The Canadian Champion, Frday, February 27, 2009 - A23 ARTS W"ide array of art to be featured at show By Stephanie Hounsel CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF ocal artits i xbii lit'vtseling thir L sorks lor al o sec at the upconi- tnig I toiileari to I lanîLl'ait slîîîs ncxt weekend, xxhtch promises tobch. a least for the cyes. Putt on by tttemhers ol the Fine A\rts Society of Miton (-i ASM), the annual 'ihtiss and sale wtll f-eature a large s aritytof- art, including paintmngs, scultptures, lah)ric art, pottery arnd photography - b ttlame a lc\w -hy artsts ror'rtal xalks ofl Iie atdicl )C rience lexels. EFASM is suc h a sarieci grottp, pt ohahi> more than an> tther att gt oup I se sc'tt, sati FASMs Nancs(ute A receptton and sale of iorigtnal art tsxork, plus a siletît auctton, svîll takL place text t tis It int (6 to ý) r tît nlt lit' Mliou pt (c ttit iti i0) aut a li .l s . 1 .1 i Mar7, the shosxv andisl xtlconitnute Iroti Oat. t o 3 p. m., also ait te sports cet'ttt c T he Satcrday show ts t c hattcec lot rest- dents tosece xxIbat local artits lbasc' hcu up teii a reiaxc'c, casîtai atiisphIIcrc, as axcls fot' people inîc'resteclnin jotntng 1'\-)tli tu ont more about the crgatitzatiiin. More than 40 ,rttsts xx ,il1 be partctpatrtg, eac.h hnngtng a trto ii orfsstcî cspilts ancd dtscuss wvtîh show-gilets. ( hatrtng the shocix cimmtttee onc e ,îîn WVORKSOFART:mt po ponMAA 1' Frtday anîd c onbues Satutray, 'I ovv liter tt u shi um cli arcan Sorti Anti oer suo it %AL thi sear inxincg lichit xxiat il)(tueai tsi dti)iai i ttui tn,( titi1' (îti'aI ca n(sticlpitq x ilii bca lcatîiici sait1 art tst aiiitg xx th i li' M1t'scIeiast s t'ariliiic tittau(tttimi ti t'tl ilittui 1 lit' 1iit icit î ti t 1 ida itîglît t"'In a liii) liiititi '91iiiq litticiiet lii i 's\atndi ssi lettiit'0 aît (taItixa luîîîg tîtîtic \'s\l ui ilt sitil i utc t' apl)îr utc1 st itig aitisi S 3à axxi dtusaiti ttt7 ui ttit iiitit nus i i îctcxxti v lit'bci0paîttttgs iii tîglît s tglît ut'at twii t inct i tiis sîs an1 d 3Itaititi xiatii55 îi\t's ( McIt x)Iiia xuisitli Ia isîai iic ssii ilal i iît'c' lîtit c'îCa ii c ajiji' u)tt i gaicl i ui u xlîc't itimiiii it ît t ic î (ci 1ii ao h lw i îto i g a i t tt( sri tai i l tlic t atrip titi sitx iitî'. tii cli t ,lt' par'i ots it i ti' - iit t ut ss a a loiîîîtiiig dcachvlti iigct Iliiic ttai iccsllîîsx îîî las itg sc't 1thi i \l it tli ltpgi îs us(, cilic s cii ,(,cniitc it ttalit il artt i set' xx liai Miltoinartisislia c'toici ie /\tiithl 1lt at îcîating at tsts xx,îMiîle andc xx tictnct'ss lihot.ugrapiicr jeu M'lc iil. its iramieci lîtces îîtîdtspias ixiIi ttcicde a plut- tiigraphiofiiiilestiake PtittConitservatîin .rea t iietîliti a sxitter xx'iiticicriatici. ilit' Isestii îriicucitîg a ieacttfliphoto- gt aphili* t 's a niattci o ci ctg tn the riglît îla.cît i iciit i tc.' lit'sae i1it x Cuiis tut(oW, tidseatparit pattig mttic utslit5 atndilit' xalitl-,t lti lic ipîtti lii Clgî'îg 11îs1t1tt1c îout. As,5 C1lliit t o,ti) tt 1I iîîî î xxliii hcis a uc calticsiîîs xiii Ittîi tht ip Itasu sa Il Ih l itit t p'tt l titlichas iig titetteai1tîst . ( cttit satid 1 i utttîîîî îIformationti s su I astîi tt 'ut/iiuitt /utiiti' anit/u, î'îîî hih i d &J4RTINDALEARDENS Hard Hats Off and Hammers Put Awayt,, Corne see for yourself the beautiful changes at Martin date Gardens Open House Wednesday, Mardi 2511, 2009 6:00 to 7:3Opm Have a tour with one of our friendly staff and enjoy a refreshment and treat. *VP tJUDY 906.693*6692 lu n n 45 Martin St Milton Ontarlo Ar)cý'her FIne Prnptrtv Bv international Care In NA".Anpmi-.rit Services L&I Managemeril 45 Mortin St Milton Ontorio