Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Feb 2009, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 27, 2009 ~jruu i.1.n Surely, school 7 board staff had to have known Halions pulic antd t.atholic sthool boartds hase no ont hut thecnsseives tb lame shoultl angry' pai enis t uîme pounld ing on iheir iloors niithe not-totî iistant luturc. In an ntîsuai move, hoih hoards lasi \veek appi oveil 2009-10 schiiol year talendars ihat ssilseccI talion eltiincii' tarn' anti high chool stutients rtîirn iii tlavvthtess euh helote Labouir Day' îSepýieinhe)r 7). Tihc icavin for the thangt'i,, sinipit' Sliiet vtiitîng Christnî,îv antI Match hrîaks, al the viatitîli 5 liit1i v,iitd six pros inîi,îlls -iantlatetl profî"'siotîal attis is tda\s v rîun tht' t alcldai thei t'airt'oniv I1)2 (tivs vIcti tiii tcaiii Ilit iii-i d ili "I i i i S 1'i i i ilir l t\ ild liii TîiW 102 101 I iî l, iî Ontario schools. TIhe rcsulting outrage rtnimpar ents - nmans iof wh ini have esaîdthev"'e aireatinamtlcsummier vaationiipîitta M extenti through the last ltong \ss cekentiof tht' inciir -v va justifieti for more innoe esn Early response t'rom parents indîcates that not ail tain ilies to were consulteti prior lui the unprecedentedt 200()-10 school Or calendar heing approveti last week. As the single-lai gevi stakeholder group impacteti hy the decision, parents anti [amulies deserve to know why they were ignoreti To be [air to both boards, committees ihat stîtitet he sehool calendar issue titi include parent representatives lrom some sehool counicils. However, ai a time when politicians speak ofi the trnipor- tance of transparent anti actounitable gos'erniment, somte par- ents feel Hatons school hoards diint provitie nearly enoughi advance notice that thîs y carssurnimet hitak w îîîlti tnil hefore Lahour Day. One Halton parent wroic. "Partentis sv'îî'loit dîsutl' of titis scitool toientiot Oppriioi.lit i iti' liii'gisefcit o ppi li ttîtti) r totnnit i b iis, priouitoiilin'îg ptiblisiu'îi iit ti ltintgiu) Poîst lin Friia-Y, cb 20. In foi t, 1îîîislv it titi1 îîjii tiitîtigli Iltiti But liîîgtîîîî Postiariiclteh'oittti tîttplgu'. -ii0 îiîiî'. SIii it i flo't a iitii ti v ut il i owi l t ii tiiil cf.ls iii of]i iti i li i 1 i ugulîi boîî il"r td Soiîtue hles'ctht' sîhiol hoards nî'glcîtcdt ii cînviîlctit i' rcpectîssions iif an tarlier-than-nul mivian iii totheht' vl 1 y'ear. Ctht'ts cxpresscti anger tisai tht' Iiliîin buaidt',aci itt alist seîrcttvely with informnatioin ihcy liklyi pussvvî'fohr ss c eNs- 'ytninths - hcliit c sthotu s tar t alt'nîirv \\cri' appt oscl. The'îtsikc a goot pinit. Sîir'ls', sihuol hboardl staff hailii iitcinis i hcveitblon ait ss cck - ihat Labour Day s latc positioun on ilic 200L)i alcni ilar. tinicil ewiih lasi y cars adldition ohflt'rtarss ulis Daypluis the Miniviry ohf -ticiatiois ý200b mandtecohfissu atldititoîai 1riîhssiiîmîi atîis'ty tiay'ss onîtiinakc stjticezing the rianilators 194 instruit ionai tas s ito the t alentl, i îli- cuit, if not impossihle. hltiuesn't secin plausible the schiiol hboardsulv dîlhase heeni caught unaware oftihe logistital tiilîîîîliv thc nexi sehool s car ss otili hring. Dy ntîthoilding a more'open tcon- sultation ahouttihe talendar issue. soine families hase heeni leli with the perception the hoards were iry tng iii sneak, ihrotigh a radîtcaltchange to thle sci hiol y eat t ,ienuar. Il that was the plan. they hase lailed miserahly. Wiih the early-start calendars jUSît ainounu cil, the soites of parents \vhi are Icarning of itlfor the unirsime are grîîss ing in numher anti solume. Whîle some have