A24 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 27, 2009 4e Multiple Sclerosis 'aSociety of l'eIS SùCIiY t1lLÏON R .nieArL~Ir~ Presents WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11lth# 2009 7:00 pm CIBC Muple Avenue @v Thompson and Steeles e Mlton, ON Milton Leisure Centre Classes starting soon Register by contacting the office T u eealued custeeee finvnence coeedbey Febrary 20- Feheery 26 Bands sought to enter competition I)y tlci.s)tlpl -s Il c 01111 p i ., lci. iFFIli Ilii ,igîat() I io îîIfl \ou 1F 311 IIýI i l ,iî 111 i d 11( ku 00 \ oil a iil ýM t-I Id u t( I i ý Il m. We aol0ogeze forl,~îîF ,an 8einotflyer dated DEFEAT DANGER! t î,vt ,,lrl1, ~~~ ~~ llrr,.r MS SOCIETY HALTON REGIONAL CHAPTER 2016 Victoria Ave, Burlngton, ON, U7R 1 R4 Fax: 905-681-1166 905-681-8770 Toulfree 1-800-211-8322 Sueeorted bu " areAvllbI. 2-5 Days per Week .tarn EEand ECA Staff " Arts, Cafts, Computers 'Field Trips, Specij Events r,*Low Ratio Kindegarden Programs *JoIly Phonics, Science & Math *Nutritious Meats and Snacks ~Ail Natural Cleaning Products 8611 Escarpment Way, Milton 905-875-2255 Drop in for a tour. No appointment necessary. For more information on any of our 17 Great Locations Visit: www.peekabookid.com Cali: 1-866-,W- -EEK (7335) FIRED Up fPtt) 9,35 CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAI-OLIC (PG) IF[ v , , % Fi ON Mai a i ï l2a1 FRIDAY THE 13TH (18A) FR N1 N 4r 9 40 HES JUST NUT THAT INTO YOUt1f4A) la rON , o j 1 1'i HE S JUSI NOT THAT INTO YOU (14A) THE PINK PANTHER 2 (PG) TAKEN ( 14A) 10. 11 M r ,," TAKEN (14A) v 1 PAUL BLART. MALL ClIP (PG) (vIOoEurI FeRIMONlH01 H .N, 93O SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE (14A) CORALINE (PG) svnOT eF iORaUNG CIanEî n. RGýNN a~orSaCENsî sun vus 1 15 30 O,,. r. e Best of the West \1 011 1 Illk Irar rI I ' la l d,,IIF io ) cîF h) i l la i 11( I(' li p F 1 11 111i111I l'\q l. 1 1 1 c1 I F ( O l d il O Il r1 ai 1,11 111011111 i iI l,îr 111 m"rl ,1I1 im I ,îl I 1111In i, 11la ()l 11rt ii 11( Ft î Ilî, iiIIIISIIIli 'il band i 111( 11111(11 111ra r11 naillm , aFIîiIliIîll rîIIllîlî IIIII and000a îîiîlî 1 IlIiîtIl 11111 tîclîr\\rI Ilîlîlîl (III III (111(0 ;1 So l (litrl< l o 1 11 \ t lîilll îî (l t r I l 11, 1011 \)il I t Ilîr lr,î I im( Il r,'111l11 l 11li ll b )Ili 1.11 Si Ii)i r 'ii o IrI r. m , \ l Fil 1 . î1(iFo \l iîiîîi rma lion1 aiboutFIl 1(30 lî,î and , iiiu , o liii ha I I( 1 ', ,11 1 dI () onIm III h( band 111)iîî II11 î r- (It 'i'I IL 1 11 1 1 ,111 , ()M 1 1 Lilî1 111 ht'0ii î It ' 111 d mIllic i i i 1 ( FIli 11(m ol i r',IcIm I iL (m, l i m salî i h(ir ( j( i , lÏ l it 111 iî,I1r 1 r Id lîîî~,rall 10cI ,I o 111( iii 111b( 1111 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I llF (,1 1 IL FS 1-1Fg 1 l oi.lf I, ,rit 111 l (lîl ' r \ r t 5r 1 '11 Sîr l r: I.rrl . rd Im ll 1 - OP , o fflrItHI EsiI~X~ [0[IL Fo 1 Ca 5 strip dabbing book f , plus Ai-U-Can-Dab Ge and in your verifler 2 (@ 6 strip books, 2 @ early birds, HUNGR ? 2 @Super Jackpots, Evey Sndy w seveand COPIEg R BRAFS 2 @ Progressive Jackpots t1A 1:0P 2 @ Rollover Jackpots verTIE WSVALUsNTOW 3 @ TH,000 J ALUENTs OWNbok 6-7 PMevery session, euery day! For details oni al vur jackpots and promotions,- check onit: www.nicadowvalebinig».COiiiI l or cl he Hu ire 905 821-7883 fvr nter uea - 2295 Batteford Road, Mississauga ____ ____ Where there's awiI Art merit pgoo q,j TH-E ABSOLUTE, IRON WILL TO SUÇÇEEID. IT'S WHAT MAKES OUR KIDS SPECIAL. ErinoakKids helps kids with disabilities to be ait they can be. You can help toof Go to www.erinoakkids.ca and click Donate Or cali 905-491-4452 ERINOA[<% Reg Chanty#l1 I446RP0001