#UAK VILLE MITSU8ISMI MITSUBISHI t4OTORS 191 Wyecroft Raad, Dakille Between Kerr & Dorval Drive @ earth 91,%11- O%%w d09d 3 Loai îè e 1040 l3£ 1lYUU m Red. SICa 10411 ';LJ,YUU * oaýroîbl0 ioî~ ,U ea~c 7 £ , U o#oo~ao I, U Stk# 1rr~099 Z 9U Beerypaymeoits are baseri an the îollowog: Tribeca: $200 down, 72mooths @ 8.5%ý COB (Cost of Borrowingl $8500. t Ail pises are plus Administ ration Fee Licerse and ail applicable laxes Velsîcles may flot Se exactly as iîlustrated See, Oakville Mitsubishi for details.