GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION Halton Regional Police bring out the canine unit to search the area after the BMO Bank of Montreal (at right) was robbed Wednesday morning. BMO robbed once again Second trne in thiîre months For the second time in less than three months, a bank on Maple Avenue has been robbed. Wednesday at 11:25 arn., a man cntered the BMO Bank of Montreal, approached a teller and produced a note demanding money, police said. No weapon was seen or indicated by the suspect. The robber then Ieft the bank with an undisclosed amount of cash and ran east- bound through the parking lot. Police canine services conducted a search, Fouliit uicnc o 10ij i P'olice aic lookiig lor aî mnalin lus inid- twenties wilh an olive or dark complexion. six [ct tal, with a sîttî build ancl a pro- nounced nose. I-le was \vcaring a black tuque, black winter jacket with a clark lur-ty Pc col- lar, black pants, work-type boots and black sunglasses. Any one wtb information is askecl Io caill (905) 825-4777, ext. 2415 or Crime Stoppcrs ai 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). The bank was also robbecl Deuecmhcr 24. A man was arrested in January anci chargecl. Is BIS. Is le. And if's ba to get aI Éjne.w Toyota. myteotanplaceucom so0U t h V ie W Dr. David Johnson Dr. Loukas Papas Providing Dental Care in Milton since 1993 New Patients Welcorne 905-876-4701 1155 Nipissing Rd. y Milton (905) 878m2721