w CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Frîday 9.00 arn. -5:00 p.m A ~ b u -~mlCLASSIFIE D AD INDEX: sUAbu. *Real E state 100-135 - Business 140-169 ea 'Ma Rentais 170-196 *Leisure 200-239 Sii 1,25.00 * ommunip 4 9 Merchandise 300-385 w . M "'Autornotive 400-470 *Help Wanted 500-570 q~ ~S S 70 O~uN5 Mn4a ~em Servica 7005875 w47 0 AD SUBMISSION: By mai or in persan at Bonington Pos 5040 Mainway, Uni#1 Bsn ingten ON L7 For. Circulatio Mnquries plas calfoien d 0-7854 publication Wedneday 5pm. for Frday pubiatian. Specia Feaue eaaa nes ray vari PAYMENTWe wi accep cash, cheue, Cea va, MaterCard,- e Arrcan Express Busines acaanns may be openedw vihan approved ceai appliatana a abe faom yu Sales Consultant CHECK YOURAD THE FIRST ur ~ 7 DAYlit APPEARIto ensr iets acuacy. The anadian Champeon wilnot be responsible forany erros appearing after the frst aaof pbliaton Ifan errer appears in yeur ad, contact yoar tains Consultant ecîthîn 24 hours of publication -Friday ana Weekend publication errons must be reponted beforeea9087-24 U 5:30 p.m. on the foiiowîng Monday. Houss Fr Sae Huse ForSal Apatmets Apariments & aa0 Fiats For Reot Fiats For Rent DISTRESS Sale - Bank Foreclosures Q V Free list of Bank omned properîies.ie Receine a Free Computerized printout. Pre-recorded messageC 1-888 412-9651 extt1042. OR www.GTADistressSalelist.com GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS Homerife Reliance feamy Ine Brokerage Independently 122 Bronte St. S., Milton owled and operated, 90$ 299 1001 vertica.ca FREEHOLD TOWN- HOUSE, apen concept vilS siyiish builder upgrades. 3- bdrm, 1.5 batis, urlrîshed Ssmi. Encellent loi irsr trme Doyen or sart, g fami y Asknog $266.070 De creuse rn price il tronigage iheougir Scotia. Cali 905-693-5296. CommSpecaI MILTON, FIR51 Lire, Sob- by shops for reot. Approx, 1500 sq. Il & 2rd one 1000 suq. ft. Flease cail 905-876-2609 ion more in- fo. REASONABLE INDUSTRI- AL unIts loi ent 1600 3200sutlt vrth ioadi îog docks &, drivecîn 9 05 -2 77 -9 3 47 or 905.275-6834. SMALL PRIVATE offices beauifuly appornird. Heuy 2 5 & 4 01. 1-905-277-9347 on 905-275-6834. Busiess WORRIEO ABOUT 000f FUTURE? Tired of vorkîrg foi uitile rewardt Take charge oi your Suture.« Become an Amaay Inde perdent Business Owrier Calu Gien @ 905-524-3594 SSMONIEY$S Corsoirdate Debts Morigages to 95% No rocome, Bad credri OK! Morigage Centre #10969 1 -8 00 -2 82 -116 www.mortgageontario.com MFlChises Rails or Reni DOWNTOWN MILON lO pey ailt nda Cal 9058761249 www. eala S-BEDROOM AVAILABLE rmmedrately in country, Gien Wllirams 'Wood bofn mng fireplace, separate en- irarce, parki1ng No smoking. Ideai ion single persor. 