Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Mar 2009, p. 11

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Man charged in break-and -enter of home A local man has been charged with break- ing into a Roseheatb Drive home a[ter a neighbour observed wbat seemed to bc sus- picious activity. Police said a resîdent saw a couple of maies leaving a nearby bouse, carrying some property at about 9:40 a.m. They leit in a vebîcle and the resident recorded the licence plate and passed tbe information along to the homeow-ner, who callcd police. An arrest was made later that day. A 24-year-old Woodward Avenue mnan has been charged witb break and enter as well as possession of stolen property, a controlled substance and a dangerous weapon. Trucks stolen; one recovered Two tractor-trailers were stolen from a local business early Monday momning. Police said the tbefts occurred sometime between midnigbt and 4 arn. at Lawburn Transport on Fsquesing Line. Both were Freightliner tractors - one a 1999 model, one 1996 - wortb about $20,000 each.- One of the vebicles was recovered aban- doned a short time later bv Cambridge OPP at a rest stop along I xs401. Neighbour chases down suspicious duo Police are looking for two suspects after a man attempted to chase down what he believed were a couple of potential car thieves. Police said the mao was retuming t0 his Marks Street home just before 4 a.m. February 26 when he noticed some activity around his neighbours vehîcle. He ran after PoliceBlotter îwo fleeîng men, but dîdn't catch tbcm. Police arrived te [mnd ibere was seme damage to tbe vebicle indicating a break -in was attempîed. The two suspects are described as wbite males, slim, about six [ct, wearing dark cleîbing. Vehieles stopped; charges laid Two vebicles were pcîlled ever wiîbin 30 minutes of eacb other Sunday, witbi driving- rclated charges laid in boîh incidents. At about 4:50 a.in., police notîced a vehi- cie speedîng and swerving con Main Street, wbere it ran a red lîgbt. [he vehicle was pulled over at Bronte Street. A 24-year-old Mississauga man bas been charged witb impaired driving and 'over 80.' At 5:20 a.m., a vebicle observed driving erratically soutbbound on Ontario Street [rom Main Street was pulled over. A 20-vear- old Oakville mnan bas been cbargecl wîîb breacb cf probation and driving while dis- qualifiecl Police respond to doinestie caîl Police were called to a bome lFebruary 25 around 9 p.m. in response te a report of a domestie dîsturbance betxseeni a coupîle. A 37-year eld Milton mnan bias been cbarged witb assault. New applianees swiped Appliances were stelen lrom a recently- completed bouse on Maquire Terrace seme- LI& supports LIMITS Problem Gambling Prevention Month in Milton Visit us March 26 at the Siots at Mohawk Racetrack À &RssB For other \,' fl activities in your community, visit wwvw.responsiblegamblirig.org ceeUKe LIMiTS DON9T MISS THE CONSUMER TRAVEL MARKETING OPPORTUNITY 0F THE YEAR' Torontc;s ULTIMATE METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE Put vour business lacs te facs wfth THOUSANOS 0F TRAVEL CONSUMER&. Llmlto111111d EXhibît spaco SUR1 availahîs. Cal SbOW Manag1101er KaltusrUns TODAT! 905-842-6591 1-800-893-7986 www.loIuuvslàchowcoun limec bctween February 26 and Saturdayý Police saicl an unknown suspect iook anew lridge, stove and disbwasber lroem the bouse, wbicb wasn't os.cupied. I he appliances arc valued at $3,000. Money stolen Tbree emiployeces of Dollaramia on1 Nipissing Road reporicel money xvas stolcn [romn ibeir purses lasi Friday, police said. Al z Your local leader in Home Security 0 905-878-4634 I A SELLOFF SHOPPER IS lui a a a A SMART SHOPPER DO LORIDA PUERTO PLATA VARADERO ORLANDO Viva Wyndharn Tangerine Villas Jibacoa Best Value Inn $518 5315 $487 =ffl $405 -$27 1 week all Inclusive - Apr 16 - sig 1 week - &il inclusive - Mar 27 noi 5 nts - air, hotel & car - Mar 23,25,27 -- 1 -.ý- PUERTO PLLATA MAYAN PUERTO PLATA Luperon Beach Resort Akumal Beach Resort Viva Wyndharn Tangerine $467 -SM $652 S-2u $518 -S315 1 week - ail Inclusive - Mar 19 - noi 1 week - ail inclusive - Mar 19,20 - arv 1 week - all inclusive - Apr 16 - sig HOLGUIN RIVIERA NAYARIT SANTIAGO DE CUBA Club Arnigo Atlantico Decarneron Los Cocos Costa Morena $467 -Si" $597 -$26-7 $505 --0 1 ail inclusive Mar 28 1 week - ail inclusive - Apr 6 - nol 1 week - all inclusive - Mar 12 sw Oakville e 905-842-4999 146 Lakeshore Road East Mon-Fri: 8am-Midnight - Sat & Sun: 9am-8pm EST. - Toll Free: 1-877-SellOff I .p lm le 3 MM - Gi G2 Road Test Preparation 25 Hrs In-Class Instruction/iD ~ ~ Hrs Bebînd The Wheel Training A E31 Special Attention For Nervous dirivirig Bchc>c)I Senior Students ye4M Nights, Weekends & 4 ~ Consecutive Day Course À alv Available Modern Dual Control Cars a Tues to Thurs 5:30 - 9:45 prn Detensive Driver eEvery Sat & Sun 9:00 arn - 3:45 prn Training 4 DAY COURSE SPECIAL! Early Booking & Vehicle March 16, 17, 18, 19, 2009 Provided For Road Test Aril 10, 11, 12, 13, 2009 Special Package Rates & Paymnent Plans Available Fes Tax Deductible Distributed ta new Milton Residents Vôc&té om- this annual opportunityl Let Miltoniains know about your message aI Hope and à Peoce, especially in trying limes lie these.,-M 'y We wiii deliver your message ta e E over 5,000 new Milton Residents. 1 Plus! Houe a listing every single month in thse Canadian Champion nems paper For only $175 e« cae daeect a&!t - -----cgormaicn@milîtonconadianchompiono lEbir CEaabiat (Cbampion Your Sales Representatîve Colleen Gorman (ext. 21 1) tel 905.878.234t fax 905.876.2364 555 Industriat Drive Milton, ON L91 51 y à y Milton 111 t10Rý ýý Places of Worship ý1 Wý"'h 1, (", de CD C:) ýD

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