The Canadian Champion, Frîday, February 27, 2009 - A25 "The business that -f romn DATELINE on page A14 Calling New Parents, a frce drop-in prograrn for parents and babies aged six mionths and younger, meets with a public health nurse t0 discuss parentingf and infant care. The gruup meets ai the Ontario Early Years Centre at 410 Broute Si. from 1:30 to 3:30 pin. For mure information, call (905) 825-6000, ext. 7299. Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Services (SAVIS) of Halion holcis ils weekly Hispanic Women's Group frorn 1 to 4 p.m. ai Appleby United Churchi, 4407 Spruce Ave., Burlington. Its a conificlennial, open group for women and chîlciren. For more information, eall (905) 825-3622. The Salvation Army, 100 Nipissing Rd., unit 3, holds its free Busy Hands, Creative Minds \veekly drop-in from 9:30 to 1l ar..lor kids agecl nexsborn to five years old and their parents or caregixers %viih songs, crafîs and playtirne. F or the weelkly themne, visît xwwkhicummuniiy.corn ht also holcîs ils Scrap and Chat front 7:30 to 930 P.m. for scrapbooking begin- tiers and addîcîs lu work on per-sonail projec ix. F or more information, raIl (905) 875-1022 or e mnail jenbh@khîrcomminuni y coin. The Woniens Centre, in Ilopedale MaIl, 1515 Reberca Si., suite 229 in (Jakx'îlle offers peer coun- selling lrom 10 a. bt 3 pru. loi xx\oinin goîng ihiougin a îifficuniunir "'o ,ppuîiniî ctuti ir - it ,l-,îî ldail 1icdiiatiiui xii lî i i 1I 10tIlîi, And itslice [mpîoycneni Networ k also 1aIce pia. For mnore information, raIl 9)i>') 847 3ý2i) The Mlton Seniors Artîx tîx Cenlie. )00 ( fIsliiDr holcîs is Downsizers Weight Loss ClubIfini 10 iii1Il a.m, bingo roin 30 to 4 pmni a diup în conv ersa- tionai French lesson rom 11I:30 a.ii. to I p.iii.. crib- bage fromn 1 îo 3 p.m. ancl Scrabble ftom (.:30 to 3:30 pin. Thfe cosi for each acti ix 5s 2 loi- iinînfers ancd $4 for non-ineinfers. [vening Bid Luchre takes place frum 7:30 to 10 p.m. l'fie rostisi $2.50. IFor more inioî - MILTON MERCHANTSr~ ~ nimiti, rail (905) 875v-I1081. Wednesday Marcb 4 Milion District Hoîspial fltlds a oun hiiwon breasi- feeding cdie xitli a eerîîfied lartation rconsultant froin noon lu 4 p.m t-tir infurmnatin rr an apit- ruent, cal jîi l]ieks ai (905) 878-2 38 3, e\î 76 10. The Deck drrîîvin centre, 200 Main Si. 17. (rear enîranre), ixvîles sirîdenis romn GracIes 6 lii 12 tutsttp bx fi)eieen2:45 andr 6 play a gaine tifIvootl tir rî,si bang rouî. lîr mille informiaitin i cii \vx. t lederkiinilîtîinirîcoin iThe Saîxatinin .\rinx, 100Ni1issivgfR1d- unilit hioîrîsvolunteer drop-in fruin 10 a ni.t I p.miii îîhitp sortr anrd park fodItîtr ithefoodl hank tir felp pi epare foi rther rtiinmuniiy prtigrams.Iltir motre inforut ioinne mail robib>kiiroiiiinuiixý.roi i rail (9)05) 875-1022 ihe Wtitnens Crnire, n Ii perlale MaIl I 5 Reflerca St., suite 229 mi Oakxille htîlrs ilstruce Abtuse Support Croup [rom 530 to -1:30 p.m. llre-rcgisitrat tubn iiclqilrerf liiioniittii mîilt,î 11.111(11i i -4f v»sfi )3)20, Il fie Ovarian Support Croup, xpowoircd hy ithe C aiadîaî C ancrer Societix;ineels fhum I130 lu 3:30 Prt ati ilie C fiuro f î St. Maithexx un-fie-Plion, I126 Plains Rd. L.,iii LurlîngiinIltiflers infornmationiand suppoirltir Iirve xx buare cwxlx' dîagniiser, ihosc in ongoin1g -iltll niet ntdîîcsurx'ix tiIs I ilmitre infoiria- tiun, rail (905) 332 0060ý i-fie, Mlton Senioirs' ctxtx(entre, 00 ( hîlcî Dr. hîtîrs contraci bridge frîîm 9- f '3iii I1I 30 a.rn ancd Mexican train doininîtes fri i1:-I30 ti 4 p i.m i H i ti tir car f ac tîx mix ix ,,2 loii ineiiihei-s ,îînr $4 ftiriton- liiembers .Wcekly L unch ( ounier alsit takes place, lcti iiing aflo~t Iineal liii 56sb.iCouIll)ai ithe rer eftion r ixkn arîx cc re iii n in oitliireî iii«()05) 873- If81. l)rtin volîcybail iakcs plate ai the Milton liesurre(.entre tît Matît Sirceifrîtîi I 30 Wiii2.30 p ru. tir S3JvO I tir iformnationr al (QO5v 878-7946. BRENT RICHARDSON General Manager Or family hS been in the atomoiive industry for over 41 vers and is grateful for the opportun iy 0 serve Mlton and the Haion community. None of his would have veen possible wthout loyal costomers, many of whvm are second generation. WVe are also blessed 10 have a loyal and dedicated staff, two of whîch have been ilS oui dealership for over 35 fears. toeni thovgh the automotive industry ix corrently experenciof raiher difficuit tîmex, we feel il is important that me continue 10 support the charitable viganizations and sports îeams that rely on commercial and personal contnîbutîos. WVe would like t take thîs vpporton 1510o say thank poo iv ail oui costomners and etetd an invitation 10 come and vsît os. Wr old be more than pleased to assst yoo muSh yovr automnotîve needs ai Richardson Chevroleti oui mission is Its a good place to do business." RICHARDSON CHEVROLET 905-878-2393 HWY. 25 S. AT DERBY BD., MILTON www.richardsonCbeV.CU M i i. 'Li tself immune to the necessity - for advertising sooner or tater finds itself immune t9 business." Derby Brown 1 eCUPO 1-1 m 7 tel