905.702-0066. ACTON / Rockvood oxu- ry apariments unirco menciai space aeîiabie. Go to: uvu reîporo, maniage- building.com ion informa tion or cuil Mîke ut 416-888.9164. ACTION 2 aparimeris 2- bedroom vilS pîroate yard, $925/merth pies otriires. Duplex $1.150/monih plus otîlîtres. Cal Elieabeth boeii, Sales Rep. Johnson Assocrutes Haiton Ctd. 905-877-5165. ACTON 2-BIEDROOM, ueilable rmmedraieiy. 5550/montS, hydro entra. Fîrsi and la sit Cal i 519-853-3882. ACTON 2-BEDROOM groard level vitr patio rn a 2-sloeey duplex or large lot, Se sîde stream. $900/mooih plus utirtres. Cail 647-286-5981 BRIGHT, SPACIOUS, rea- y reroeated 2-bedroom lover ieeel, open-conc ept upariment. Hurdaood flons, C/A, appliances. oni uae andy liies. Fni vate entrarce Parking. Close 10 Ave niues. No smoking/pets. Avariabie Apîril 1si on ASAF. $1.000/mooth ,ncludvs uai11rie s Cai1 519.833.0319 GEORGETOWN 1-BEO- ROOM basemnot apari ment. $775/month inclusion. 1 parking spot/satelite. Auarlabie Aprîl lst, No-smoking/peis. Cal) 905S877 7432. GEORGETOWN i-BED- ROOM, r eaiymenooaied apamîmeot. Wooid soit va- turc peisonisi. Avaîlabie iv- rre d i aitely . C ail 905-702 9261. GEORGETOWN 2-BED- BOOM basemnr, ose of Dackyard $825/nmonth plos utiirns, parking, Acaîlusîn Aprîl lot. Cari Mi6e 905 840 2367 or John 416-8094670, MAYFAIR MILTON a ccptîrg apblications for 1 bdrv plus den ucullabre icre lis raie of $925. and 1-bdnm ucuiabe May lot rate of $875. Preler ne pets For more tri raui 9056é99-1398. MILTON - 1 bedoee Dachelor Dusemeni api. v lacunei tId ar d se p arale entrunce, avaîie Aprîl 1 or sooner loi 1NO5 svok mng indroîduai. Heut. hydro. cabie, interonet, parking, shared iaurdry, iiiluded, Laurier and Brorte area 905.878-3356 MILTON large brigiri basement ulot. prieute en- trarce, sSared buckyard, iepiace, laundry & etîlîtres îrciuded. Scîtuble loi 2-maoîmum, prefer no smoking/pets or shift uomk ers. Fîmst/lusi/rei s/credît cfleck met. 5945/miS, 905-462-1818 MILTON. APARIMENT not lest 4 uais! For quiet non-smoking lady. Preler no pets Pîroute onrance/ parking. Ail uppliarces/ iuaundry. $1000vno. ctirlîtîs îocieded. 905-878-9861. Fchisej rachisesj Join Canaae Iargest Il faetert igrowilQ Greek Outstanding Franchise opportunity at Main & Thompson, Milton. (647) 297-3935 www.opasouvlaki.ca MILTON 1-BIEDROOM ousemeni upimeri,., te1 reni, Bright, oru, sou cîoes, prieute enirancr Mature aduit prelerred. No smoking/ro pets or@ lerrea. Airinclusive $59 50 /m on tsh 905-691 6809 ROCKWOOD. AVAILABLE March Isi. Braullurl, Prîghlaurge I ,OOOsc, I 2 bedrooro uparlmroi On second levei vile baicooy rilourpins. Nrviy rnoeul ed, incird og carpei and modows, Frîdgr siove ano os sire iaudry. No pets piruor. S Must Seci $950/morts pies nydru. Cal 519-856-9854 Condominmîms MILTON, NEW 2 Odrm coodo ul Maple Ave 2 bulhrooms, 5 arroi ucuiluble Apn2 610, $1 295 /mIS 905-464-6102. 