à www.escarpmentcountry.on.ca _______ New Members BASKET DLEIGNS clerc W PEC cEXPSIlOu'S ccc, m cii , cccc .ItI,,r fl" "i ch c wItdcgccch ch, andcc c ç ,,dcc ', cc,, ci in h,ccicc ,, k i rnt r 'c ci c ' cl l Contact: Gan Thomsonc Saucer CaloiaeCcpncccucpecîizes in cueces. hdcx> tle,), dccc ihccacpccir., amidccwnmcicgs ec. l, N lake. c ( [, T,[ -i1c5 875 419.! l, ad ,cc',i ,di ccand c ccd - llc poc,,cmi,soin,cficciva , i ot, n W , ,, cIl,mtt tc,,c' c, ccc ccc icccccdc, drýjIîtrlciomw r litIuaalrfnv,, WELCOME to the foîlowing Milton and area-buued Irusinesses uts new Chuamber membhers. OVe inuite vou tr i cîîcte il, or illeîttîlu ccits and ucr v gc ccii to tck, pari iii 'c Orp moire ofi thre Clircirher ccirrîitlccus - tenoetg- t-carpmnent Countru 'l iurisur t',rtr P., , cI, 7 c . cir c , ý l, r Il cn 0',cc cc r c oCà ditc ., , I, I c, t,,l c, r thu" ' Tcc' 5-ýIcc iLl,, ',! , Ccc: 4ch cri 51il2 ighuccrks Ic ,,cc ,, nlh,, cpc I cacpccccc'cccc o,, ,vmC cCi l cc m i c .dc ,hc,,dg ,,d1 bccc l,cucc i cc t ro, ILTON ctIOTI WIlaTC) CI. lECet Tc[cli,, 71 477 MILtl TON SANTA CCVI SE 'li lI lI C MII LE ci,, "icICo cdi cMeONFORT MlFllnlEeuue.e IL l'ýIee ccAt', "in 'F, y 1 ' i, t c , c 'I, - , , Iîe îe Mel. se 1 e ne eclC 2îl NORHSOR N1c,_ i. , c i r i , !, , 'l , I i 1 Re-CIre CClAL SCSEIMS 7IrIglo, c c i , 1i , I,,, ir, r-c, cui C, i ).' -rcc c' -'o Renewal M emberships'i,1,li'Lr)lelCLI(IrnrýllàOu A special thanks to the following businesses for their contie support. Cariev'He.cg & Cooiceg Ld. Fih ,v u l *u Mlieiltn .,ce e.& ce, c I ccdil J Cck Facaleclt Cporation cccclI(TAilc ly Grccvicc Lmpiccuccci clc,,cckiec.c ccc,, & .,c h, ndi,,,, c, l,cci-g le.l,1,,, i 1 iiec,, B Bcayecclecccareelcc Weut[6lee N,,ilacit pccccc Parke, & ' 1, p i %Vlii eencer ewleler-cemlgis filiccvgccclud]caictyci P.FS. Lcgics ciec Sucicc'icicpportcî, c c ro,ci,I eccccccîîonecî Cope Place ccecces Pasqainu, eCaie , itr '-, e.c rlo , - s cie.-' r u b cc f, il, euclingtce Wale-cc Job luCceei uhedae Phoenix Cocctce LIE i. Mlcrchc, &lcc,c I'schl,,gcc r c, Is ciicc East Side Mario's Maland Spenccer P. Eet. lecc Neecl Enlerecies 'cccce.cc I iTalion iecc, lu, cEmpess cmmuctions Mcaclccedalle Cacdcc eicemeer eccdene 5,clgwcad Macrketing& icneceeec , Tec.c h, uiv ll. cdi February fBusiness After Hours (Left ta reht t Tcltanv cciecacc. Miiton Centce IMiCRCc. Jaeti eurc, MCCC. CeS,,,, MCC anccd ( e g Edeccelce, Cccecccccc ivincg 'usd5 lir,,,, Miltton Cemmnunity Reseurce Centre und Crrnunity Liu'ircg North Huiten wetcemed ever 9t0 Chumriber rnerrers acnd geests te the February Business Ater Sieurs dl 410 Brente. Members were tuken en tours of tire Miltton Cernmunity Resevurce Centre fucilty and veere previded uvîth uppetizing food threegheut the evening prepared by Cemrnnnitv Living North Huatien. Miltton Chumber Business Atter Heurs ure becemrng the must attend netwCrking eveni euch meCtir, if peu ure a mnember and huve been mleeing out cuti the Chumrber ut 905-878 (0581 and attend! The Milton Chamber of Commerce proudly presents the 8à2I1 BU ZnBIm Tr.andc - Sh"c» W 1Iu1jtI~ Joîn us for the Chamber's one day Bîz-2-Bîz Trade Show, specialîy designed for business-to-business promotion at Country Heritage Park Apl 21,2009 Thank-you to our Sponsor GFPS Brin g Un Your Prevlously En joyed Books For An Un-Store Credit! S 150A Mill Street, Milton 905-878-6024 ýi ,Y\-c recycledreading@bellnet.ca timmi PrmOFEuIOeNA Collision & Paint MIL TON'S FUILL SERVICE COLLISION CENTRE Cai Steve Boers 706 Main Street, East MiIlton, ON (905) 87e-1118 We wii exceed your expectations COMPANY 175 IWhpeeabrator Wa.yt Milton (905) 875-1427 (416) 798-7099 G Courier/Expedite 0 H YOUR FAST FRIOT AND COURIER LINK MAKE 1 CALL, WE'LL TAKE CARE O H ET SERVING MWILTONW FOR 11 VEARS Anywhere in Canada or U.S.A. - Emergency Deliveries On Cali Service * Modern Tracking Systemn SERVICES AVAILABLE SUPER DIRECT- Immediate Direct Drive ONLINE ORDERING Vui ou, weie le ue, povcerIic-c ouer 'cn DIRECT- Deliver in 1-2 heurs ONLlNEADVANTAGES RUSH- Deliver in 2-3 noure Sves Time BASIC -Delîver in 3-4 hours Confirmaionc via erail upon pickIur SAMEDA Y -Det ver by 5 pmi CALL TO GET SETUP! 50 Steoles Ave. E., Unit 5. Milton Tel. 905-693-1143 e 905-693-9271 a 1-888-847-5515 0 FaX. 905-693-9272 dougt powenlinkcoer.ecern - www.powerlinkour eernm* w.pewertink.701 corn 555 Industrial Drive 905-878-23,41 wýww. mitoncanadianchampion .com i