New well wvater de pot now u1p and riuning inrra Miltn Milton's r-ural residents now have a con- The new drop-off spot us thc third loca- iht- hcalthi departrncnt encourages wcll [he Campbcllville lire station us located 2Z venient place to drop off welI water samples tion in Milton, along with the Brookvillc owners to test their water a minimum of at 2665 Reid Side Rd., near Main Street 'for lab testing. Veterinary Clinic anci the Milton Public three times a year to reduce exposure to con- North and Hwy. 401. r Private welI owners can drop off samples Library. filtons health cirpartnmenu also has taminated watcr. Samples tlropped off at the To order frec well watcr sample hottles to at the Campbellville fire station 24 hours a five other water depots locaîccl throughout regional dcpots are tested for F. coli ancd total bc delivered to your home, visit www.hal- 9 day from Monday to Thursday the region. t if rm hacteria. or caîl 1-866-442-5866. 0 f I a, ~ Wz ,eaio Th Re o a I~~I CI AI * TAKE"%-BACK!(1 HALTOIN ww. halIton. ca/ta keitback Many local businesses take back household materials they produce or seil, ensuring these materials are reused, recycled or disposed of properly. Items currently accepted by Take It Back! Halton partners include: Batteries r hrjai dlipmsh; 4 C(eil phones C.ork Eye glasses nk cartridqes CFL bulbs Medicatioris Paint Plastic shoppiriq baqs L Refrigerators & freezers Sharps (needlies, syrngÇes, lancets) Conditions may apply. For a complete Iist of Take It Back! Halton partners, please visit VWWw.halton.caltakeitback or rail Halton Region between 8 arn. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday by dialing 311 or 905-825-6000 or 1 -866-4HALTON (Il-866-442- 5866) or TTY 905-827-9833. Take It Baclc! Halton wilI assist Halton Region in reaching a 60 per cent diversion of residential waste away from the Iandfill. This initiative is part of the 2006-2010 Solid Waste Management Strategy to promote product stewardship. If your business is interested in becoming a Take It Back' Halton partner, please visit www.halton.caltakeitback for more information. Business Development Centre Youth Entrepreneur Programis Create your own job this summer! The Summer Company program provides hands-on business training and mentoring - together with awards of up to $3,000 - to help enterprising students between the ages of 15-29 start and run their own summer business. This program is delivered in partnership with the Ministry of Small Business and Consumer Services. Applications are now heing accepted online at www. onta rio. ca/summercom pany or caîl Halton's Business Development Centre for further information. The application deadline is May 4, 2009, however we advise you to apply early as spaces are limited! Win up to $1,000 for your business plan! The Ontario Secondary School Business Plan Competition is held annually in partnership with the Ministry of Small Business and Consumer Services. Studeniý,s may submit a business plan for a business they actually intend to start or just one they have in mmnd. A total of $3,000 is awarded to the students who place for the top five business plans submitted. Talk to your business teacher or guidance counsellor or caîl Halton's Business Development Centre for further information. Deadline for schools to submit business plans is May 25, 2009. Upcoming Business Seminars and Programs Financing and Insurance for SmaII Business: An o.verview of financing and insurance needs for small business. Tues., Mar. 10 - Halton Regional Centre, Oakville (6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.) (No charge for this seminar. Pre-registration is required) You as a New Employer: The Ministry of Labour, Service Canada and Canada Revenue Agency will collectively provide an overview of the process, regulations and documentation requirements when hiring full or part time staff. Thurs., Mar. 26 - Halton Regional Centre, Oakville (6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.) (No charge for this seminar. Pre-registration is required) GST-HSTIPST: Canada Revenue Agency and the Ontario Ministry of Revenue will provide a comparison of how these taxes work, tax credits and your responsibilities as a business owner. Wed., Apr. 1 - Halton Regional Centre, Oakville (1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.) (No charge for this seminar. Pre-registration is required) Website Design: In partnership with Oakville Public Library, this seminar covers the start up issues of designing a site, choosing a web designer, researching and planning content and maintaining your site. Thurs., Apr. 2 - Oakville Public Library Central Branch (6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.) $20/person) Contact us for more information on these events and how to register. 1151Brote oad Oa vile, O taro L M 3 l Dal 11 o 90 -82 -60 0 0Toi Fre 1 66- 2-5 66 TT 905827983 e ww.ait n. I