2-BEDROOM HOUSE, Herilagr and Boeaird, $1 ,000/moiilh pies etîlîtres. Appliances ana air. Relererces. Cari1 905-455-8202. 2-SMALL COUNTRY Aneses for ent, George $1, 200/month and $1.100/morth incieusiee. Fîrsi/lasi. Aeaiabie nov. Barry 90M.73-7222. ACTON, MAINFLOOR ol charmrrg house. Newly reroeaied, brg yard wîlh waikoul and deck. C/A, lridge/sloee, vasher/dry- r Quiet ruerghboernood. $1 ,OOu mnri pies2/ utilîies. Aeaiabie end of March, possbiy souvrer. Cai 519-853-3405. GEORGETOWN 3-BED- ROOM bungalow, 2 fll vashrooms, 5-uppliarces, C/A. 3-car parking, Close le ail1 a m eniersî . SI, 300/monts pies ulîlîttes. Avaîlabie Apnîl list Cari 905-450-1165 or Vicki 905-702-5258, GEORGETOWN ENTIRE honse. Updated 3-bedroom p lus 1, 2-bathropa bunga- ow v large lîoîshed base- ment. h ardIvwo odi p ieos u tîltries. 905-877-3368/416-768- 7653. Tobokyu MILTON 3-BEDROOM, 2000se ftl semi-dntulied Fîrepluce, hurdvood floors, croira eue, C/A, 5 uppi_ garage door cochrer, 2 car parking, iaeedry. Freler no pers. S1500/monlh - 213 ullîres. Aeaîiubie Apnîl Isi 41,6 3 15 42 51, 416-529-8756 SPACIOUS OETACHED New Home Locaied lui Milton 3 Bedroore , 2 5 batis, close t0 umenilino and 401. 5 uorpiuccs s i gir car garage. fieo ace, grueile counlers, vndow coueriogs fll busem nent, back yard, ustscri Contact 905 691 1753 3-BDRM, 2.5-BATHS, iOwnoese ai rh buse ci lhc escarrrmeol, si-,- from downioeuo Milton. Master ensuite, upgradled cabirers, nardessod ioers. 5 aiOl., A/C, sîngie car garage vuSh house acceos, close proximiiy Io purks, scoo. Freler no smuk log/ unis, $1350 mrfl elus etîlîlîrs. 905 875 2105, 6417 988-1542 3-BEDROOM TOWN- HOUSE, Millior, ncludes 4 appiuoccs, avaîiebin Apr i 1I $1395/vo plus ulîî.rns To ew ul iConrad 90 5 875581 ACTON. 3-BDRM, lînshed buasemernt, aopi sou ecus backyurdi csr pies utiis 0,uiuo e Aprr. 519853071U ACTON TOWNHOUSE fon coit 3 Pedroonis, 1 112 bainroons. $1 100 munir plOs uiI tes "ai 905 8738S576ý GEORGETOWN, SMALL 2 bedroon scmi Renouai cd, $1.000/meurS plis eiiîtîs. Firsulasi reiererc es required. No smcok îog/pers. Apnîl Isi Cuir 905-8465449. MILTON 3-BDRM iown house, 4-appi , meai GO & ail amenriies. $1275/mIS n etlltres. Immediate. 416-578-5030. MILTON BACHELORsîr On Oea horîse. Preler lemale/ non-smokeî/ ne pers, firsC lasi. $500/ me. Ohared Luundry/ Parking i i. immiiii ciaie. 90 5 2 99 5137 7 o r 905 7499136 MILTON ESCARPMENT hege Musier bedroom îith eseite jacuzze in n ew de- iached home, share nîrch- en, lie rgroom, iauodry,' nev qualîiy appi. parking, preler ne smoking/ ne pets. $uiable fon workîrg lemnale. $650/mminoego- fiable. 