The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 27, 2009 - A37 Reduce heating and cooling costs canjadian tiirncinr'.s ili tic big uiiiiir' io' that thc Fcdcral Giivernillnt iis iticialîr iatinchcd it'.cciNl Re triit i iitiativc, îitt!r- ing inancial iiicntivc'. liiCanadians wo inipriivcthcirI hoiiic's vcnrgY ficielcc'. Ntural Rcuiiurccs iof Canada îNIdCinl lias liccnscd AmcriSpec Itrspection Seccc', Canadîî'. lcading homen inspcctioin ciinipatn\, tii tirtlirili rcsidcnlial cncrgy cvaluatiins that identiti hiis hoimcs ie cncrgy and uhcrc iis hing uastcd. AncriSpecccvaluatiits wili shoiw hoiiiiciunrs liîîlii rcducc greenhiiusc gai crnîusiins, rcduc heat- ing aind coiiling cuits andiîPinirve oi mu in Iheir homes, whilc cnsuring adcuiuatc vcntilatioin for a hcalthy îndîîîr cnviriinrncnl. Tii îakc advantagc ot thc prograrni, isniciiwn- crs first must complclc an as'.cssmnent b1w a liccnscd cnergy cvaluatcir usho ii i jdtcrminc thc humes carrent cncrgy rating. Thc servicc includes: a dclaîled eucrgy cvaluatiimn of thc home, a blower docr test lii fînd air lcaks. a print- ed rcpoîrt that shows where encrgy duollars arc heing spent. recormmcndatiuins on whal hornec owners can dii lu imprcîvc their hîîmc s cncrgy cfficiu'ncv and an cncrgy cfficicncv ratîng lahcl that shouws hiiw fficient thir hoîmc s ciimparcd lu îther homes in thcir region. tisiigthe hicitii ,uo-i i i in uit ioWiCi" have18Inn tilstii Ci ipicuIIpi IdCuý ofin Lt ip tii ihitl v ,uaialiîhiud oiiidi- vidiial i troit i iiitiativXc lic uavc rigu grii t I-i expuccld tii hu do-selii Si uii. I lînicoiicIiii uxlpuct Ii rucci\c thurichuqci ithiiii(HlI davh of recccnlii linnouincecdthat thruv Hwtil CorIlipo rtîion of te cvaliialiiiiiciii andoiiiiittr idditiiiîî,ýrIi iiî NMIiiv ProicesIC, 'uclii as ii-ikitc licui ii ai i Olntari, have urcCcitlC ,iiiiiui d th'ilt lirc H il covt'Cr a poirtioin oft liu:c alliiitiiiflcirt ,id/oiI additii ual grant min ici- aiîd Polh Ski n iil i-ai ucs'. leader fir \miiirpcc il Canada. .icriirding tii NîCan. ionicluincinrncrs ci ii plute their requircd cnerg\' cCîluation and md ia-c siimc îr ail ot the rcciimnindediupivnnl thcv cin cxpect fecdcral grants uch as: " Furnace -lin tii $600 " Iristall a hcat reccivcry ccntilatiir up tii e Llpgraidc vour central air ciiuditiiirir tii an Energy Star Unit - $2ttt 0 Rclri itt diiir'. and iii cidiuc-li lncrgc Star - $30 tir cach unît 17 percent iof ail cnergy n-rd ini Canada g c'. ii-ipri- ilic i a ail iilitiiu itîii ci itc c omp h\ iii \ii 1i1ii ic l it i lits ii\tý l r yoiii ciii hiiiianiiii ()riitnîn iîbtaiit iddi- luti iiniinat \i ýc\Cviii,'iCiiCuc c1î irici \î'ii t 'riii/cî Hein with buying your irst home I iiiiking uîîr a diiwn Itix' mml h fryiilir irlgag' '10 maiarcadi Sa,ývr il stashud1 awavlu inyiiur reircuient 51 nuri s1 Thî, Giis'cinucul if Canadas Home inielers' plan may allow you lu wilhdraw up lis $21tO frcîrn ypur ltegistcred Reltirement Saviugs Plan lIitSPI lii huY (or huild a cualifying home. Doîîyîsu gaalify? If neither siiu