The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 27, 2009 - A35 -IT ew, , K C M--6 SPCIRIT is a collection of homes perfecty suited to todlays needs. Tliey represent1 stylish alternatives for the new homehayer lookîng ta live in o well established community. SPIRIT homes the livable area., They have dean interior lines for lots cf furniture placement options. They are available in a wde variety of floor plans, chosen for their, efficiency and pleasing aesthetics. M I- 34' WideLot-, Plan 1, Elev. B 1,1156 Sq. Ft. DetaichedH SPIRIT homnes willI odd ainother distinctive nieighibourhood taoaur community of Hawthorne Villagevihco 8,,000 families now cnjoy the mony fecitures of living nii one of Ontaria s most scenic, nuturai surroundîngs, We invite you to, corne and see aur for iîew homes. cd in step with the tirnos. Thit's the SPIPITý 36' WideLotF", Plan 1, Elev. WÀ 1 ,638 Sq. Ft. ornes Frorn $,59,990 ma tta my ho meS.Co m