M St George's Anglican Anglican Church af Canada 7051 Guelph Lise, Just North of DMrr Road 905-878-1112 We invite you to worship wîth us. Sunday Family Worship 8:30 arn (refreshmenls before the service) Wednesday 2:30 pmn "Exploring our Faith" Children always welcome The Rev Susan Wells (905) 878-1112 Knox Presbyteirian KNOX "Unified by Christ s love, we c",ý,,,,,, share Him wîf h the world" Friday, March 6 - 7pm Join us for an evening of good music and learning about the ministry of the Kenora Fellowship Centre. A twofold experinr- of gond Celtic music featuring MAC, a band from Kerînra. adi Corin WVac a aoc' our gueat speaker. who will shara bis rlveting story of surviving the Residential School experience and going on to become an educator, principal and wel respected town counsellor in Kenora. Pastor Howard Sulivan 170 Main St. E., Miton knoxmiiton@beiinei.ca 1ýf îromr CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Britannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Minister Steve Corbett 317 Main St. E 905-878-2411 www. gracechurchnilIton .corn Sunday 8 arn Said Eucharist + quiet, traditional rite Sunday 10 arn Sung Eucharist + children's programs z gRACEWAY 'BAPTJST CHURCU * 103 Martin Street ckei 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 9:50 a.m. - Sunday School 11 :00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer "You'II always tind a triend at Graceway" WWW.Iracewaybaetist.org St George' s Anglican Church (Ingtqirurî \ ,tuoîrk tin C tiada i Rector: Rev. Rav Daviîd GlIenn Invites you te worship with us this Sunday at The Crossroads Centre in Burington at 1295 North Service Rd. Nurserv anid C'hildr',ti 'î Sîioîul Prîîiidm'd For service limes visit our wehsite at Negeorgesios ville.org or cai 1-866-351-2642 ext. 4050 MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday Sohool 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study Looking wato Jesus tihe autizo and finisiser of our faith. Hebrews 12.2 Sunday March 8, 10:30 arn Traditional & Contemporary Preservice Hymn Sing at 10: 15 arn Supervised Nursery Care frorn 10: 15 arn Sunday Sohool kids 3 ta 10 at 10:45 arn Coffee & Conversation after the service Saul Food on Tuesdays - supper/worship 6 prn :>JKTrueNlorth &110 C HU R CH To Advertise in the Churci, Directory please cali Colleen Gorman at 905-878-2341 ext. 211 r Take saw6e tiw6e ta ren-ew artd recbxarge aour re(atiavsiIlip witN Fresbs ideas ta Lkelp gotAr m'varriage thrive. *Love in~ actioni *Resolvrivte cov1fict * oo0d sex , flcse art or comuianications *Forgive an-d Forqet tntroductory session witic dînner March 30th 6.30 t0 9:OOpm. Milton Bible Chsîrch Sign up or inquire ai 200 Main Street East marriage@miltonbibiechurch.ca Chidcare is avaîlabie or rail 9035-693-8586 'Milto In the isame of ALLAH, the Compassioat te Mçl MeemnL /e rerelation of t/te book (Qurlan) isfrom ALLAIH, >:dÎ Al mifg/ty (Supreme in Power), thte A Il Knowledgeble, *the Forgrrer of sins, t/te A cceptor of repen tence, the Severe in punvishment and t/te Bestower (of Mercy). There is no god except HE: to HIM is t/tefinal return. No one can dispute about t/te signs of AL~LAH except the unbelierers. Then, do flot let their (useless and) broken words t/troug/t t/te land deceive _yoU!" lQur'an, Chapte7-46iVersesAc-41 Read thte Qur'an - thte Last Testament Write to sl IminIJ fu4,miltonmasj id.ca / www.WHYISIAM.org / Cai: 1-877- WIIY ISLAM1 ilhis message brought to you hy the Muslim Association off Miton 391 Burhamthorpe Road E, Oakv, lie, ON, i 6H 7B4 Sanctiuary Ve*Conciso1 MILTON SI;vî-N'I' H-DAY CHI:RCH i i1 ýv t 1o t rvvcek vSaih 1)at itlîeîi îric al HugbI Foster Hall 43 Brown St. Milton Sat Il3 aii In - l)îîiiîc Scrcîrc u)i,,iîîi flican/n îîîîîî ibliiiî,îîcîs( tc Oni the INTERNET, ,luip Pvv,1upciiandi PASTOR:MAiOCccu 1a5 1115 583 For moire infoîrmaion ibout our service and îricrii rieuse cal] NEW LIFE CHURCH FOR GENERATIONS TO COME SUNDAYS Service Times Sunday School 9:00 AM .EIService 10:00 AM* Evenîng Service 6:30 Pm Chitdrens' Mmnislries Avaiuable in cil Services *Captioned lor the Oeal/Hard of Heing WEDNESDAY Fomily Night 1 7:00 PM Extreme Life Yovth Til JOUIRHET JOIN U'S TelS SuLJNi'A AI 10 SM IN TEH CHit DREN'S AND YOîiI Il CtINTRE (CYC) FOR 'THE JOURNES 10 FASUFS' ONE MORIFNNG SERVICE ONiS At 10 AM* M.MaFRSiilIi INFORMAI ION i UNI iii ON FOI i.OWINA 151 824 Thompson Road South, Milton, ON L9T 2XS Visit Us Online www.NewLifeMulton.com or caîî Pastor Dan Rogge at 905 878 3358