Deed to SiýKD's Michigan plant transferred to Martinrçe. *from SKD on pagel1 ki liquidate assets sucb as machincry. S Faibo said Martinrea is the only company Sthat has contactecl tbe union to work out a Lclosure agrernent for the Milton faciliiy. * A spokesperson frorn Martinrea decied o 10 continent. Howevcr, the dcd f'or SKDs 4Jonesville, Michigan plant was tratusierreci <Tuesdav, fromn SKD to Martirera jonicsx'ille SLILC, Bambi Somrerloit. the Register of [Secils z for Hillsdalc C ounty, Ml, told the C hoenipîîînot a yesterday. < Torsîar akso reported >,eslei-clay, Martinirea < isthe frontrunner to acquire SKD's assets, rit- ing industry sources. SKD was recenîtlv grantcd an extension i its protection fruin creditors until March () in cîrder Io continue worktng on ils resîructur- ing arrangermnt with both its main tender, Comerîca Batk, and ils custoniers. Fatho sat. the union is oommtitted 10 working witb M'artinirea lu necgoliale the clos- ing of the Milton planti, incIucfmng sec iiring benelits and seci canc c pay mnins loi- the eiployees. lloxxex'ei if a fair setuilemiet iý s0 reachiec fr lis criplox ces, I allui said thie uion has ilo cînallis abouit lîloc Ring a ox bîiyer front rcm<îx'mtg an\' of SKI)', sj liti i o cry or the tooling oxx'icl ci hc h cai cin pa- nies fromn the Miltoni plant. isnot as il the Stcefxxot Retis lxi i NO donc thai befo)re, lic saicl. And l'ni >lit( lc autumnotive cormpanties are awarc' tliti SKI)s c urreni c reclîtuîr protiecionh is liii the saine as hankriptcy. fli' s cdc lu gîxe( brîsîiesses hircatitng riionhi ofr tcresrî tictre ils operaiocns oir iciiifxl\ andc suII ils ,tses u crcale a pootil of iioncitexi pasl oIf ci erlittits amfnd lî e SKI) s- the ilitrl mîajor îîîîî ini \'ftlto lccci\L e cdcittut fniucctiîî Itis Otue (if lic iajuui ((c rt ns u SKsI)s, iisul C1c5xill li bc t ce ulccletiixc penisioni plan,, As, îî ol iiîe 2008, SKI )s biepenision plans, cre lac iiig a pitînitial sIlutfll oif $11iiitiil c) miilliotn. 'i3.6 miilliont tf 'lîirh fis teIli ii i lie Miltont pcii- ,,ion plaît lioi ils, luîrîx etinllti crs, a(c trrfiig lto ait ffiirlail tittrot Jtit hin liticril ýdcI of NMC(1\ittiî "claierial ( aiaclat une il(- SKI)', s lxi coliittolling rcomparuencs. Calfs iii Nationta laiitI Chiîcago licacl 1111 e xx'ir nt relutr ted as tif press tilir. Arccîrfîîg lt C e s ffidaxîti SKI) iliîxîafl fegati ni 200)6, xvben il incriicl ait lpiig iittlg tiof S23 iion. A simiilar lusý was tt rucrfccl iii 2007 andîr SKI) was prit)ec i- 1118 a SI f m. illioîn Io,,ss ii 2)08ý lieCu crise' a roillei À l alr as cim ti lit 1i lit S)KI)s sîtrîr ut il f prcltfiilî ix ic lltliig i fiec til1afîsi tiiN ii\ie 11110sale andc Ille ittgtiing f c rcciidi t as ssiI) as ih liîl ofie dorarttictllai aid Ilc driptîx iii îrrr paicl Iîr scrap iietal %,, filc li SKI) slsIoisîîiitri ils, atli part iiit cifarci itg icsincess Abut 35 pet- cciii of lîth caesc Ici[ jobs ii Militt are iii ifir auito scctr clii xxtf i1p Io a lifii tif resirletts xx(i-ii iig iii tbe ilicîcisitix Ixc tif ih l 10îîxli ligcsi ciiil)lcers ailc aulto pats ix naiicifaciciriiig plants. iticlccli SKI) anîd t lxfacilites îî\x nerf fh\ Magnta. lIni I (titi w hi /17/tl i /1ti/lAt/îlî Beaeinr IU v [i Id Il New Homes A tic sub division tmns cumtin) home building ix maki ect hme tînigaely Original. Real Estate Ustng a morigage proteieinal wîil îdentity optiocns and make hinantîog faxi and eany. Health & Beauty Achiecc the reslix yen wani and feel gîtai about yu ielft In Motion Rally-înîpîred Lancer Evolutn arrives in Canada. Lifestyle & Leisure What kind ot leader du ynu wani your chîld lu hetumel Home & Garden Small lifeolyle changes cati add up lu big benehuns for the encîrnnmen. In the Kitchen Htave yuu wîished yuî kitchen wax more fîtoclînonal) FM Consubiftr Plies a sien ona gi piakage '2000ue GlssMoai Kice,,aksls GR Viï a* yeTV1mtoWn 146 MHE ST S - the N Sleep Fa c E!q 11