. In the 31OR passengers are greeted by a two-tone mix with a liberal use of wood and aluminum- inserts. hîraking andl iben actcerat- îîîg is donc in tint sXS eecpîîîg motioîîn. \Aith tbt' liadcle tiii ttrs gîîîng ant i tic tgi t' tîgneptcil't a lit of fcun iii Itel tbe car responil su n tbe snth ie lîrsi tlîing s îît nîotite ai sîarîop is tbe ssas, tbe tail btinkeitsi on as ail ltir ss iedCs tal5 tîL'p tortîue and pîlant Oi ibeh stîtface. Mtîs'ng offi. tbe Suîbaru titis itîtîakc ia lte stp) ti tbe rîgbî tir itit lîkec a hitint-drive, but iratks îtiuc. Oii a deserîcil parking ltt necar my bîîtse tbai bail ntt been itis I)Ncci, i lootk ibe f egaci' tp t iii tîreet siiect andîtl tien sanketi tbesbt' liard iii the ilif anti rîglît tir incitce a spin. But tut Vs\vas bas'ing tocf ti t A\notber tiiing i noiîiced ss as ai iiiîterate siiet anti iii a torner, enginle brakiiîg \sas iitiitabie .tipec ssith tbe AsSIS, sltîssînig ssas sti iîîeasureti ibiat t'e brikes ssý'eren'î neci. Su it s; a luxur>' car, bt it aisti lets soit enîtis intîîtîrîng ssitbut bl-ikîiîig aîîs- l,s Andt speaking tiof \tt5 tbe 3.OR sbtosss bcîw, lai Suibaru b3s tome frtiî tue das s s'en s'on cuculd bis ans interisir t tltir , lon iii t n gi ,ts. liv "tik lc iiiii tesîcil bere ssas lînîsiiet ii a ssarnîing isso-iocin blenti wîitb ssood and aluminoni acctents. \Vîîh beateil froint scats ss'îî duai ztone cliiate ciii- trtii. ibe L-imiteil anti Preicier base a nine-speaker Haîtîari Kardtiiî 385-w ait Sountd ss terri. i be Premier adds a G'PS [)\D-based navigaion ss lent sviîb toucb-screen iimoni itor. Tbe 3.OR is ini its cleîîîeîî as a iîgbss as crtuiser Sticking it tmn ulic cruîse ani pîcking s tîtr laivitc ltînes oii the Siricîs satellite radito I tii-ce iiitit b trial pet id) ss hile pcitiig 400 tir 500 kmi bhiiit s ot cati lit takcii in stritie. But ftor our sveatber anît ti sing c onitionîis, especial- ix' afier lasi ssvitnter anil sbai 55C bave seî se, far ti'is sca- soit, laiasîg Stîlartîs .\WD is a serious btîs îîg ctitsidera- lionit. The odion-pocked Rabbit appeols ta the thrill-seeking child in you without negleciing the qualiiy-driven aduit in you. This nimble littie beast packs a Germa n-enginee red wallop beneath a tlick exterioir. L~~rw~ s- -. -J t