lnor yiîui sPouse Or cîm- miýn-law parluer iiwned a home thalt you lîvcd in as your princi- tic in the tuni calcudar vcars hVicti chic VCai-ofut yIcr Il lSl withdraucai. and cnding il dais hcfîîre yiiur withdrawal, thcu yiiu miax Se ahle liiparlicipatc n the Home Bayers'Pilan. Yîîu mnay alsîî qualifs if you osr a rel- ative is disahled and \5iu are huvilig a mure acccssihle home fisc yeiucscltîor ycur relative. Arc von huying a home scîlh youn spousc. commun-law part- ner, ir sismconc cIsc? Yiiu can uc h sithdraw wp lii$2(000îI cach pcrsiin i-i abic t i artici- ptl ii thc 1 loiic huvcri',tPlan. Thc acruiiunt viiu oilhdraw will havie tii e rcpaîd lu viiur R-RSP. Yiiu ust Scgin lii makc repaymcnts in the second vcai fîllowîug the ycar you Madc your withdrawal and vîsu havc up tii 15 year's li repav thceIttal amount. Fc>r more information, visil and scarch thc sitc fosr I tome Buycrs' Plan." -Ne'uîsCanada pie ,ii ,, 'iMAXXIMUM SERVICES Ara n elPie o iAtg ue Dola8hed Aslu? Runiý aro ui r' MOdel By Sanda I MLSLITINOGec AE m BernHome Located9nI4rh aUmooOnUeDegtîrab aNeIghbu to0dSPa a s Horne ucxnie vvoROORH Qih oo&Lrest Proemm e Shae o nTeW/pon To Aboso Famj Room A Mo o nOe ot uc PONMNso SîrelGralOpfl onep Lyol.Con ept HoeWLlso prao etPre COLOdOFUL FEATURE SuH.EiS & MOREJ fau rMa lîu î vtsir T ui Hî'ultit O tOt o Oit 5Si t OU7 - This 3 BR side split features reno kit with skylight. Main bath bas jacuzzi tub, newer windows, sun- room addition, central vac, CAC, gas FP, 3 Pc bath off rec room, hardwood floors. What more could ynu ask fort $359,9010. Rose Sales Rap i The moment you walk in, the oxquisite work- Smanship & attention to dtaif wiII make you EL SAh want to make this home your own! CENTRE www.allanaaî Jacqueline Guagiardi Sates Rep. ROYAL LEPAGE RCR Reatty. B-ikrnigl ShakesperenTludor home MLý off ers renovated kitchen &t.w ! ---"q-- baths, biliards room, magnitreent 9great room wth cathedrat eeiing & ftoor ta ceeîtng tîreptace, a deca- dent master suite witit fireplace, A ith hîgh end fin- ishes. Pretty 5 acre setting witlt river & great layovi for home business o r eoxtended family. $049,000. Jef Sine & Itannah Sine SatlnsIReps- EU denstawe .bdrm family home ourrnded by mature gar- ïring treeu an .71 acre lot. Plenty nf rnom for the Create Traffic!! f a O ii i iia i o i .(1 k u c 1 i nl i ROYALLU~w^ýÎiÎE whale tamily. Great 00001 wnnwosvenanosmeli~î ucii'ii..i î-. - i3ageîîsMatam TtiPue mdelo es Mont Catu ~brick normaund, vaalted ceilings, tam. tized cnar F reaturu' o hcer aih a pg raded cabinets & double paitti' Catbedral RCR RiS8IOYr kitchen & 2 w/an ta gardent. Canveient commuter Inca-to E ceilingo in the livingdinîng issun Lots of raturai lght u1nu Iithîsugboot, Faty tenced yard is :501 ovit oasis wthtino. Ern - a great paet as family! upgraded lage patio & gardent lcet ms Té advorise in this fuature please cail DIANE ext. 212 at 905-878-2341 email: Pat Aker Sales RloP. CENTRE Bleut Une ell,,liii i ROYAtIAEs Il the te 1 Homes fef.%,4- ">,«N;."Aý, an droon