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The position reqsires a pharmacist registered with the Ontario College of Pharmacists whe demunstrates strotg leadership, strate g c planning and cestomer foces skil s . Innomar sffers: Great Hsurs (Mes - Fni, g-5I, Competitive Salaries & Benefits, Grswth Opportusities, and a Dynamic Wsrkisg Environment! For more information visit The Careers Section of aur website: www.innomar-strategies.com Please send resumes ta careersninnaar-strategies.cam or fax ta 905-681-9598 Thank yov for yoiar interest in lnnomarj Strategieu. We are an equai appoctuuity employer. 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Steve or Mike Fax: 905-876-0721 -Phone: 905-876-0008 or Email: info(&hinkleXassociates.com A1WYNWl PA vER c, 50UP MAC ARTIST Fairway Newspaper Group, publishers of community newspapers is Iooking for a part time Mac Artist ta work in the Cýambrid1ge[Waterloo/Guelph area to design newspaper advertisements. Quailificaitione *rucessully derueuxirain creaie aitlitieîttt Inîtesîgu Phoiudrup illustrator and Quark * (oud uuderiaudtng of prepartug fie for prittt Exc oelleut ry'pîtg ubili, crit air atrînion to detati -Abilet ti cui as an iniegral litember oit a ntarketigtiiaiii 'urk wîith îttîttîial .îîger%îitîrît \btîiri t r, trrh ,l, Plese send rsme toi tndersos@caasbndget mes.ca lb ofie ual P-T Medical Receptionist Good compuscrand timc management skills required. Please mail resumes ta: Box# 18A c/o Milton Canadian Champion 555 Industrial Dr. (2nd floor) Milton, ONT, L9T-5El I Geri ep hp Need Help Finding Work? %s your FIRST STEP ta Find ost what services are available ta you ait NO noOS agat eeasecoucebai Mfeen: 19051069303 Oakvile: (905) 338 219 Burlington. (905) 637-8988 ..ni IINDEPEDENCE* S Paper routes are nos longer l ust kidus stufl Excellent opportunîtv in ()akN ille l'or sern tce-m indcd. ~conscîentious'adults. Pntrt-ttme- WednesdaNs. Frl-dsu & Satrsrdas. You psLk Nour hours. Intere.sted adults mav contact 130 a' (905) 637-8795. s m p iil o h glnqo Pharmacyl *-T Pharmacust pragressive mcdical cliic Please fax resume ta: L.05-336-9658 requireù et égal s fine te N. Burlîugtus/ Kihrdcf Lucuille area. P/T flexible Souun. Must have onr traurportatin. Butter inn, sîprrî, pneparrug muoîtes, ,dîtated nnnrerpuu- drnte etc. Must be penfirieut ru Mironsoft Word, Outiaak, Ev- tifl & have ecellent rEnglisit cummusna- tiun ukîllu. 7OWPM min Sttihr M ofie hep CALI CENTRE Debt Collectors FIT, Perm. No exp. Req. Musl have gsod phone manner. QEW & Ern Milîs No Slsdents Fax: 905-855-060 Rof #89 EStaindowsp Manufacturer reqs. ex enr.enced wrth proces 4relatias- shrp seliing and clus- ing skiiu. The pusitiun uffers a flexible wurk sched- aie and cussiderabie hranch suppurt witS the uppurtusity ru cars cusderahie sn- came. Trariig and ieads are pruurded. Fax resumne ta 416-661-2515 Attn: Alias ut email alani@ieurotech windaws.ca For thaae wha know s Far thase wha don't "the Cota's E Are you au eaîiy ris quaiity tîme wîith committed ta ecceih fun, energenic tea Opening April sn M experieucid: *Kitchen Teami *Assistant Kitcr *Service Team *Hasts *Bus Persans *Dishwashers Please forwaîd resant cara.miltonl(& Fax: 905-E Aillexperience leveis c for