The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 27, 2009 - A9 '7i c~O ~osInp To Advertise inlthe CHURCH 0F Church Direçtory: CHRIS please cali 1412 Brtannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 , .c < Colleen Gorman 905-875-2939 ai 0-7-31Sunday Sohool Classes iýec:tir: iteN. laN I)aisi (denni ext.21110:0 amhuiiles iou tIo îîîrship oilh us thé, Ssnasialai Worship & Comnon The rmsods Centre i urhînglon il41an t 9 orth 1iiiiid Thursday Bible Study \îîîîi iiiii/ t ilimes N i i/i(IIti fii 7:0O pm lterîeims il oui- oehsite alt Mnister Steve Corbett îi- ll1-6-351-642e\. 4050 n teresAgi ae MILTON GOSPEL HALL NÏ Anglican Church of Canada ' 306 Ontario St. N. a 878-3873 <0) i-p I \,i>i0 <', ~ ~ fl tl ~ fl10o oc) tjrm - The Lords Supper il >45 a.M.t- Suflday aOi OI We ivite you /0 wors/?îp with us 317 Main St. E 905-878-2411 6.30 p.rn. - Gospel Service Sunday Family Worship 8:30 arn w w wi. g r a c e c h u r c h ii t on. Wednesday 7:30p.M. - Prayer and Bible Study (reftpet efot e re t/e service> Su nday 8 arm Said Euçharist Beliold the 1Laînîtd) ( Wednesday 2:30 plun- Exploring aur Fath' + quiet, traditional rite m-lii*lî îtakeîîî am-~aN Children always welcome Sunday i10 arn tie sin of the world. Te Rev Susan Wels (905) 878-1112 + children's programs Al John 1.29 KN X Uotîed by Christs love, we 103 Martin Street share Hm wth the world" CÀkl'v! 905-8 78-1 6291 ,oi usSun ayPastor Walter H Isaak Sunday March 1, 10:30 arn lo n u u d y 9:50 arn. - Sundlay School Lent 1 - Communion - New Members 10 1:30 -a rn- Worship _.S er v i ce, 1 1:00 arn. Morning Worship Supervised Nursery Care tram 10:15 am 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Sunday School kids 3 to 10 at 10:45 amn Sunday School & Nursery Cf e&Cnesto te h evc ------- -Thursday Bending trd i & conterOporary styles 700 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Soul Food on Tuesdays - supper/worship 6 p 1Mai t _Milolr1 "ouil always ind a iriend ai Graceway". knxmitn(ýeinecawww.gracewaybaptist.ttrg 1 ýuin the name of ALL.AH, the compassionaPt the MeLciL Sa nCirUar eà Meem. The revelation of the book (Qujr'an) isfrom ALL AH, t heAlmight3, (Supreme in Power), thte A Il Knowledgeble, tlteForgiver of sins, the A cieptor of repen tence, the Severe ini panishment and the Bestower (of Mercy)- ihere is noc god except 11 to HIlM is the final return. No one can dispute about the signs cof ALLAH except thte unbelievers. lThen, do not let their <uselc'ss and) -------------------------------------.e e ,snn" se> vir ,,,,esCc.î.ii g'TrueNorth Sundays at 200 Main Street rs New Meeting Times Sundays at 9:00 arn & 11:00 arn Coftee & Conversations ai 10:30 Pm Ail are Welcome! NEW LIFE CHURCH FOR GENERATIONS TO COME StJNDAYS Service Tmes iviidoy School 9,00i vAm V iU Servicel1O00AM* b .troken WOrds ttzroupi e tasms eue ut- y,.,, Evening Service 6 30 Pm Read the Qur'an - the Lasi Testament Chitdrens' Ministries Avaitabte in cil Services Write Iîtninooiiiomsid.cii/ % v,.AIY [ iS lSd A i ,org /('att il- 1877- VI Y V,. - û5r 'ioed ivfsor t -inid of Heuriîig -Tis message, brouglit to you b Hie Muslim Association of Miton WEDNESDAY Foimily Nîght 1 7 00 Pm 391 Hurhanthorpe Road U, <)ukville, ON, 1,611 784 Extrerne Life Youth Distributed ta new Milton Residents MILTON SL\ NI tt)V VG# m<a4-this annual opportunity! Le Mltocs kow abtiî'?'messge ofHpe ond Seas espe ily iniiryinc imes rivlke these Wevwil dvîvv yov? mssaivge v 5,000 ivMiltMiss R sdets, plus Have alisting every singe mi ilS in The Ovindian Chmioa n ns paper' For only $175 ADVENTLST Ciii î«îî 111\ li, i. L v ' I II \%, Ckl\ 'n Si ii li Hugh Ftster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milon siI ( " i li - , ai h iv uv i.iii i ii iv 0Ill Ou il t si tvi vv mor ti? l qii I l ] îi, ii l 111 ah iv vioui i"'I , i, iii il Ic ii ï ül Jy am À09 ]OIN LIS MIS SUNDAY, MARCII [Si Al 10 AM IN rFiF CHIIDRFN'S AND YOLFTH CFNIRE IOR WFIK ONF OF 'Tm ]ON[); 10 [ASTER' . ON[ MORNING 'ERVICF ONLY AT 10 AM* 82A Thompson Roud South, Milton, ON L9T 2X5 Visit Us Online or coll Pastor Don Rogge cit 905 878 3358 1 j 1