atiempted to be proactîve by recommeriding alternatives to the schiitl tal- endar that has heen approveti one Halton letter writer offered the following position some families may choose to take should sehool boards refuse to reconsider the early stant to the school year. "i dink tiire mav lie a loi of empiy desks the fiî'st weeit of seitool chus vear " 555 Industuiai Dr. Miton, Ont, L9T SEI 905-878-2341 Edîtonial Fax 2905-878-4943 Advertisinq Fax 90!5-876-2364 Ciasfied 905 875-3300 Circulation 905-878-5947 V.P. - Group Publisher Generai Manager MAKING TRACKS: NILA divvv iiîe 'î i d hiiii (loiO a tý O ab G a i lBe fi Rc 2 ,ort v iri l ii, M ,',iî Tl,rý ( v i( iiO'i 'i aper on your oext vacationi andr id oi i 'Chei n por, Iîr, i i l1i) (,(il nî .vnidianchampion.lori Bcsuire t î riclýjJ eidi' i o i orm îîiation ir) î'vcryoion'ý ame Buying original art from artist you meet memorable i've neyer beers much of an art con - noissetir. As a child, mny artistie endeavours rarely progresseti beyond finger paint- ing andi paint hy ntimhers.f B3ut a comment froîn NantcyC utile of the Fine Airts Sotciety of Milton (l'ASM) ibis sseek piotoptet i itetories of a trip to Paris andi reminntct mie thai everyone - even thîs artistically-ignoiant reporter - is capable of heing toucheti hy ait 1INwas intieinig , ' Nancy about l'ASM's Froni FHeart tw Ilanti art show, s'vhith will rîîn March 6 and 7 at the Milton Sports Centre. She mentioneti that theres somte- thiîîg emorable about buying origi- nal art rom an artist youve met. Every lime you look at that work of art, you'll remember the artist and fel a sort of connection, she said. Which brings me back to, Paris. 1 was in my early twenties when my sis- ter Melinda and 1 decideti to îhrow all caution to the wind andi fly aeross the Atlantic. For a week, we were immerseti in the foodi and culture thats distinctly and wonderfully Parisian. It was late summer and artists lined thse Sie, casels propped and brushes poiscd. On nearly every street were artiats -some amateur, some professional tourists like us. One stich seller caught otir eves "lot hecause his paintings stooti oui fromi the othlersý, but, m7el. hetause hie wsva', antisome in tfiai -je ne sais quoi soit ifî\N'v.s \Ve titcmptetl b chat > ý Aith hnnn ioui hi oken F rech andi liepotiietion thé. charm, atientpting 1o inaki a sale to tN, o sisl, ( anadians. Nceîless no s'av. si orketi. We ssalketi aw,,aN flot iîsti sihan oil paint- mng of a Iovciy sireciscapt', but also svith a photograph of thai French artisi. Whien we got home, my ,sîsier hati the painting frameti anti snack the photograph of the artist in the corner. Every lime 1 passeti hy that piece oif art, 1 was remmnded of that suinier trip to Paris and, of course, the artîsi who likelv was nobody spetial in the world of art hut who seemed to epito- mize Paris. For some reason, the expérience oif buying that painting outweighis those of visiting the Lou-vre and the Musée D'Orsay And that painting holds a conneetion that a Monet prmnt 1 later fram ed and hung d dn't. a ty w a St yes, Nancy, 1 know exatywa you meail. For more information on the upcoming art show and sale, visit wwW.fasm.ca or sec page A23. Editor in Chief Managiflg Editor AdvertisiriçtDirector Production Manager Circulation Manager office Manager The Canadian Champion, published every Wednesday and Fiday, is a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. ým,1 jf a 't ' '2, jI CCAB Audited iTCIO Oi FE4*NA '* Haiton HaMftnoN SANTA jigeBl ud PARA DE oC MILON eT YYMÇA Award F1 n

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