The Canadian Champion, Frîday, February 27, 2009- A19 Cenre la se s aopawhedCos Centr planseespartnership with local developers P ae stadwh the projec.t was 'construction readsN," states a staff report submitted to Milton council. The Town had filed its application in late November under the Building Canada Fund for tommunities witb populations under 100,000. The Town's applica- tion stated il intended t omplete tonstiruttion ni the arts centre and library by 2014, well wthin the pro- gram deacline of 2016, according to the staff report. iow eser wben the two upper leseis of governoment announced Februars' 13 they svere putting iorsxard a combined $667 tmillion to support municipal projeict 15 Miltons proposai wasn't histed as a ss 'inncr Bascd on conver sations with government oflitciais, Milton staff icarned that the projects thai receis cd priority atten- tion ,vere those ihat wcrc "shosel or construttion ready.' In the retentis -reieased lederai budget, the Canadian governmcnt announted billions of dollars in new infrastructure funding to bc spent over the necxt two years as part of an economit stimuluîs package. Milton has aiready released a lîsi of 10 prtijetts totailing almosi SI10 million that it sas s areciionstrut- tion-reads andi elîgihie for that ledet ai gos -crnmt nii funding. In order to make the arts tentrc ant iibrar s(toit struction-rcati> as weli, staff wili: Neotiate .an ainenimnclt tb tht icast ss ilih \l1tilo l\ d ii i ttio 10iii Il (i titi. i i I i tl' 11I, i l dii ilS ti 5 ,tl isiiitic11st'5 ai tilt,iotlîiii iii tii iof MianinStreet and Thornpson ii ati shercte tit n pro- poses 10 btiticithe tultural projet t. Ehe t tirent icase permits a t\?,,o scar notite perioti Milton saffiL iilti wiirk with bsdro ;taffl b pros ide aternate attiimmo dations for their administrativec and storaige/otitioýr sard requiremrents. -ngage externai servicesb toinopicte a ttoncept plan for the site and prepare a Rcqticst for Pitîposai document 10 engage arthitectural serv ites b to inpiete ceaied design anti tontratt admtnistratton loi tht fat iltv. Councîl hasn't approved the constrution ni the arts antI entertainmenltcentre, tbough in diapprove nr prînciple a business plan for the faitî in 2006. A ibatutime, ih also appros eti $100,000 nanotial ttiing for ise years tii go tiltsard the projet ýt friîm the Viltti (. otmmttnits' Fund, patd itor bs Mohawsk Ractrat ksot reventues. The 2006 business plan envsioned a ptossible part- ncership with the develtîpmenl community 10 bhel1. buid tbe projeci. by possihiy înthiing a ctndomni unm on the site. C urrent zoning of the site permitsï nine-storey residential building, atttîrcing to a stali TIUflS, lILY 9/09 - 1:30PM - HAMILTON PLACE - Office, ail Tikemaster locations, online or charge by phone: 905-527-7666. Visit: www.hedfLca structiioniof thei lat ities b 1i e 0 i1i andti10 1 Proposcd ltinding intitides abotut balfilif th tfolir tihe $14.2 million new centrai ibrary lrtîoics itîop- 0'by upo i iitpiiitt ttîtît [li:l a ANO LOOK OREAT DOINO UT. 2009 F0RD RANGER 2009 FORD F-150 2009 FORD EXPLORER SPORT TRAC M The New F-150 2009 Motor Trend Truck of the Vear A S A L E S L E A S 1 N G S E R Y 1 C f, P A R T pom -ed by you 905 875MFORD www.qallî ('ý.5!ý MAIN ',IR t IJ' MIII( )rý,l PIPI (- 1 PARIý -INE 905ý875.01 1 Il south VYew Dr. David Johnson Dr. Loukas Papas Providing Dental Care in Milton since 1993 New Patients Welcome i905-876-4701 wwsouthviewdenta.o Sep 1 ord ca ý)r (jýmlef toi details