416-998-5968. MILTON FURNISHED roon loi reot. Aeaiabie immcdiaieiy. Perry and Armstrong. Frsi ard lasi. $500. Carl 905.878-2068. ROOM FOR reni, sbarcd kicher, washroom g laur- dry, 5115.08/ wcekv. Ma- turc persor prelerred, lm Acomodaton MILTON. LARGE be erîlîr nitis and inrnet oncluodd Acaalen Merisi. Hoese has pets. Frst1lasi 9052992171. MILTON PRIVATE Led 00vm srared accomminoda ions"n Dorset Park, lanîiy roon vilS Fîreplace, gave roov, pool. $900/tO uiiies g internet are r ciudedý Frsi/ asi/ n ier e nc es. Cali un 289878 7911, PÀôA ublN otiCeS GOLF NORTH Haire: thS URGENTIA REQIIIRED, ride ru Georgetowo lion Main Si. Mior te Rever Dr. neur Moupiaincîru Huve to be merv by 7amn Pleae cal 9058 8 7528 FULL-TIME LIVE-IN Care gVeri fon cold g inIant, 9~ .5/On Milton, Edeca lîrn equivaln of Canaddo Sncondarv Ochoo. lycar exs rnq Preaic accorn niodai oOs brou dcd, Ca ainc 905 864 8613. 119E IN Exp, Caregîcer neucd for Sept. ti 2009 bDruvers Cîcrose reeded. Pieuse contact ucoorler ai 90"864-0432 Dar ar DAYCARE PROVIDER, Trudeau/berry. Esperi eccd. reliapin. belore/ai ter schooi, Sciî ol bus stops acaîlabie or rire same sireet. Police check, tire saiety înspected, CFR, Fîrsi Aid 9 0569-31785 JAMES SNOW/ Perry, weil estabishcd, reiereoc ns, 0FR! Fîrsi Aid, 1-syacc, ail ages. meurs. 905.864-8334. CAREGIVER (NON-MEDI- CAL)I Compueron auaîiable ion Seniors/ dîsabird persons, rn your nove or care laciiiy. Pal- liaivue cure aise auaîiabie. Cali 905-703-4929. LIVE-IN EXPERIENCED Curelgrue requîîed Ion sen ion,M îssîssae g a Must spcak Tagalog. Cal Mîke 905-569-7504 Artcls ALL NEW Bedsi Pics/ pil iowtops, 10-15' thîck, nuw rn plastic, Doueble $250 Quern $275., King $508: Vîsco Memnory-foam mai- ireso artS coeer, Quen $750. King $958. Car De- ruver, 905-961 2073 CARPET 1 Suce sceerai 1,000 yards of 0ev Staîn Masier & 100% nylon car pen Wîii do lsingroom & hall loi $389, Inclades car pcr, pad g instaliaior 130 v a rdcisl) S eîuee 905-633-8192 HOT TUB (Sba) COure chepes & coeours. Cari I 8 66 5 85 0 056 veu hecoerguy Ca HOT TUB/ Sire Brand 0ev 2008 model v ail opions, are couer. Sil r: viapper Cosi $8995., Saciflice $ý4750 CaII905971 1777 POOL TBLE, Brand New, i u n bon Sorro Wood, 1Siaint, Ail Accessorins, rsr $6.700. Se: $l,950 9ý05 304 9994 TREADMILL IS molorzed/ eleciri, il tels yeur t me, eed, distarce, caleries, rnarirete. rnclire In nev ùrdti' n r kr. Osi 295. U llAtces Wanled ed ~ &Carsfr sale AIL BEST Ca$nS Faid 2004 Hyundaoo nt Corns, Jewe riey .,oid Si Milon Fe 4 dcr, uer t vr, Diame s Cin ru Mooaded lo cm ,0eteFý CrsaSiler, Figuinres, M VifE & 6ce, $7995, Royal Dourltos Swauosr 40 cars/ ouins/ trckr Ail artique lurnishings, Art, de4r S5000, cali for deteri Co lirciblns, etc E stute S l iîl lus or errai inverrcrr Specai ste, Top Cash, Culi Sat/Sun ls.Siessor Moirs, M itn John/ Fai 905 312477 95878 1797, ulenrs Mar 14/15 