SÇa ff-823 , a, 'i- 7 ,, z A zconi < Birttis Brain and Shelley Sampson welcsmed with loue their beautiful son Logan Anthony Sampson on Ociober 4th, 2008. A brother f or Coninor ta play mith. Proud Grandparents are Donald and Christine Belch and Earl and Cheryl Sampson. Excited Aunts and Uncles arel Tanya, T.D., Peter, Jennifer, Darreli and Janna. Coulsins Ethan, Michael, Grace, Clivia and Kate are thrilled. A special thank you goto ta Dr. Wang and the Neonatal staff and nurses ut Women's 1College Hospital for their wonderful cure. Aunt WA SnnanCsian Katnt Specia Bthnks teone r. Laonandth res utr unhli ng BitdyGetn à Whois 40 Happy Sweet l6th Rebecca <Bekah) e AZ, jt, 1 1 March 4,2009 a jLove Dad, Mom &Rachel eo book eou anoneetc 905632444 loilces Board fDirectors The Oakville and District S Humane Society Serving the communîties of Oukvrîle andi Milton, is recruiting tori ta Board of Director. Wr are looking for iodivîduala wrth bar-k grounds in areas sur-h as public relations, marketing, business, humas resources and fundraising. Mtetings are held monihly and some committee work is required. Please submit your resumne by March i 5th, 2009 to ingrid@epm.on.ca Announcements ( place your iBaby's Birth Announicement in t e Milton (meloin Champion, und ysu eril rust o vsîshtr for One Free Ornainet of your b6udy'st preciaus hWd or foopri wws weifrggr Cori 9M 825-8&3 I64 aitTirs Cuil 905-878-2341 to ploour uaooasrore LCard of ThanikS Suidgeest, Volanda The iamily ai fthe laie Yolanria Suidgeest wotil like ra exterS a heartirir Thdnk Yas ta all aur iamily, fiends and neighhouis for iheir support, ibowers, cards anS Soations, A speoral Thank You ato '13iatoo i r f he Orangeantle Polica Departorent and the staff and F.Rt tarses at the Orangeville iloadwarers Heatthoare (enrer, alto Father Satani and Oeaor Patrick ai Holy tasar C h urch lar rhe heautifu I services and receprias airer. To Doug and Ondirew at Motersie-tacher Fuserai Home for as5iring as îhraugh a difi(to rime. Your kirdoros meass o much tous. Sincerely, Trudy Dennia, Kim & Mykcala h e f amrily aif t he lare Carolyn Vandespyker sihe tsi iloik tire L siridcriul Nurse, arnd Di)tiir, cr'ilun [i)isiriui Hirapitrl anrd arl iur t rieuds arnd rieiLhbsisr.a Vis sur Jsmil, ycisr ,,uppoirl and expressio ns ofi ,N irrpai"hy v, rîils ~als ' bereieiibered. Curs, in vl Jil le tuireller in the heiirtiiof iana. milto c n c hI a m p 1 o rii