COOPERSTOWN BOUND: The annai Sports Reqsrator, Day at Mi tariMAI! SaitLriiay pan o(iii a paon pls iia7îli) uoC-nth1r morut i itiit~ fil, l r ~ i" ii~ ' ui. p+2 raise fonds for a taitrarnerit and trip la Coopcusri, k 6 aNY Iii Dostor Ps hiamous. ho is sors suis hen ne frso brougcho hin home ho nalohed ne pour ia'i-ss ai n ter fîoitutcli 10ni ool Iio if 5minautoesilo ieho\\6'i-t so-muohu, t' <0he cimier n h his j\om n tt h0 tap ansoikiii titoi iltho pî SLt' f[lo heoaes oý hîns t îuloickix cand dos he s ime his- s o , i,... ýeI îiî.hdlOt %ss h hum i.Ho it aur boso ricîsi amiond i\wlimoie a itht iLabotîmo hîm DAREFRDBSCUUT Darfard biscuits contain hMangrd moat train fedoralty io po tod and oedîcated suppliers. This buistan grade îngredîentt 1 more expensîvo bu t t yîelds a superior produen. We tee) that it s n onty bealthier but that dags witf decoole t jast tsges boser' KONOSi exetrisiveso-supe r bîîsîîsey ed nasurat nLes ei omouunol s uirresistibte loti rtsiist loigs. lis e cotioa orfiîeîuoly SI/es are availabte tiot Osoiogs 66 ib ts'pieoil cbewsing to'iieîramstf'. WiXh the changing seasons and thie drastmc change in weather Ieaving the dog parks and trails muddy and wet. Is there any produot that I can use to eiminate thie diri and grime off my dog quickly? A: Ysar in îack, ta tact me carry a large seleefian of maferles sftampoos mhîch constts of mel booms comparues soch as Bet Shot, Miracle Coat and Show Season tlommy mth others. Waterleso shampoos are simple and gaîck' 0050 met the coat completely miti tOhe shampos, massage antîl a slky lather appears and sîmply tomel off, bruof asd let dry. There is also a moti-ose osmel clled 'Iie Absorber'mOiclu s fantastie ns use Os dry the coats of animaIs and cdaims"ta dry onyfhing faster asd easîer". There ns a prodoct called 'The Paw Monster' whîcti costoîns o saper absorbemt mitt that is extra sof and toogli os dort. The tot cas also be remosed te trassforso lto a rtîfber brîstle electrostotie brosh, mhîch is fonfas 'c os îemoîsg for and pîckîmg sp liot Oni fabrîcs. At Ren's Pies t'ere is a prodoot for esery seed S Os get yoo thogli the seasoos keepîsq ysur pet haoppy and dean. Hope ta ses yos sosa k The Canadias Champion, Fr'day, February 27, 2009 -Al IeulIIIMoUI Brought to you by* FULI TANK 0F GAS AND 3 YEARS NO CHARGE DII CHANGES WITH EVERY VEHICLE! 2008 LLCOLN MKC il1500 km 51Sk #$3146 2008 Mustang V6 Coupe 2001 Mustang Cnvferti 2006 Fne BandrentLt FR0 M 0 Ne tundret Lt FN 3 7 500 km St0 1 '6 i q25 kniStg 99 2007 FieMMEnUtS 2006 Fons 204 SES - 2006 Focus iOS SES 67 -tOCkil) tk'4 C9 2006 Fnes 20S SES 40 9006km Skt 29! 2006 ESCAPE LIMITEU 31000 km, 01k.t 3147 2005 Foots 205 SES 20M0Fom s 25 SES 2005 Fous 20W SES 2005 Foots SESgo -1-4 0 KTStk 0496 'di? 2006 Faces24 SES 39 1'ai M tO 6, 07 2005 Faces205SES 51 007km 5k-' 2006 FrenstyteLMX 2 oflir tke3> 2006 F150 FX4 SUFERCREW 21 49100 km Stk' P3126 2005 LinMn LS V6 2007 uncoinMOX 20M VMndstar LX 2f0 EscapetLTt '6 rri kk 2008 Esape XLI 2 75W km tk' 3 1745 2005 Escape OLI4x2 41 -t k- t 5k' 3944 2005 Ecape XLI F001 ï 4, kmr 110298 2005 Escape XLT 4)2 57 am Sg'29i 2006 Escape XLI0M km, On 5 4016A 2M6 EXPLORER EDDIE RMUER 711950km 51k #0125 2006F-15SOSfABLT4X2 2007 SuperceaiF02 200 20% F-1I50Superue 40 iti ukm t0k4 3143- 2007 Ranger Sort 402 Sf208 L MC0KmaSlOn'305f 2007 Ranger Spart 404 310S SCO tîk'4Cq- 2006 Ranger SpartSupurcab ,ý09 ut Okm k > ,~ Choose "BUY WITH CONFIDENCE - ALL 0F DUR PRE-DWNED VEHICLES ARE o 4EFED -SAE PRILES ARE PLUS TAXAAà UNX 0103 20 MINUTES FROM MILTON