Readers Writec There seems to be a lot more bad customers than workers DEAR EDITOR: I m Stt tintiîs tii itngratti lite Brailen Dtuaflsuittflii stick- i ng up foîr ust ccits As a ss îîrkîîîg teeiIihatiîs tut sas: i n m' exîtet tetce sstrkîîngti t Miltoitîîscîtis tîat idtttts litk tîat ruîtiiiitii ss.gc Sttrkittg tectîs slîîîld m, ait tiintettiaîtd attdlfoot.i Bac k 1 btii sas 'tîr itîg itn a cîîffecesitili, I licarîl the mtîllialtsitrtl cimlaiats till cîttil Cortne s. I 'eett itidt iiitia i li tîltîler a ics'v slt s lîcît tuesllc saidt1 tai ttît sisi tsttu ,îiiî'î a ihall htut ivrsc' li ou t olt o tt ai td t ttii ili 'ict, st tuus i1 il' iti,i-k 0tt l'ni prets' sure ste aIl ktîîîss t takes îîîîîtha iti ttt'settcns iii tîake a tîtît tf sigutt 1 In Itîilt kîttîlof11aîiîcîtii "e a ss tîtIi.tii ttlooîtks iii litni li Itîrtit".sicrtattming lorilier yigîuru lîki' a ite scar illi. i aisti tatt10ii.itirt',sstiti rttlitttlitts iîutlrs tiî,t îieîtliî ssii1 iait' tî i ltîtîodlcolîcîî basve madiie tîrîlets ioi ii itat k t îtlc's ii te ui t it fit lites ItîtCinit h iseIttgltiilag tîiit îîîîîîct v ihal"11i sa ltiti colli ( ita~.ilst it it ailiihlui tilt i utt 1 lit\h c i lt it tcil dui Iiettimc itSi mi tt1iiitiai 1ht it tiin la i i ci I i c 1" t t (11it - ati ltiti l in i[il i ti mitt tii 1i t o 11,i1i't mi' I tit ili-' wht httlasve trittnIctiersotiIi sittI. Dit ttihitik ypur tvhtiiîcc'lire.tîilut îeimig thiti' s' tl titien1 lI lltt'e sî Ii N ttîg tIl'ettirk cîlli ii ectae Iliai gi iirilizîttititi sut st, t1iti tgîv ti m.îtt i tt t si t ttstult'i liii mt tt t tiinkyut t iitit "ilît 'it iiilt ttii lstl iii ti iiitotio 1ti mus itits it C s ttii it Iii t t SI t i n i i ii s .ti il iii i lot oi ict tilt i tut ittit' lii t i ti t ti t b icat it t Adt Itcmitt ( titii'i 11 i Il ilti\imitittiti l i i.(m lt MALCOLM AULT MI LTON Property tax increases shouldn't be higher than rate of inflation I:EA.R EITI'"R: ii tt it4'l tt tt i il .ti t i îî \\1 i u 'i\i~ u m , \111,1 uts P i ti î\ t ii î i t tiiit ~ u i t î'tt it t 1liti \ (iti i-11i , 1i (Iiit iti sl xi (CI fîIIo It t' anintit as Id îlîîîtht' î'.sîîîsltiti ,î 1i 1itties. ltiltiltsilita\tiil ittîl lit tîltî ot îîî.îîî.îge tlîiîuî ltinces. ITbhets Hatst li th tis sil -milliont stîlîcllobtbyîs a priie exattille Despitte reccîs ttg îîîtîiîuecl titi1 11tilt titi i ltti ,t O casier li t iiinti i sit.\î li I liti i'i l t lii i t~s i I îtis rîglitt Oc ol ctif lîttil- lorsli s .c is ,ftti îî'ttig ctui ltii St is toiiiîtrease tiîeîr cottîitil salaries hy i19 îp cit t ilset andc ibo tic utu atittîtîl clii iîg iltrcasce 11F, 1 ,it ij itit i dll olit i it ttt illii ii "d 55 iit ili I 5 tti tit'itsi i liiiý lui litt l ii'Itiit h\ Iigiihi iist iilttl u- RICK MALBOEUF, FORMER COUNCILLOR MILTON The Canadian Champion. Friday February 27, 2009-A7 Man gets warning for drunken ride ili tîieCapsulîs ate gutîts tii iiit ination cxtractcd Iroin pasi issues iof the Champion and otbcr publica- tions in order tu providc a window into ivltons past. Explanatory coim- ment is somnetimes provided iii place the situation in contexi. September 1912 t egal ( îunty Jucîges (rimninal Ctourt. On 1riday afternocîn Sydlney Hill appcarcd bcforc jîîdge Clorbam, comimittcd for trial, cbargcd wiîb stealing l( . Willmîitts horse antI buggy from tbe dnivîng shedi cf Knoîx ( hcrch. 1 l11 is an Englishman and a brnck naker . ...lic admittcd it antI lus excuse was ibai bie was tbe worse nI lîqutîr and ciclnul know wbat bc was dlîing.ITbe Jîîdge gavec bini a sharp lecture, lctting hini go on ,us- pc'ndctl scicocemcids'vari nng Ilîtto iti il ic golin t troubtle againthte "ttOt lît i iiîsc' stt'.tltig %\ titili c lllllt1iîîsuii iiiit )u c i iatIc\ I ic t0 1o ittt- t t Ii ih i i tli t tit l i1( i t ) I( il i titi , iI \ýIIi tiitotlti tttt i 1i~iit o 'li i t h ti ti i l oi tsi t iii "i liii t ti 4() til tits IIl oIlx A ttt.llil 11,îtî 'IIliîttititlpi it, iqI Il i t i si i d lo.tuc i nta \ I( lie il olic aitiat,ýi.e pr iji al ii ol h Ilarrîed iltia ci-lp cýiîiîttitn ciil',irlilo or Street rtîtM t iti i ci mut tIldot, Bitsfeod addtinui Milton iIt ime Capsulesu I3uusficld lots arc sell situated, high and casily draîned but are utisalcahle on accouant of being cut off froi he rest of the îown by theC-(PR. tracli Il communication wcrc opencd lrom, Martin Strect thes would bc in dcmnand abating the bouse famine and adcing matcrially to the town's incomnc from taxes. lhcrc should bc httle trouble in arranging [or the night of way for the strcct extension and the stiincr ibis is takcn in hand the bcîîer lorthc iicrcsts (if thc 1 lic 11. -,ctt tIlin . ost ttotsiic lc ttitt il, s, iot(l foi good cmliii l]crc ai-(, (if ithi'. ,(>tiaii,,s ligurc". 2: I 55 Ilcalai 8it lnsîth' ai risb Plgi -lI ' t I ii M !.i ' ,li t1i t lti i('1 t il I. it t i t 5-mI t i tt11( i li Il ittîi \gîtîttîîi i p"t iu t111( tf i t ,ýIlo tttiti tî a Ilit aILîrch.1-ilie \ i lus a t\\ t ai s îisseIllcd tit beliilj îî hMi ini si E.î-t- ti hsot lil l i t Vil ls, ittti o i lict tiaclici thii îit iîtti' C sociciv at (905) 875-4l56. Ontario education employees - You deserve the best in retirement. Corne to our workshop cx111ici ît" ti it ut t it i t hic t I)T ýicili ý i ti i i, t' 'it i t,1 i t li iiil;Ii tiiitt ti tt it i April 1, 2009 i ' t Register by March 13, 200910o reserve your place. Published in fuit colour on glossy stock, this annual guide is sure to be an indispensable part of every home and business.