ARTS Skater's Disney dreCam cornes fuli circle Perons at ACC over March Break A. t By Herb Garbutt METROLAND WEST MEDIA GROUP D anielie Clarke bas dreamed about skating in a Disney ice show since she was six years old - 50 there aren't many days she nceds to, find a reason to perform. Even wiîh a sehedule that secs them putîing on as many as 10 shows over byve days hefore packing up and moving on t0 the next city if the desire wanes in the slîgbîcsî, the f 9-year-oid Miltonian quickly re-discovers it. As ai caascaîahic ,kalci- ail Iisiaccon Icc \Vcarlds of l-aoiass slaaass, onc oaf the Milton Skating Club gradu- ate's duties is to hosi the pre-show - where kids gel a peek hacksîage hefore the performers bit the ice. is that up cicase connectioa with ber audience thai realîs' inspires Clarke. "As soon as îhey sec the princesses, tbey gel so exciied," siae said irom Auburn ilIs, Michigan laie last week, ber latest stop oan a two-year stiot witb the touring companry. "To sec their faces and hiow excîîed tbey are, ycau realize what yoo te skating for. hi realiy moti- vates y(au to do the show. Its 610 amazing to look into the audience and sec the kids ail excited because i used to hc one of those kîds." Il was (iarkes own experîcoce seeing Beautv ,andi the Beasi ai Maple Leai Garcis that anspîrcd liaer cîrcaîn of one cia> oaakiog thac llalp Il-Il ý,îî516 3.a,3 1 aila ) î I iai ILIci 336 111 C(il) îc ial Ci ai cie over the March Break, wheo lace Dasnev show itis the tc ai thae Aiu Canada (-enatre (AC C) C larke sîarîed skaîiîag when siac was foaur aoci eojoyed a successiol-1 careci \vaîh ber hameowo clab, a.oiapeiing ai secticanais and wtia niog a StarSkate proiantcial chamapi- oship. ipon gracicatiiag frot FILE PHOTO BY GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION EAGER FOR HOMECOMING: Danielle Clarke looks forwvard toa performang iT front of fam I and trnends when Disney on 1ce hits Toronto, Iishi' lZcclaag -lalkc aaaosti olici gui kt call for ,a iryou66 ,aIal sîîî alteîiir classîataes - site hegan makiog rcciveci waard ibat she iad heco palans for the future, appiying to choscia (Clarke postjaoned ber McMasîer University where she accelatalace ta university anad joioed waoicd to siutdy hîonaedicai engi- the casi liar six weeks of 10 biaur nacerîog. clays reiacarsîng hefore kacking off i hai's whco bher skating coach, thae touir in Lakelaîad, Fliarida ai the Paaul [isher, naeîaîîoned that Disney eod caf Aîgiasi. oat lcc was haalding auditions. i alwavs wanîed ta) travci and Clarke seitiin an audition tape anti doaîag iais , i haave the optiona to travel and 10 skate,- said Clarke, who 00ow moims wîîh 1lamilions Stephanie Keiser, wbo used bo coin- pete oui of Buriogton. "Overaîl its heen a great expcrience and I've leariied a lot about myseif and I've met SO many people from around "'" the Aorld." Onie of jusi i'ive Canadians in the cast oai 37 skaters, Clarke piays everyîhing from an animal tc a fairy in the production, which spans Disney movies such as Cars, the Little Mermaid, Tinker Bell and ber personai favounte, the L ion King. I acalîs like ihat one," said Clarke. -I,' very dramoic and sec- iog the reaction from the craw'd. vou 6,666 IcIl tire% r-cally likc ilt6 6 1,13 I' I b,îiî Uý 01c 6 l' Il c \13 ai6ici anad Ille ioclusion ol Illac iaona Kang and (Cars. -is 001 just a garly 'how'" hua a performance that everyoncecau enýjoy. -[he show rtans front March 18 tb 22 ai the ACC. [or tickets, cail "Yackcamiaster ai (416) 870-8000. F or moreincfocrmation about thae shcaxs, vs t wwdisocaonicecxcoaaa WVe are now taking pre-registration for two 4-week programs, beginning Easter Hours on March 24, 2009 and Maroh 25, 2009. Your child wilI explore a Friday, April 10 9:30am-8:3Opmr different theme each session by a song or story, an artsy craft{iiiL'L i Saurday, April 19:30am-8:3pm and a game incorporating physical activity and imagination. - Monday, April 13 9.3Oam -5 3Oprn j 2 Ap, 1 a adIt '"eeserow as spaes are hnited Parent, ar para oaeah te' cWo inTey candop tee ci aoff and îeturn ath rqa ends aIl 31 Drp off a'lder must eself-toletters Vse.TJ are n, reqie a pa1enVaregie3loeîslayfor dapeini e n r Hours of Operation: Monday, Tuesday 9-:3Oam 10 5:3Opm; Wednesday, to Sunday 9:3Oam -8:3OpmnÉ(ýN'11L11 li ,' 1d Indoor Play C n r A