aui 647-444 5081 Pes upis1088 Easterbrook_________ O ordn res FOR SALE. 1928 Monei ABAOOEDCAS ns Dîning, sofa, Ford Tudor, Eacellentro ABANONEiCT ee ei bed, misc. 0100on Cai 5l9-83324F7 Adoptauln Mur.7OiC Fet finderfin.conm MUST BELL, 1991 Pndý Smart 2501 Hryde Fark for more Cevicrurs gîrert 5'70 Guie, Oukvilir 10-4 à -eial 905-3344012 BEadSlsMard S ale YadSls Yr Sales ~~INAMl T LIQIA P SLE 2 TRUCK LOADS 0F BRAND NAME MIIIIERCHANDISE: RECEIVED PROM IMPORTERS, DEPT STORES IENrlTIRE INVIENTO701RY UP TO1 900/ OIFF B.. s.. *. B.. .. MOONRAP PATIO LIGHTS $59 ROW $20 AIAIIAR BINOCULARS S59 §Km$15 iPLESCOPE WITRIPOD $99 ROW $22 KIiOS LEARNING CENTOE CAP TOP $89 OWM $18 AIR COMPRESSOR $119 IIIIN $44 8 PCS COOKWARE $319 111111 l$79 5 HEAD CEILIRS 05GH15 $229 Mm $45 1d FES COOKWARE $599 MM $120 5HEAD IFFANY CEILINO $249 110W $45 SAMORAI SWOf P WIiH STAND $39 mi0W $10 RICONiROL CAR $99 11111011111 $29 CENTRE PIICES STAND & GLASS BOAL 589 Mm0 $18 NASCAR BIBI DO iT YO01111RADIO COfiOî CAR $19 Iffl $10 MILLERS 1d PCS KNIFE SETiWIBLOCK $149 110W $45 MISS 0f LADIES DOISS SOCKS (A 00015) $30 111110W $0I WAîER PURIFIER $199 MM0 $29 dO PCS EASY BRANS NAME CPILBRY SET $29 §KMW $16 HUSKP 2.5 GAL WE1 DRY AACUUM $59 110W $27 DEEP FRYERS $79 NI0W$23 400 PICiARE PHOTO BOX $79 110W $10 WALL MOOSîPO CLOCK $99 FAIM $25 SENCH 6 3 PCS POWEO iOOLS $89 110W $35 2 PCS UPRIGHi LUGOAGES $59 110W $29 PAPER SHREDDER $99 AlIffl$35 lOiE800S 29 110W$10 3 F09 îRAOEE BACS $09 110W $10 SHOWER HEAD MASSASER $89 110W $23 XMAS 35 LED LIGHiS $9 »1W S3 OR 2 FOR $5 FRENCH S10CK POIS $119 Nf0W $37 WORK BENCH $59 110WS19 LADIES DEIGiNER HASt BADO 75% OFF HOME DECORS, CANDIE HOLDERS & PORCELAINWARE, DIE CASI ALL UPT T90% OFF THESE ARE JOJST A FEW LISTINGS. THI5S SALE bM TH5E *s .3r 1~ s E. o1.1= Place your FREE ADS one of these three easy ways lZbi Cfanablari (bamnpion orjust fi11 out thîs coupon 1. Mail to:Free Ads, 555 Industrial Drive, Milton L9T SEl 2. Drop this coupon off aI: The Burlinglon PosI, 8:00 a.m. to5:30 p.m. Mot. 10 Fri 3. Fax this coupon Io: (905) 632-8165 NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE *15 WORDS, 1 DAY(SUNDAv), ITEMS $100 & UNDER Prsvaie pariytnly Adspublishedalins avariableopportuîity publication dutes rtîaraieed. Aou nuit te over Sico place ar an AD COPY L WW PRICE PHONE NO. PLEASE PRîNT. ADO WILL BE SORTED BP ITEM NAME ADDRESS__________ CITY___________ POSTAL CODE________ HOME #_ ________ is fnmer musi uppeur in adc Burlington Po)sE T1fe Qfasaban CbanMian The Oakville Beaver Spacious 1 or 2 bedroom suites located in a sereine neighbourhood Renovated fitness room, social room & lobby Steps away from beautiful downtown Milton Easy access to major highways, GO Transit, shopping and more Suites based on availability