aitiPo E xpk. Cos an -Dishss Coil Mîhe or. f905) 878- arandchalet(& The Gan 'PIeasure0( .Isk~ Zx bu. I re,5euets le ae Bs e: Bell 90-39-04 Br -BB msae o ik l 9055878-5796 If you are an experienced Custom Buider or Renuvator and are ready ta work for an aviard wisning, established OakviIIe bailder, read on! Wie are Iooking for a Construction Manager chu knuws hec' te drive a prujeci, is client iucused, and undersiands how su huild high- ernd exceptional hutuci Your day ru day respunsihili ties include p ruject planning, site superv ision. budget adherence, trade rendering. safeîy. and ris urtug the pnrje et stays on schedtrile Exprerteuce tn Microsuuft Projee.î anitr If yau are ready ta jain a fast paced team, wha loves what they do, send your resume ta custam-hames@hatmai.com CHILDREN CtO PECIALIZING IN jobs, g too sait' 17a tri Basements Ad Hospital, _ _ Hospital, Harduinnd Floot OR m a Medical,' Dental E MedicalDental ,11 ndi ifg, Fiis Carpeîr Shalom Gardens Apartments A Christian Seniors Retiremnuct Cammunîty, has upenîngu fui the pusition uf Registered Practical Nurses -Persanal Support Warkers Cumpetitîe pay rates with lung ter care. Please submit your resume ta The Director af Care: FAX: 905-945-1211 E-mail: infocashalommainorca. 12 Bartlett Ave., Grimsby, ON L3M 4N5 Summit Housing & Outreach Programs, t tutu prîi chartable argaureatian, pranrdes fleuible residenntal and outreach communrty case management support services shraughaut Haltan fat aduits misS a dragnased seriaus mental illncss. We currently require Community Support Workers; Full time Contract 100 Nov 1, 2009)- North Haltîru Progratts Casual Relief -Nmrth Hitîtou & Bîtrltssos Coeun Pnîgranus Qualifications: *Degrie ru meutl heaitS discipline ut sucrai cnrk. Dîploma cîith eutensive experreuce cili Se cansidered. *Cummusrty Case Management experieuce. *Ahrlrty ta work rudepeudeuuiy and cîthîs a team. *2-3 years experieuce curkrug cruS cussumers ai mental SeaitS services. *Ahrlrtg ta recogurce, respond and diffuse crîsîn ituatins. *Vaird driner's licence and a reirahie nehîcie essental *6A cudansemeut cedcd on insistance pnlicy. Please submityour application by 430 PM Match 13,2009 ta: Summit Housing & Outreach Programs, 760 Brant Street Suite 405A, Burlington, ONT L7R 4B7 Email: info@summit-hausing.ca Fax: 905-333-6782 Ftaî years etinti ry Cati DoI eeHep ECROPEAN HOUSE la ers i otessna reiale. 1 H 0ee Retfn Sevces atair ceerre, c eelr, montety. Oak ville/ urrîrgion Miton. Sylvia, 647-889 2593. >5Q HANOS & Knees Clratine s erv ce avaiaI le h namn epeaks for tsetti a, were finally here! Moniihy cliets are weL prepare ta sanaur araane Cati OelIre uperreuce'! 905-854-8668 et? Lîke ta spend famiiy? Are you Hase Cleaning encc? Laokiug fat a Im m cuviraumeut? ALA CLEANERS erneri ilion. Ctras requires ennd & aftnîdable, res cari 647-892 4770. 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For more info yau eau vîsit aur websmte www.timmenterprises.com/job.htm Pleaae fax or email your reaume ta: Timm Enterprisea Ltd. 5204 Trafalgar Rd., Milton, Ont. Fax. 905-878-7888 Email: mailnitimmentgerrisei.-c-m To book your ad call 905.878.2341 Ütt calpbriail clialliptiffil 535 à p 4 j LI l 1 t Ili 0 11 J Il d 1 1 ;) I 111) LI 1 Z