United Way misses target But total raised still viewed as postive The United Way of Milton target of $630,000 early in clidn't reach its goal for the September, the economny was recently-concluded 2008 showing signs of stress but as campaign, but volunteers are the months went by and con- viewing the $610,000 it did ditions worsened beyond raise positively in light of the many expectations, we knew difficuit economic times. we were in for a tougb camn The campaign fell short of paign." its goal by about $20,000. The most significant But tbe organizations sbortfall came from payrol appreciation t0 tbe people of designations [rom residents Milton is as great as ever. wbo work out of town. "The people of Milton are Not quite reacbing ils absolutely amazing," said goal means tbe United Way Lesley Mansfield, president of Milton will be able to meet of the United Way of Milton. most but maybe flot ail the "When we announced our needs of the agencies it serv- ices, Mansfield said; it could face some difficult decisions on where to eut somne cor- ners. Staff is lookmng ai evcry aspect of ils administration to ensure operating expenses are kept to a minimum, Mansfield addcd. Nevertheless, lunds ratsed in thîscamipaign surpass the 2007 campaigni achievement by almost $1,500. "To say that Milton came tbrougb is an understate- ment,' saîd campatgn chair and Milton councillor Wendy Schau. School board calendar flot yet officiai While both the Halton Catholie and pub- lic school boards approved a sehool sehedule that will stant before the Labour Day week- end, its flot officiai just yet. There's one step Ieft belore the schedule is implemented. The Ministry of Education needs to approve the sehedule. Burlington MPP and Conservative Education Critic Joyce Savoline has heard a number of complaints and stands with the parents who are outraged about the sehedule that could interfere with families who have already booked their summer vacation plans. 'This is a little late to be changing plans," Savoline said. "Being on summer holiday until Labour Day is something we've count- ed on for years. Every year, after a sehool bcard approves a sehedule, it goes to the Ministry of 1-dcication for coniiatiut. 1 bie dcacilitc f( ,t mtnistry approval is May 31. if a calendar isn't approved, it's returned to the school board, which must approve a revîsed sehedule. Halton residents with concerns about their school boards approved calendar for the 2009-10 school year can e-mail Education Minister Kathleen Wynne ai kwynne. mpp@liberal.ola.org or Savoline ai _joyce.savciline@ýpc.ola.org. 0 Heart & Stroke Foundation Raffle Sponsored by: ý_ and . . TOTAL CARE TRANSPORT SÉRVTCES 1NC "Servîng with care and compassion-" Would like to Thank the following Contributors for Making the Auction Such a Great Success " Holiday Inn Express " Freshaire * Montanas " Please One Boutique " Curves " Best Western Milton " Karen's Flower Shop " Cudema International Cosmetics " David West " A Country Mile " justWine " Active Scale Manufacturing Ino. " HearSay " Swiss Chalet * Impact Chiropractic " Shear Pleasure Salon & Spa " The Dog's Inn " Zak's Pharmacy " Towne Dental " Maple Leaf Wheelchair " Caber 1250 STEELES AVE. In Theà New Walmart Plaza 905-864-4070 1 BETTER LIVING HOME HEALTH'CAREINC, ý