A8 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 27, 2009 LOCATED RIGHT HERE IN MILTON MvRack Iç Police cadet's gear stolen Sp IneMED" Noni-Surgîcal, D1rug Free Procedure For... Hernîated Dscs - 'Siipped' Discs - Degenerative Discs * Sciaicat SpineMED ,Spinal Disc Decompreson i ae td pm 5 litS ioeur des ied for back ot teck paînadt ica Notice of Proposed By-Iaw Notice is hereby given that the CouIncil of the Corporation of the Towin of Milton wiII be considering a by-Iawv to revise wiard bou odaries in the Towni of Milton. A staff report on thîis uvi i he consirlereri at filet Maiîh 23 2001)it\itîîuît.tti iilii This notice is provided in accordance wîth the Towiî of Mitoni Public Noi, Poiicy. Fu rihe r details 011 this pir 0 t'CI viwwi.militun.cattuwith aii 'prujects woir i If 1,,d1 7252. extension 2132. il t ti i~tltîi~i~ iii i ùt h, t iiilit(i ilijiSi 0t3 First pLiblished the 2Gth iî of u F ehri iii "/, 2Otl ii o1 [vcHLii (j c Uc loîtvjI i iluii the Plow!, We ail want our streets cleared of snow quîckly, but nothing slows down the work of snow plows more than cars parked on the street. Don't forget: The parking by-iaw in the Town of Milton is three hours uniess otherwise posted. Cars must be removed from the road during snow clearing operations (in whîch case the three hour parking lmit does flot apply). tVehicies found to be irnpedling snow cearing opetations can be ticketed and towed at the owners expense. Keeping parked cars off the street wiil speed up sflOW removal and increase community safety. Road Plowing Response Times Snow piowing response times range depending on the severity of the snow/ice storm and the prîority of roads (Regionai roads are piowed first, then major Town thoroughfares and finaiiy local streets). If a street lbas not been cieared wîthîn 24 hours after a storrn has ended, please cali the Snow Control office at 905-878-7252, ext. 2500, - Please visit wwwmilton.ca for more information about Snow Controi Services. týItit l ii t t0 t)Ii tti1t2 t t tit 2 t ait Lt t tuttlli . i luu cii tii l I tit tit ('1t1ti lt i l] 111c pai i ng l i(dil ii 11 onhI ,\ c lu it iioii liiitui i g o 1Il "I[ ( Ci i t Il., i it ) l îtt'I l i, litit 1,1(i 1 titi t 1 1tlt t lai i lt t ii l miti ilt it lit i 11ii ' Ii i 1 1 1( Vol u d1ur loca 1vl leader1( Ic l'o(905-878-4634 (I1( ým 1 ' tiPo~.il ii lit tud t h ,t l omtI c h u i i t t ii I i'i a d 1 1'1,' pc ' lI ci ti itiii l it i Iciii i d ii t oL t ia ilc ti >ttool [I l olhu t t i ut1 ttt iiili it ( (ii 1i-. I opui tti i iiI [( Il titi iii ti iii itti itiL d I l( ii t i itt IL1 1 1Ltiti i t , 1i h t 1 t t it il i l i ,t 11i i ii its \11 pci t ht IL' ' i îîluiioi ,LIii m i tit alt il h wd i ut t11 il' Il t' i i ii110t t1 ' , 11 iM M 1 1,. l 1t 1 1L Iiim i - e Iii uNihLncit aije A15 N FOR LIFE POUR LAVIE lune 19-20, 2009 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Milton Fairgrounds Canadian Cancer Society Re/ay For Life is a 12-hour overnight non-competitive fundraising event, Relay gives people the opportunity to get together with family and friends and celebrate cancer survivors, remember ioved ones Iost to cancer, and fight back in the hope of finding a cure for this terrible disease. " Register a team or join one'. " Participate in the Survivorst Vctory Lap " Buy a iuminary " Volunteer at the event Register online at ww. cancer. ca/relay or rail the Canadian Cancer Society at (905) 332-0060. CTA" Ji, S Z-> ! tjpiton - Iprtn posr 1