The Canadian Champion, Frîday, February 27, 2009- A33 HIRING FAIRs Saturday. February 21 & Sacurday, February 28 10Oa.m. - 2p.m. t o'iiîia O ikl1ic. \lrlîî (eiirgcoîii , 'i r .îî ioi nten. Go vi lfr 1oI o aniuii d direciiriiin. \e eliîrirîrgfliii Golf é Hospiuaiity -'Turf r ,t iii i ci o m i 's ; ' ri.. ý [) CaiE mun Iiilcc iriri i11î " For those who know us, we're finally here!!1 For those who don't, prepare to savour "the Cora's Experience"! Are you an early riser? Like to spend quality time with family'? Aie you commtted ta excellence? Looking for a fun, energetic team environment? Opening April in Milton, Cora's requires experienced: ' *Kitchen Team Members *Assistant Kitchen Manager S,kervice Team Members *Hosts *Bus Persons *Dishwashers lease forward resumne and referenes to: cora. milton 1@gmail. com or fax: 905-673-8271 Wp owhe KCDostisavala fo Competitive Salary & Incentive Bonuses " Excellent motivation and be resuits oriented. " A proven ability ta make effective presentations. " Excellent customer service and computer skitls. earni above average incarne. " A Clean driving record and valid drivers licence is mandatory a Sales teamn oriented with a oositive attitude * eeisadCompany Demonstrator w Il be provided. OVC çertitied individuals pretorred ____ Plaefowr esret Amelio Pa p arelGnrioSalpes aae buoy.ho e9o5-3ee-39be Orate Ubituary ___in Memoriam FREE, Robert (Bob) At Sf. Michavî's Hospital in Toronto on Monday, Fvbruary 23, 2009. Bob Free cf Mlon, beloved husband of the laIe Gloria Free. Lovîeg fafher of Rob (Teresa), Deanna (Reno), Karen (Brian), Anta Goozalol and Brendla (Bifll).Sadly missed oy is gravdchildren: Daniel, Maecly, John, Kaie, Sfepnanie, Emmaii, Brian, Michael, Brandon and Marina. Dear brother of Verna, Shirley and Bernice. arnly and friends are ineted to isif aI the McKERSIE KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main Sf. Mlton 905878-4452 frorn 10:00 arn 10 11:00 arn on Salorday, February 28, 2009. The foneral sersice rilI folos atIU1.0 ar ne the fnoeral borne chape[. As eepresions cf syrnpalhy, mernorial donations fa the Mlon Disfrct Hospital Foundation would be apprecîaled. Leffers of coodoleoe rnay be vIft for fhe farnîly aI wwr.ierieivkocher ta j Heacifeli Inanke le Sandra, Wacda and al rny eelended farniiy & frede for a~ 'conderful 8th Birthday pnrfy Thenksc 10o ecerpoce whc aflenedn fhe cards and grIls wvîe air apprecrated. Ed Ramsbottom Michelle McKay Lee Oec. 27, 1986 - Feb. 27, 2005 If 1 knew the fastnime ie eld vou, woold be the lastI1would have field pou borevet Rest in Peace Michelle Love Mom, your family & frienda xxoo GLADYS WILSON December 22. 1906 - March 1, 2005 Every Day iri somne small way Memories of you corne our way Thotigfi absent, you are eve'r near, jStîlI mîissed, loved, oIntays dear Love and Miss yc! '4om J ___ our Family j In Memoriam SCHUYLER, Howard Inl bcg mrnmory cf my dear hnsband, who pasned away on Match 2nd. 2008 lu s sad te walk the road atone, lnstead of side by sîde, But te ail there cornes a moment When the ways of lite divide, We had years of happiness, Then came sorrow and lears, But Ihere are beautiful memories To cherish through the years. Fore ver remembered by your loving wife, Oliv tr rnenîacp of or Wrfv Moiher & OariorrrOrcer Ellie Rigo Marcs t 2005 if tears could buîld a stairway And memore were a lane We woid walkir igtIo heaven To brîng yen irome ayain No tarevrell sords soro spoken No trnie 10 say goodbye Yoti were gene belore se haew il Only God kîrern why Sadly missed by Primo and famil-y. SCHUYLER, Howard Lindsay Legal Notice In rcrnry cIa Icsnrg latter wtt passed ' OTCETO ce Marcc 2ce 2000 O IC O Dcci grieve for m r nl w ir ieDale Daniel Kelsh 'merlelow'g te pathGodlid forrnc A CASE HAS BEEN STARTED i rock Hi s acde icli earo Hrrn cari ACaAINST YOU IN the Ontario Conrt cf tertre opacaad ltil taIJnstic, eai 491lShooeseAne dEast, 1 cclucii t stay acaither ay Milion, Oralarro To a gh, ta ove,'cù wonk r piay The taet Coucict i es Mardli 5,2009, Tasks vt undorît ttnsi riay r ni way ai 10:OOa or or as soce as possible aller tirat ilurnead pour ateedacce is i lecce iral pa ac ,c ay reolcr r iraidale, Ilery paI egas ofvoi c si, The CcUt a na rake ara Order en lIai Th5cr fliil1w it eEres jy case tsar uap affect pi cri ighls. A ciec hp e r r ,igicai c.'. Yeai carr)gelt itoe irforriroraboto Ah ye ,thesc Otis, o lia wrsrn ibis eascefrttaDianae Skt rn E eqai Be otburend wII tiesofServire. 1445 Nla o t Un lrits t Be idt rnlccclwnrr tt I ' O andi2, DncriaqinOra tîar a lelepl' il 1Wi50 YOU se 50l fice irartaw. Na.905) 334441, cci 0765. My rIes fbevfulti i 5d5inc . a If pari cicrnet1c orrîr tO Courti an ra Oic Groeecl go od i-rt rnay lac rade wiliaoct yoa aradi e A lovent cees tos h eefotced agaresi pair Perhapsrnp tm ernvssail toc Scîvl. Dcci leegheetn icnowt 000ev grief. LItt ap esi I ert and'share wtt cie Ged wane ren aw, He set me relcc Fondly remembered by Larry, Grant, Janice and their famillesa Bithay reetings Happy l9th Birthday ALANNAH Love your family Birti Announcements Place y ur Baby's Birth Announcement in tZ Milton (anadian Champion, One Free Ornament of your baby's preciaus hand or lootprint (qIl 905-878-2341 r0t o ue' suuii ent ( iibLilrik oiire ii . i ise/da. 07"dIlîke tir si/k te -voit abolrit /r exchtitiiig upiirtrirtse M0erv Livingston n ieoîegrernery f rny Hnnband ana 8h01 frend terne and rny chidren who passea away suddenly March 2, 2001 Ho bade n ne nvs ast farevl He sain Geedbye lenne The eavnly gaies vre spot A Ioîog soîce nard corne 1Ioteini ana ttînk oflysu The tSîegn yen osen t 10ay i wocder why yen had le die Wîithoot a chatte te say Geodhyo Se out t cfaght yoor neyer SNI itnssed, onu leea ntilors Yen wiii usve ci s tn emory Utl tcee vnof urne Sadly miasecl by wife Helene and family m www. club lin k. ca We now have positions available for